Considering P90X

>Isn't 12 weeks working out with only one set of dvds boring?
>I hear so many great things about p90X but that means no Cathe
>for 12 weeks. Especially with her new dvds coming out it
>would be hard to start now because I would be tempted to do
>Cathes in between. If I did that, the P90X would not benefit
>me because I did not follow the rotation. I guess I didn't
>phrase that too well. It should have been more of a question.
> I was writing as I was thinking to myself. Any suggestions.

There is enough variety in P90X weight work to keep it from getting boring, IMO, and the recovery week every 4 weeks changes things up a bit. But the leg workout is used throughout the rotation, as well as the same cardio, so they can get repetitive.

Í subbed some different kickboxing (including Cathe's KPC) for Kenpo X, different yoga for Yoga X and changed up the leg workout by sometimes omitting the back work and doing either running on the rebounder or Rockit squats instead of back work.

There are other possibilities for subbing in some Cathe workouts without actually going off the spirit of the P90X rotation. If I do another complete P90X rotation, I would sub Legs and Back with a Cathe lower body workout from time to time (every other week, maybe?), maybe do an IMAX in place of Plyo X ocassionally, etc.

One could also do S&H Chest and Back instead of P90X Chest and Back (though the other P90X upper body workouts are hard to replace with Cathe's!). Ab Ripper X could be replaced with a Core Max segment.

I also changed things up a bit by incorporating different equimpent (doing Ab Ripper lying on the rebounder and adding a medicine ball for resistance) and mixing up how I did the workout (pulldowns with bands vs. pull-ups after I got my pull-up tower, for example). You can also alternate between using dumbells and using bands.
Thank you so much Kathryn. You are always so helpful. I really want to try it and now I think I have an idea of how to sub. some of Cathes workouts.
Hi Karen - it definetly does not get boring! My favorite workout is Pylox - alot of the catheites love that one - so even though that would be a nice one to sub, I'm sticking with PyloX. I am LOVING the lifting ones B/B and S/A are my absolute favorites so again I won't give that up. YogaX is long and I'd happily give that up but Cathe doesn't have a yoga workout!

Agree Kathryn you are incredibly helpful with your advice.

Very cool to see so many folks bringing it with the X :)

Ok week 6 C/S/T and ARX here I come!
Hi again,

I do have another question. After you do their rotation, do you ever use the series again? It sounds like it's only used once.Thanks
There is a fellow who is posting to our thread right now and he is on his 2nd go round. A bunch of folks are planning a 2nd or 3rd round to start Jan. I'm on week 6 and planning to do another round at the start of the year. You do however need to take time off between !
I'm starting week 5 of P90x- I've already seen results. This is a great program. The workouts have a lot of variety, they are fun, and they work. I highly recommend.
>After you do their rotation, do
>you ever use the series again? It sounds like it's only used

I know some people who have done 2-3 full rotations of P90X at various times, but so far, I've only done one full rotation.

I do use individual workouts from the series, however, especially "Shoulders and Arms," which is the best workout for those body parts that I've ever used.

Maybe it's time for me to do another P90X rotation (like starting during Christmas break?).
I'm doing my second "full" rotation. I really enjoying it and can't for the life of me figure out why I haven't done more.

Hey kathryn, can you remember me checking on the P90X checkin over at VF. We did our first P90X rotation a couple years ago when it was unchartered territory. That was fun! I wish they'd saved it. At least I can't find it in the search. It'd be fun to see all our comments from back then.
>Hey kathryn, can you remember me checking on the P90X checkin
>over at VF. We did our first P90X rotation a couple years ago
>when it was unchartered territory. That was fun! I wish they'd
>saved it. At least I can't find it in the search. It'd be fun
>to see all our comments from back then.

We were the P90X pioneers!
It was fun to do a day-by-day check-in for the series, and discover and explore the new system.
>> It's an
>>amazing combination - of weight training (bands/weights/body
>>weights), cardio, yoga, stretch. All are integral to the
>I also think the P90X "system" is a good educational tool: you
>learn by doing, how important various aspects of a rotation
>are (recovery both within workouts and within the program as a
>whole, stretching, core work, how effective plyometrics don't
>have to be endless tuck jumps, exercise sequencing, proper
>warm-ups, etc.) P90X is now the 'gold standard' against which
>I judge all weight programs (so far, aside from P90 Masters
>5-6, none really fit the bill, at least without modification,
>usually meaning longer rests between exercises).

