Concerns about what pregnancy will do to my body.......


I am married, turning 27 and having children has been on my mind lately. I am baring it all here and don't want to offend anyone, but I am honestly petrified to have children because of what it will do to my body......I am scared that I will permanently have sagging breasts afterwards and my hips will never go back, and my feet will grow a size......but yet I love my nieces and nephews and want a family some day.......

I know that I should not worry because with hard work I can get my body back to the way it was - - but how long on average does it take?? What would I have to be care of??

I know this post seems really selfish, but I am honestly scared to death of gaining that kind of weight and how my body would transform, so I guess I am looking for people to tell me what to expect?? I just feel like I cannot tell friends/family/husband that that is the reason I am scared to have kids - - its soooooo selfish!!!
I don't think your post is selfish and those are natural concerns. I WILL say that it's great that you already work out and are thinking about this. I got pg the first time when I was very young and about 100 pounds. Thus, I really had NO idea that gaining 60 pounds was going to wreak permanent havoc on the bod. LOL That's the punishment you get for being genetically thin. Anyway.... the second time around I was quite a bit older and already working out. Reasonable weight gain, no add'l stretch marks and I took the weight off completely in about 6-9 months (I was also working full time and in the midst of my graduate program so my time for anything non-academic and non-child was severely limited). So it can be done.

I will also say that you do not necessarily end up with sagging breasts. My stomach isn't great but heavy chest work builds up the muscles so everything sits almost where it used to. :)


PS - Oh, yeah, and the kiddies are definitely worth a little wear and tear. (Well, not right now, they've been off school for a week and I'm about ready to toss them both bodily out the window. But usually. :) )
I worked out every day up unitl I gave birth and I ate quite a bit of food. I gained 30 lbs and was back to my weight of 135 within 5 months. Just really pay attention to your weight gain. I really tracked it and I was so active. As long as you are active now your body will be fine with continuing your workout routine. I still did weights but just lowered them slightly. I have 3 kids. One was adopted but I had no problem losing the weight. Don't let the worry of weight gain keep you from having a family. It is not selfish to worry about it at all, just make the commitment notto gain more than 25-35 lbs depending on your height and weight and you will be fine. Everybody worries about the extra pounds, but it is funny once you feel that baby kick or see that babies heartbeat on the screen, you begin to relax about the weight. It is the one time in my life that I was completely at peace and totally in love with my body and the changes.


You're right that you're concerns are about yourself, but that doesn't mean that you are a selfish person. Good heavens, pregnancy IS a major physical feat, and it's YOUR body that has to go through it all! Being concerned about the repercussions of pregnancy is completely natural, and don't feel like you need to apologize for it.

All of the scary things you hear about women "losing it" all after pregnancy are generally exaggerated. If you are a fit person to begin with, and can manage to stick with a reasonable exercise/nutrition plan while you're pregnant (not an easy feat, but you just try to do your best), you will bounce back quite well. Depending on your genetics, you will bounce back differently than others.

Sometimes women are able to restart their fitness and nutrition regime within a few weeks post partum; for others it can take months. It really depends on the circumstances of the birth, and on the support network you have in caring for the baby.

I've also found that while I have permanent, deep stretch marks (thanks to my genetics), my kids are worth every one of them.

If you begin exercising regularly and eating well post partum, you WILL be able to regain any fitness gains you might "lose" while pregnant, and you WILL be able to lose any excess weight you put on. If your shoe size changes at all, it's only going to be by a half size or so; not some freakish clown-length :)

For some great feedback about how others have handled these concerns, and bounced back after pregnancy, check out the Fit Moms forum. There are a few women there who have had 6+ children, and are looking fabulous now.

Good luck in making your decision!
Hi Reba

I didn't have my first child until I was 28, my second at 29 (there is only 14 months between them). I gained 44 pounds with my first, lost all but 10 before falling pregnant with my second. Gained 40 pounds with my second (I must admit I ate a lot, had very bad morning sickness and nausea and eating seemed to help). But I am now in better shape then I have ever been. I lost 66 pounds after my second child (the last ten has been the hardest, of course). I am now down to 120 pounds. For me it was just watching what I ate after giving birth and daily exercise.

It is well worth it and with discipline and hard work you will get your body back.

Good luck with everything.

