Confused about target weight with dumbbells

When the program calculates your target weight, based on your 1RM, is that the TOTAL WEIGHT you should be lifting, or is it the weight PER DUMBBELL? On the tutorial, Cathe said to put down the weight of one dumbell, not the combined weight, when figuring out your 1RM. So, for example, with Exercise 533 (Stiff-Legged Deadlift with Dumbbells), I put 20 pounds down for the weight I lifted, even though I actually lifted 40 pounds (2 20-pound dumbbells). When the program calculated my 1RM, it gave me a target weight of 10 pounds. Does this mean 10 pounds TOTAL, or 10 pounds for each dumbbell?

Many thanks if you can clear this up for me.
That's 10 lbs. for each dumbbell. You will always use the weight for one dumbbell as your 1RM on those and the target weight will be for one dumbbell.

Hope that's enough info to clear it up! You've got it right, I think you're just trying to OVER think it! I do the same thing! It's like there's no way it can be that simple, so I start questioning myself!
me too

Hi, I have this same question, but what if I use dumbbells every where that Cathe uses a barbell? Do I still only give the single dumbbell weight? for example - squats, #516. I used 2 - 25 lb dumbbells & a 10 lb weighted vest for a total of 60 lbs. Do I put 25? or 60? (or is this guidance to use the single dumbbell weight, only when her exercise says Dumbbell?) can anyone help? thanks!
Hi, I have this same question, but what if I use dumbbells every where that Cathe uses a barbell? Do I still only give the single dumbbell weight? for example - squats, #516. I used 2 - 25 lb dumbbells & a 10 lb weighted vest for a total of 60 lbs. Do I put 25? or 60? (or is this guidance to use the single dumbbell weight, only when her exercise says Dumbbell?) can anyone help? thanks!

It's whatever makes sense to you and will mean what you want it to mean when you get to that exercise. As long as you're consistent either way (single dumbbell or total weight including the vest) then it really doesn't matter. In your case, since you're using the vest, it would be more logical to me to put the total weight. If you only put the weight of one dumbbell and did not include half the weight of the vest, then you're shortchanging yourself.
thanks for getting back to me so quick (I'm typing w/my lifting gloves on!) Consistent - ok I can do that. I'm sure It'll make more sense when I start to print out the cards too.

thanks again!

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