Contrast Training Parameter Questions


Hi Cathe,
I enjoy rotating your 'contrast' training leg routines into my workouts. I use the STS phase 3 and RWH workouts (sometimes, I sprinkle in the legs from Lite).

In the STS series, you recommend using ""70%" of your 1-rep max for the weighted exercises. However, I notice that none of the cast in the series use what they or I would consider 70% of 1-rep max. For example, for wide DLs, you use 2 25 lb dumbbells. For some people, this is 70% 1RM, but I know from your other strength workouts in the STS series, among others, this is not 70% of your 1RM.

I gather that one could theoretically use heavy weights and wear a weighted vest for the weighted exercises, but then you'd need to remove the vest for every plyo exercise (or maybe not?) What do you recommend?

I'm not sure that I'm using these workouts effectively because I don't lift 70% of my 1RM for the weighted exercises (indeed, I probably couldn't at the speed at which the workout processes, but I could certainly lift heavier than my home set of dumbbells allow (up to 35 lbs per side). (*I know that they are good for general conditioning/leg focused cardio, but I'm not sure I'm building much strength/power? Only maintaining?)

Thank you for any thoughts or advice!

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