Confusion over deadlifts


Cathe....I keep trying deadlifts but seem unable to get the hamstring-glute area involved. It seems like my arms/lower back do all the work and, if any leg minimal involvement,it's the front part of my leg. I must be doing something wrong with posture but have no clue. I focus hard on keeping my shoulders back and my legs straight but not locked. I would appreciate some help, thanks.
Hi Traildoggie! Perhaps you have very flexible hamstrings in which you can go down to your toes and still not feel a stretch in the hamstrings. If this is the case, you would benefit doing your deadlifts on a raised platform so that you can go deeper down into the stretch and fire those hammies up. Focus on form at all time though. Never let the shoulders drop or the back round and keep the bar close to the legs as you go down and up.

If flexible hamstrings is not the case, let me know. Take Care!
Wow, thank you Cathe for the lightning quick response!

I don't know if my hams are expecially flexible but I will try a platform and see how it feels. I'm reluctant to use much weight until I'm sure I'm activating the right part, and I find my lower back gets tired. I stick at 15-20 lbs until I'm sure I'm doing it right. ;)
Traildogie, FYI, I can't feel them at all unless I'm using heavier than 15-20 pounds. I usually feel them when I'm using about 30 pounds or 35. When I use 40, I tend to recruit my back muscles and that ain't the right thing to do! :p

Good luck. (For me, the platform ones *always* get me!!! }( )
I find it helps me to push my butt back before anything else moves, to make sure I'm hinging only at the hip, keeping everything above the hips in the same position throughout the move--down and up, and to consciously think of the glutes contracting to bring me back up.
Thanks for the other suggestions.
I had been on vacation and just got back to working out, and got so sore I can't do anything for a few days. I don't have a mirror in my home gym so will ask my husband to watch next time to see if there's some postural thing I'm doing wrong that I'm not aware of.

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