Congratulations Wendy (Fit Mom)!!!!

Wendy!!! Congratulations on reaching your goal!!! That is so fantastic and you're a true inspiration on the Cathe forums. You were diligent and never faltered. You took it slow and did it exactly the way you should have. Bravo to you, girlfriend!!!

CONGRATULATIONS fellow coffee addict!! Seriously though, congrats on your success!!! You are an inspiration here in Cathe land!:) :) :)
congratulations wendy!! what an accomplishment. i can't wait til i can say the same. you are right it took awhile to put on so it will take a while to take off.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is so great!!!

Actually, I have seen several places that you should not expect the baby weight to be totally gone for a year, so you are way ahead of schedule! When my 1st was 9 months old, I still had a few to lose but never bothered because I was pregnant again. I think in reality, the average women never loses the baby weight at all...just keeps building on it! Not you!!! You're a bad ass!! With a tight ass!!!

GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on a job well done!!! All your hard work and dedication has definitely paid off.

Congrats Wendy!
Isn't it a great feeling? I reached my pre-preggo weight the day after my daughter turned 9 months old. It was nice to be able to do it in under a year. I'm also still a work in progress (always have been ;) )!

Congrats on reaching your weight loss goal!! The progress pics are great. You are one hot mama!!

Your son is such a cutie!!

Way to go Wendy!!! That is awesome! How old is your little guy now? I know you had to work hard!

Keep it up!

Gosh girls! You gotta stop this now! My face is gonna EXPLODE from blushing sooo much! :+ :+ :+


OH! And for the poster who asked about a new challenge? YES! I'd still like to see my body fat % go down...I want to be lean lean lean!!!!}( }( }(
Yes! Congratulations! You prove that it CAN be done. How many women lament years after having kids that they just can't lose that "baby" weight. I always get a charge out of the whining letters to People Magazine when they profile some "celeb" who got in shape post-baby. The writers say, "Yeah, I could do it, too, if I had lots of $ for a personal trainer and personal chef!"

No, ladies, you CAN do it at home with determination, a sensible eating plan and some good exercise DVD's!
Just Do It! :)

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