CoNtRoL tHe DaMaGe OCT!

Hi Ladies,

We'll be heading home later today, probably between 12-2 sometime. I did get DH to go shopping for a little bit with me. I would've shopped much longer if he wasn't with me. He didn't want to go anyway and complained (jokingly)....but complained..gggrrr. I really want to get DS this waterbottle he wanted that I wouldn't buy for him last time we were here. It will be a Christmas present. I didn't find it yesterday, but now I know which store has it so we have to stop on the way home. DH probably isn't going to like that.

The kids confirmed I received a box from BeachBody...that would be A2 has arrived and is waiting for me.:D I was considering starting an STS rotation....starting with my favorite..Meso 2. Now that A2 is here...I dunno what to do. Oh and soon we'll have Xtrain..what's a girl to do.:confused:

Wendy-hope to hear from you again today. I've been watching the news, the devastation and destruction is horrible. Hope you and your family are staying warm and safe!

Laura-Oh my gosh, you sure have had a difficult year. Seems like you can't catch a break. {{hugs}} I'm a fair weather runner too.:) Nice run yesterday...even in the windy cold weather. I hate running in wind, it's the worse. I like to run in capris or shorts and t-shirts or tank tops. If it's chilly I'll wear a long sleeve t-shirt or even a sweatshirt. I can tie them around my waist once I warm up. Someday I hope to get some lulu.:p

Lori-Have you tried calling the store you purchased the dress from? It doesn't say ordered or processing? GGRRR. You'll be fine in those heels and look super hot I'm sure! I've seen how high the heels these days, kinda glad I can't wear them. I did buy a pr. of shorter black heels, and it took forever to find them. They are cheapies I found at Wal Mart, not the nice leather ones I want...but haven't been able to find.

Hi Ladies,

We made it home from the mountains safe and sound. The kids did not clean up at all. The kitchen sink was full of dirty lazy not to unload and reload the the very least.

Well I unpacked, cleaned the kitchen and got the laundry started before tackling the huge pile of mail. I cannot wait for this election to be over, so much junk/political mails.

I've decided to head to the rec ctr for BodyPump and BodyStep tonight starting at 5:30. Tomorrow I'm tackling the first A2 dvd, it's a 25 minute training workout to learn the moves in the rest of the w/o's. I should have time to add the ab workout on to this.

Wendy-where are you girl??? Hoping to hear from you soon.

Hey Girls

What a hectic day! I went for a 10k run this morning and that's all I had time for. I picked DS up from school and that's when it went nutso. My mom showed up with her two sisters, while they were here I ran some errands, then my sister came over, my aunts left, came back again, we hadn't eaten, they went to leave and then my running partner blew was just mayhem. I kept thinking that it was better then being lonely but why can't it come in dribs and drabs. Next week I won't see a soul!

I'm guessing tomorrow will be almost as crazy with Halloween. I also have training at 7! I don't know what I was thinking agreeing to that. Its ok if I'm up early enough. I told her to check her text messages in the morning jic I have a hard night with the baby

Laura** I have the running long sleeve swiftly I think. The zipper was just another way to jack up the price. I love them...I have 3:D. They are nice for the in between weather. Its usually not warm enough here to be able to wear a tank under my coat. If I have to wear a coat, then I need something warm in under it as well. Plus I hate the feeling of my bare arms against a cold coat:eek:. So what do you do about the mail situation? There are people out there who will try just about anything!

Diana** I'm guessing you were pretty ticked when you saw those dishes in the sink! I would have been. The more you do, the more they expect. And your right, it's all laziness! Lol. They are all lazy! DD needs a nap everyday:rolleyes:. I didn't know that Lauras reviews made you cave on asylum! I've been buying to much cloths!

Wendy** hope everything is ok!!!!!

Bb in the morning!

Hi Ladies,

I was hoping we would've had a post from Wendy. I even checked FB last night hoping that she posted something. Hoping you are all doing okay. Let us know.

I slept great last night, always do in my own bed! Early work meeting this morning, ugh. I'm up in plenty of time to do my first A2 workout which is a 25 minute training dvd but it is called a w/o. I'll learn the moves that will be in the other w/o's. Can't wait to see Shaun T.

I'll bbl to see what everyone is up to today.
WED - Happy Halloween!

BOO! Dont let the little goblins get ya today!! :p

I didnt work out ystdy - my ears started ringing and voice was hoarse - so decided running in the dang cold 25 mph winds was not a good decision MON and surely would kill me again ystdy - I dont want to get sick - it seems everyone is getting sick - so I took a rest day! It is nicer today - to be warmer and the winds have calmed down! so going on a longer run today! ;)

Lori - I switched all my credit cards to paperless - and we are going to get our first class mail held at the post office - the junk mail will still go to the house - a PITA but better safe than sorry - I will just have to pay attention to email notices :confused: - sounds like a hectic day ystdy! and prbly will be another wild one today w/it being Halloween! I broke down and bought the run swiftly zipper thing - i dont know if I can handle the cuff around the neck on the regular one .. I usually unzip my jacket I wear -

Di - now you didnt expect the kids to actually CLEAN while you are gone :eek: LOLOLOL ... yes unloading dishwasher is cleaning in their minds .. LOL!! Let me know about the tutorial - no I still havent done it :eek: I am one of those that THOUGHT I would catch on HA!!

I am worried about our girl Wendy - from the photos and news coverage it looks HORRIBLE in Jersey - there were BLOCKS of houses burned - and what didnt burned is flooded or covered in sand ..and I am not sure where she evacuated to .. how far I mean .. if it wasnt real far .. she still could be in danger .. saying prayers for her and her family! and hoping we hear from her soon!

Our crews are in Atlantic City working on power restoration - I know it is my company - but our guys are THE BEST at what they do!! and it is dangerous work - praying for them and all the other line crews and emergency workers!
Hey Girls,

Better late then never, right? Today wasn't that bad but I had training early, took DS to school and then I did my workout. I did ctx shoul,bics, tris, ab work and a 10 k run outside. The day flew.

DS had fun trick or treating. He went to my nephew. They were a little hyper...but aren't they all this time of year ?

I was hoping we would have heard from Wendy by now. My gut is telling me she is ok but I'd still like to know. I haven't seen much in the way of news. Were there many deaths?

Laura** let me know how you like our new shirt :). I wore mine today. I had to wear a coat to though. They also have a new turtle neck shirt out. I like that one too. Would come in handy with winter running.

Diana** did you get your workout in??

I need to go to sleep. I feel a stress headache approaching, plus my nephew hit me right smack under my chin with a part of his costume:mad:. I don't know if he did it on purpose but it didn't feel nice either way. Then I got talking to DH about the move and there are things about it that are worrying me.....

I will bb in the a.m


I happen to be at my mom's office where there is full power so I am popping in. Just started getting very slooow and sketchy phone and internet service on my cell last night. Other then that I've had very little ability to contact the outside world since Monday evening...:(

I was checking out some pics of other areas just before since I haven't been able to see anything since we lost power on Monday evening. It's just so horrible...:(

Well just wanted to pop into say hi. I have no idea when power will be coming back on for us but I will be back as soon as I can!

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