Confessions of a Cathe Plagiarist


Miss Cathe, I must confess - I copped some of your moves and transferred them to my aqua class, with some pretty tub-thumping results!

Specifically, from Kick Punch Crunch, I've adored those double-time runs with boxer's arm flurries (once I had to hit the DVD "rewind" button and do them again during one KPC session), and a few weeks ago re-incorporated double-time runs into my extreme-shallow-end drills. Brought my class to its knees - in a good way of course. Last night I then incorporated the boxer's flurries keeping the hands fisted and under the waterline, and everyone was cherry red - including me.

I've also copped your torso-twists, your high-knee runs, your expressions "this is where the work zone is!", "make a difference!", and "light sips of water - no guzzling!".

Thanks for your inspiration!

Also butt-kick hamstring curls in the extreme shallow end - you have no idea how tricky it is to isolate the hams effectively in a reduced-grav environment!

A-Jock The CopyCat(he)
Hey A-jock

Got a question for ya... I am a fellow Minnesotan and have contemplated attending one of your classes. What kind of water shoes do you wear (or do you know of)that would provide the support I need? I religously wear inserts for Plantar Facitis (sp?)and for just bumming arund the pool or beach I wear Chacos which are better than Tevas, but I don't know if they are good enought for water aerobics.

Anyway, any thoughts you might have, please let me know.


Funny you should mention this, A-Jock. I've been recently contemplating getting a group instructor certification, and, in my geeky way, have been trying to cue moves when I do a Cathe step workout. I've been thinking, if I ever decided to go for it, I'd probably steal a TON of her moves. Since 99.9% of the workouts I do are hers, it would probably be unavoidable.

How many other instructors here are guilty of plagiarism?
Hi, Nancy! For a proper athletic-style aqua class such as that which I instruct, I recommend the Ryka brand of AquaSport shoe. (I think that's the name of the style; all I really know is it's the most expensive - of course.) The Chacos would not be good for aquatic work for several reasons; the Ryka Aquasports are specifically designed for proper water-flow-through, etc.

As far as plantar fascitis considerations, that's a good question. I don't know if the inserts you use now are chlorine-water friendly, or water-friendly in general.

If you're just trying the class out, certainly don't run out and get a pair of aqua shoes; just come to class, try it out in bare feet or a pair of old athletic shoes you don't mind getting crapped up (it's okay to do that as a one-shot deal), and then if you want to come consistently then make the buy.

You're welcome to PM me if you'd like more information on my instruction schedule!

Glad you're interested!

Hello, Sooooooooooooosan (if that is your real name):

I'd bet every land instructor frequenting this forum has copped a few billion Catheisms. Instructor move-swapping and move-copping is a time-honored tradition.

That'd be really neat if you made the leap into group fitness instruction!

Quick favor: I'm on the Board of Approval for Squirrel Personal Training Certifications, and Rocky's application was missing the appropriate pawprints. Could you have him amend and resend? He's got until Saturday 05/15/04.


He omitted them on his Group Instruction Certification application too! If I didn't know better, I might become suspicious...

Have you seen Fiona lately, BTW? I'm concerned about her babies. The kids are always the ones who suffer, you know.
Hi, Nancy. I think you might be able to use a pair of aqua shoes alone for a water aerobics class. I have not done a class but I do feel very comfortable in the pool with bare feet because of the nature of water. It's rather nice to be able to hop around without my orthotics for a short while. If that doesn't work, my podiatrist gave me a pair of plastic inserts which are to be worn with dress shoes and even sandals and I know they would hold up to water. Another alternative is arch taping which I have been trying to master on my own. Everytime I visit the doctor for my feet(which is way more than I like to think aobut!) I have my foot taped and it gives me several days of freedom! You might check with your doctor. A water class something I really want to try because the idea of an intense workout without the wear and tear on the tootsies sounds devine! I'll bet A-Jocks class rocks being that her name is synonymous with intensity! Good luck and let us know if you do it and how it goes.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

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