Congrats to "Cedie"


Mary Beth Burns

Hey everyone! I've been wanting to relay a compliment to one of Cathe's "workout girls", Mercedes, "Cedie," for months now, and it keeps slipping my mind. I have to say congrats to her. You go girl!! She looks fantastic! I noticed when I first did Muscle Endurance how fabulous she looks! She really re-proportioned her entire body. And even before I did ME, I wanted to post a message about her anyway. She's so damn cute! With the exception of Cathe (she always gets me going) Cedie's attitude and smile are a very nice complement to Cathe's workouts. Her positive attitude is really very refreshing.:D
RE: Congrats to

I agree, next to Cathe, Cedie is my favorite to watch. Sometimes I try to listen for her instead of Cathe, because I know soon she's going to say "4 more"! Which are my favorite 2 words in Cathes workouts. (Unless Cathes' saying "one more to go")!!:)
RE: Congrats to

Cedie moves really well, and sometimes it's easier for me to pick up a move by watching her. I remember with the 'peg-leg pivot' move, I had a bit of trouble with it, until I watched Cedie. Her way of putting a more circular pattern, instead of linear, to it made it work for me.
RE: Congrats to

Not to take away from Cedie, but I just love Jai! I can't take my eyes off her when she's doing any kind of kickbox kicks!

But Cedie's always got a smile on her face and just keeps on going, even when you know she just wants to drop. :7
RE: Congrats to

I also adore Cedie. I love all of Cathe's background exercisers, and in particular I love the range of body types from the curvy Cedie to the ultra-lean Jai - all the best they can be, gorgeous and very inspirational.
RE: Congrats to

Cedie to is also my favorite. I just got the Rhytmic Step DVD in the mail and was watching IMAX and MIC. Cedie has only gotten better with time and even back then she has that infectious smile and compliments Cathe oh so well. She really keeps me motivated. Thanks Cathe and Cedie!!

RE: Congrats to

You know what would be a good idea? Since we all love Cedie so much, what is she taught a segment of one of Cathe's future workouts? Wouldn't that be fun!
RE: Congrats to

I also like Cedie, she makes it all look so fun, always smiling.
I like all of Cathe's backgrounders.:D
RE: Congrats to

I, too, am a fan of Cedie. I think one of the things I like most about her is that her body looks different in every series. I can relate to her in many ways and I look to her, and to Cathe of course, for inspiration in getting through most of these workouts!

What I like about her too is her facial expressions. You can tell when she is really feeling something and is stuggling. That motivates me more than a plastered smile. You can tell she's really working!

RE: Congrats to

>>Cedie's attitude and smile are a very nice complement to
>Cathe's workouts. Her positive attitude is really very

A men to that ;-) ;)

RE: Congrats to

I like Cedie because she is a teacher so I know she can't exercise 24-7 even if she teaches PE. They are all great, but she just works more as a role model for myself. Yeah, I'm a teacher, math and science.
RE: Congrats to

i like cedie also becaues she is a roll model for me that i dont have to have a body like cathe or the other girls to be strong and with muscle and she is the only one with the same skin color all the time not looking like someone had forgot to take her out of the oven.
i wonder how mant children those woman have.anyway they all look great but cedie is the best:D :)
RE: Congrats to

>not looking like someone had forgot to
>take her out of the oven.

That one cracked me up!:7 :7 :7 :7
RE: Congrats to

I love all the gals but Cedie rocks. I think Cathe's crew really add to the workouts - they aren't interfering with Cathe but some how, their individual personalities shine through.

Does that make sense?
RE: Congrats to

I love all the gals but Cedie rocks. I think Cathe's crew really add to the workouts - they aren't interfering with Cathe but some how, their individual personalities shine through.

Does that make sense?
RE: Congrats to

I love everyone from Cathe to her gang! But I havta say I really like Lorrayne. I think her hair is beautiful!! She can do so many styles with it, every workout, I see something new... And GORGEOUS!!!
But everyone is Cathe's crew and especially Cathe are fabulous!

RE: Congrats to

Cedie is always so graceful and I'm always glad she's there just to keep the rep count!

RE: Congrats to

I think Cedie is adorable too, but I also like Lorraine. She does have impecabble style. I love her in the kickboxing. I think it helps knowing she teaches it and it helps me with my form.
RE: Congrats to

Yes I like Cedie too especially her enthusiasm!! My favorite(if I had to choose)would be Brenda. Something about her makes me focus on her. She is not the most graceful and looks like she is getting a workout may be the reason. Every video I get she looks better and better!! I can't believe she is 39 years old. She could probably keep saying 39 for 10 more years too:D

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