I'll second/third/whatever! everything that Robyn and Kathryn said. The X as a complete system is simply PERFECTION, in every way.

Now that I'm getting back into Cathe, I'm appreciating her style more as well. I think I'll use the X rotation a few times a year when I want to focus on strength building, and Cathe is simply fantastic for maintaining the strength that was built by the X. Great for variety! I did GS:C/T today, and was AMAZED at how much my numbers improved since the last time I did it, literally days before my X rotation. There is NO way I would have gained this much strength with any other program. Just NO way.

The X is a must have, in my opinion.

I was honestly worried about this as well, but I *never* got bored with the program. I was SO excited about trying to beat my numbers each week (either by increasing reps or weight), and was SO motivated by both Tony and the crew, that it was truly a delight to do the workouts each week! And there is variety - it's not like you do the same 6 workouts every week for 12 weeks - there is plenty of changing up within the rotation to keep yourself into it.

I'm definitely doing another round after a bit of a break. People seem to go one of three ways:

1) What I'm doing: Do a round, then take an X break and create a different rotation based on different goals. Perhaps maintain strength, and work on cardio endurance, for example. Get back into a more serious running rotation, with strength worked in to maintain... That kind of thing. Then, when you are hankering for another push on the strength gain front, go back to an X rotation.

2) Keep it up indefinitely: Either start from the beginning and do the phases as designed, or, stick to Phase III and just keep doing it. Really, that's what many folks here do with their Cathe workouts, right?

3) Design your own rotation, using the X workouts as you'd like. PlyoX is a GREAT sub for any of the IMAX's. Use any of the strength workouts as you'd like. YogaX is phenomenal (I'm still doing this 1x/week in my current rotation), etc. Just create new rotations using whatever workouts float your boat....

The program as designed is FANTASTIC, but the individual workouts themselves are ALSO fantastic - so you could easily use them for as long as you'd like, outside of a "formal" X rotation.

HI Kathryn -

Wow that's cool the early pioneers! I'm already planning my 2nd rotation for 1/1/07! I think a bunch of folks will be starting then and hmmm... you will be a full week ahead of us.

Tnnight is PlyoX - my favorite - though B/B and and S/A and KempoX are right up there.

Kathryn you are so right - I'm learning so much from this about - my eating, sleep requirements, need for stretch, yoga etc!

I posted this to you on beachbody but curious about 2 things

1. Have you used P90MS at all
2. Do you have any ideas how I can switch up other workouts for cardioX in doubles? I'm wondering if any of the MS would work?

I'm planning rotation # 2 on 1/1/07! I'll start from the begining. I have NOT been as good writing it down next time I will.
Oh Robyn start writing down now. You will be glad you did. Striving to beat your prior #s is a great motivator.

I would think any cardio would do in lieu of Cardio X, no?

Count me in for a 1/1 rotation!

I think I answered you somewhere on BB, but if not:

1) Yes! I've done PlyoLegs (if you are feeling particularly masochistic some day, swap this in for PlyoX - it's BRUTAL!), Core Cardio, and Cardio Intervals - love both of these as well - really fun.

2) I think that you could use Core Cardio or Cardio Intervals PERFECTLY for doubles - no need to stick exlusively to CardioX. Or, do whatever other cardio you'd like. I did a few weeks of doubles by adding in some running, which worked well.

And you DEFINITELY have to start logging your numbers!!!!! It is incredibly motivating to look back and see where you improved. My logs were invaluable to me, especially on those days where I felt a little blah - trying to beat my last week's numbers would always get me psyched to work harder than I would have otherwise.

Deana and Michelle -

Sorry YES I do log my #s now but I didn't the first phase! I'm on track with this. So much the eating, tracking, sleeping, the actual working out is only 1 part of the equation ;)


Thanks for the info on the MS. You most likely posted but I could find it. I have read PyloLegs kicks butt.

I'll try those Cardio interval and core cardio this week since I did cardiox yesterday. My day 1 is Sundays.

Deana -

1/1 sounds great! I think there will be a lot of folks doing that.


I like your bike - sweet!

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