Confessions of a Binge eater

I did that when I allowed myself only one cheat day a week, usually Sunday. I think by Tuesday I was so focused on what I would eat on my cheat day that I couldn't think about anything else anymore, tried to keep it under control but by Thursday I would start binging on things that I normally don't even crave.

I scratched the cheat day and plan little cheats every day. That way my cravings don't spin out of control. Works for me, well, usually, that's not to say that I don't have the occassional dipping into my favorite - licorice, the whole bag at once x(
Boy, this thread is making me feel better :p I have had a crazy couple weeks: out of town, death in family, then tons of work and stress, and the exercise has come to a stand-still, and I am typing this as I lick the Krispey Kreme sugar glaze off my fingers!! :eek:
Well, I had a great workout, really worked hard, got a good pump. But, in the middle, I could feel my stomach rumbling. By the end, I was famished. I could not get home fast enough to eat! I ate 6 egg whites, two pieces of whole grain toast with natural pb and honey, and a banana. Not too horrible--I could have lived with that. But no. I wasn't satisfied. I had to open the Smart Start cereal and eat God knows how much of that!

Tneah, I'm agreeing with you and I'm not going to bring the evil stuff into the house any more--well I'll try! Protein focused breakfast in the AM for me. :)
I'm the same way w/ cereal and yes those darn Oatmeal Squares!!! Oatmeal fills me up much more w/ the BSN cinnamon roll protein powder.

I haven't had a binge in a long time, but I've had my fair share of them in my lifetime.... :eek:
I've always had tendencies towards binging - especially after I get home from work and after dinner...BUT I will say that since I have taken up clean eating since Jan.1 that I don't do it or really feel the urge as much. I do allow myself one to two squares of dark choc a day and a cup of hot cocoa, but that's all the sweets I get. I don't know if cleaner eating keeps my blood sugar on a more even keel or if eating the multiple small meals a day keeps me more satisfied, but this type of eating lifestyle (not diet :)) seems to keep my bingeing evilness more subdued}(

I feel your pain, though, it's hard to stop once you start. It's a downward spiral of sugar and guilt and hard to pull yourself out of once you realize you're in it. Don't beat yourself up - tomorrow is another day!

I'm right there with all of you!!!

I'm like you, Heidi, after work is one of the worst times. I should teach a step class during that time maybe that would keep me from snacking so often.

Hang in there everyone, we can get past the binging. I'm going to reread my Clean Eating book to get back on track.


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