Congrats Giants!


What a game!! I am a Packers fan and sad, but wanted to Congratulate the Giants on a well played game...:D...
Thank you! We are all Giants fans here and the tension was high yesterday. I have grown sons and all their friends were here and I thought they needed antianxiety medication before the game. Again thank you for congratulating the team on a game well played.
Wow, what a game! I don't usually watch football games, but that was a thriller. Very well played, by both teams, under brutal conditions.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Hey Carol:) This is the first season that I've followed the NFL. I've been watching sporadically through the season with a friend and surprised myself by watching, and enjoying, the game alone last night. A nail biter for sure! So who do you like in the SuperBowl?

Take Care
DH and I are actually Jets fans but found ourselves whooping and hollering for the Giants during last night's game. At one point I turned to him and said, "Imagine what we would be like if we were real Giants fans?" I would love to see them win the Super Bowl just to see how my neighbors act, but I think the Pats are more likely to win it.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
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Eli Manning is a pretty nice guy so I hope he and the team go on to win it (a year after his brother, correct?).

My boys and I and one daughter are so excited. We were screaming and yelling last night. The dog was barking with us, all excited because we were so excited. Daughter #2 of course said "who cares"

Lets hope another Manning gets a ring!

Go Giants! I'm doing a happy dance! I never expected them to get this far! Go Big Blue!
WOO HOO!!! I am actually a COLTS fan, but if Peyton can't be there, I am glad Eli can!!! GO GIANTS!!!
Here's hoping they clobber New England.

Heard Tom Brady had is foot in a sort of temporary cast as he hobbled to Giselle's joint ;-)

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