Considering P90X


I tried to pull information on previous posts on this but ended up with more threads than I could sift through so I will apolize in advance for asking something that has already been discussed at some point. I have heard very good things about P90X. Is this series really all that great? More challenging than Cathe? What DVD(s) do you recommend I start with from the series? I'm really reluctant to buy anything from Beach Body as horror stories abound so if I can get them elsewhere please let me know. Many thanks in advance.
Perhaps I should clarify since many have viewed this post but no one has replied. ;( What DVD out of this collection would you recommend someone to try to see if they think it's worth purchasing the entire series. Provided you even like this series...... It seems linda cheesy but many seem to like it.
I agree with Kathryn. It's the best all-round investment I've purchased also. Nothing cheesy about it. It's a real, well thought out, solid program.

If you want to try one DVD to see if it's something you would want to invest in, I'd suggest for:

Cardio-Plyo X
Weights-Shoulders and Arms X
functional/core-Core synergistics X

You won't get the full benefit using just one or 2 DVD's. It's best following the program as written. It's tough and it works.
Thank you both! I was a bit too noodle headed to find the earlier thread but it was indeed helpful. I will see if I can snag one of those titles from Flickety Fit. I am quite sure I will have my work cut out for me.......
BTW, is Beachbody the only place to buy these? I notice they aren't available through Collage... Thanks again!
I also have a P90X question... hope it's ok to tag it on to this thread... about how long are the workouts?

Next month I was going to purchase a few of Cathe's dvds for myself, but now that I see how all of you love P90X, I am going to have to invest in that instead!!

They range from about an hr to 1.5 (yoga x). I agree with Kathryn you really should get the whole series. It's an amazing combination - of weight training (bands/weights/body weights), cardio, yoga, stretch. All are integral to the program. Also the diet is very important. In an effort to be "trim", I've been horribly protien deficeint for years.

Lea - I'm ending week 5 (out of 13) today! I've already made incredible strength gain. I HIGHLY recommend the bands (red/greeen) especially for pull ups. I can not do full pull ups and this is giving me an awesome workout.

I recommend ordering on line rather than phone. There have been customer service issues in the past but online seems fine. Things DO take a while to deliver so be sure to get an equipment you need early!
> It's an
>amazing combination - of weight training (bands/weights/body
>weights), cardio, yoga, stretch. All are integral to the

I also think the P90X "system" is a good educational tool: you learn by doing, how important various aspects of a rotation are (recovery both within workouts and within the program as a whole, stretching, core work, how effective plyometrics don't have to be endless tuck jumps, exercise sequencing, proper warm-ups, etc.) P90X is now the 'gold standard' against which I judge all weight programs (so far, aside from P90 Masters 5-6, none really fit the bill, at least without modification, usually meaning longer rests between exercises).

>Also the diet is very important. In an effort to be
>"trim", I've been horribly protien deficeint for years.

I had great results, and I didn't follow their diet at all, though I did incorporate a post-workout recovery drink (not their stuff, but I found a soy-milk-based drink that had about the same macronutrient ratio as their stuff and used that) and I just cleaned up what I was normally eating. Protein is important , but it's hard to actually be protein deficient, unless one is simply not eating enough calories, or subsisting on junk food or citrus fruits.
Hi Kathryn -

I actually had been very bad with the protein... I would have a power bar (15 g) from breakfast and no protein for lunch and dinner probably 3 oz protein. My nails have been splitting pealing terribly for years... For the 1st time in about 20 years I'm not having the problem... So I have to believe it had to do with my diet. Silly me I was always treating it with nail strengtheners on the outside!

So I should restate... for me following the diet was very important! It's gotten me way more intune with what my body really needs. I'm now a protein drink girl for life :) I get my dairy, fruit, and protein all in 1!

Leah - Come on over to forum when you get it. We'd love to see you over there. The forum is very different I still need my Cathe fix :) Very few O/Ts and about 1/2 men. Anyhow good luck and maybe see you over there!
Just wanted to throw in that BeachBody is the only source for its own products. I know they have a really bad rep and I had one bad experience ordering from them, but I ordered twice recently and both orders were received in a really timely manner. As a matter of fact, I just got P90 Masters this week and previewed Plyo Legs last night. WOW! That looks like such a killer! I am doing it later!! }( }(

I Just ordered P90X on Thursday. I already got my shipping notice. So hopefully it will be here by Friday:) If I am lucky. I know a lot of times it takes awhile for beachbodies items to leave the wearhouse. I have ordered a lot thru beachbody(Slim in 6, Slim Series, Project U, P90 and all TJ's) and never really had a problem.

> I just got P90 Masters this week
>and previewed Plyo Legs last night. WOW! That looks like such
>a killer! I am doing it later!! }( }(

I LOVE Plyo Legs! Kind of a "Plyo X" meets "Legs and Back."
It's great the day before or after "Sculpt 5-6" (one of my other favorite P90M workouts) because there is more upper body than leg work on S 5-6, and the latter is unweighted and not something that seems like it needs a lot of recovery for (especially if you want to slim the legs and do more of a "Freestyle" rotation).
>> I just got P90 Masters this week
>>and previewed Plyo Legs last night. WOW! That looks like
>>a killer! I am doing it later!! }( }(
>I LOVE Plyo Legs! Kind of a "Plyo X" meets "Legs and Back."
>It's great the day before or after "Sculpt 5-6" (one of my
>other favorite P90M workouts) because there is more upper body
>than leg work on S 5-6, and the latter is unweighted and not
>something that seems like it needs a lot of recovery for
>(especially if you want to slim the legs and do more of a
>"Freestyle" rotation).


Thanks for the input. I just finished Plyo Legs. HOLY COW! I am still sweating profusely. I was thinking of doing Sculpt 5-6 tomorrow, and now I am convinced. :7
Isn't 12 weeks working out with only one set of dvds boring? I hear so many great things about p90X but that means no Cathe for 12 weeks. Especially with her new dvds coming out it would be hard to start now because I would be tempted to do Cathes in between. If I did that, the P90X would not benefit me because I did not follow the rotation. I guess I didn't phrase that too well. It should have been more of a question. I was writing as I was thinking to myself. Any suggestions.

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