I am 35 I had twins first and my son second. I am 5'8" the only form of exercise I had was in high school (Tae-kwon-do) earned my 1st degree black belt. My daughters were born right after I turned 30. I always weighed between 125-135 both of my pregnancies were emergency C-section. I have no stretch marks just my scar I have no sagging boobs (I am only a 34B) my tummy rear and thighs need to be kept firm and I have to work at it otherwise jiggly and I will develop saddlebags. I am very blessed and I eat fairly well. I am taking the summers off from working out. So it's all what we put into it and what outcome we each want. My mom has been on every diet and she can not lose the weight easily she does not workout giving 110% I am a believer that you must exercise and you must give it your all after a certain age or point in your life.

You have nothing to worry about. It will all be worth it.

Thanks for the replies :) Sounds like getting my nutrition/exercise down beforehand will help, which I definitely have the exercise part down - - still working on a better diet but I don't do too bad either on that one.....

Cathe is definitely an inspiration to me as she has had two children and looks fabulous - the one factor that might be lacking for me is terrific genes ;)

It is a sigh of relief to hear that more people can do it than not - I guess I am around more people that just sort of let it go or say that they just don't have time to worry about exercise and nutrition and that scares me!!! My husband knows its a priority for me and I do believe he will be supportive enough to give me the one hour a day that I would need - or I would hire a nanny or join a gym with daycare :)

Thanks! I am sure I will read more on this and check out the fitmoms check in.......

I got pregnant after working out diligently for about 2-3 years. I gained about 35 pounds. It took me about 9 months to take the pregnancy weight off and now, 18 months after giving birth, my body looks BETTER than it did before I got pregnant! You can do anything you put your mind to!:)

OK Here it is from a non healthy girl! I was 28 when I had my son. Don't get me wrong I always worked out before. However when I became pregnant, I thought of it as my eat anything you want for nine months. LOL. And I did. My husband still tells ppl that sometimes I would eat pizza breakfast, lunch and dinner. And hey sometimes I did! I did always try to eat a healthy breakfast first though ummm so yes I ate six meals a day but not exactly the healthy way. For me it was: Healthy meal, junk, healthy meal. get the picture. Anyway, after I had him I went back to normal eating. I actually think breast feeding is what took my weight off so fast. I was not hungry after having him but I had to eat healthy and often for his sake. Anyway, to make a long story umm really long? LOL. I ate anything and everything and I think I look better now than before because I added weight lifting about a year ago! Don't worry about the sagging. I swear push ups and chest work will most likely give you back that lift. Having a child will make up for it, even if all doesn't go back exactly! Sorry this was so long!
Totally normal concerns, not to worry ;) Things do happen to your body, but you just have to remember that it takes 9 months for it to happen so you need to give yourself that amount of time to truly come back. Not only did I lose the weight, but I am 20 lbs less than pre PG and more defined than I have ever been in my life, thanks to Cathe :)


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
RE: Concerns about what pregnancy will do to my body......

I understand your fears. First, let me say that the child will be worth it, whatever happens to your body. I know you don't believe that, but you can't know what I'm talking about until you actually hold your own child in your arms.

I had some of the same fears as you, yet mine were all unfounded. I had a child at 30 years of age. He weighed 9 lbs, and I gained 16 lbs total pregnancy weight. I left the hospital looking exactly like I did before I got pregnant. My breasts did not change either. I am small though, and sagging is something I do not have, even to this day at 50 years old. My shoe size didn't go up at all. None of the things you are afraid of have to happen.

You are in shape now, and you will have an easy time of it because of this. Good luck, and don't let these concerns keep you from experiencing the greatest joy of all... having a child!
RE: Concerns about what pregnancy will do to my body......


I've been thinking about your post. I am childfree by choice. One of the reasons (though certainly not the major reason) is that I have no desire to go through pregnancy for similar reasons to the ones you mentioned. I just wanted to say that if you decided not to have children for that reason, it wouldn't make you selfish. Your body belongs to you.

Good luck to you, however it goes down :)


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
When I had my kids, I wasn't working out... at all. Yet I managed to lose all my pregnancy weight within a few months. I think breastfeeding helped alot, as did burning the energy needed to care for a new baby. As far as long-term bodily changes, my nemesis is definitely my tummy, though I don't know if that's due to pregnancies or to the fact that I'm now 45. I've always been small-breasted, so that really wasn't an issue w/me. Have to admit, tho, that It was kinda fun being "big" when I was breastfeeding!:) And please don't feel like you're being selfish for airing these concerns. Pregnancy is a big deal and a major life-changing event... I wish more people on this planet viewed it that way.
Girl, I am in EXACTLY your same boat. I'm 26.5, my husband's 29.5, we've been married 4 years, and the significant other is making noises about wanting kids, and he doesn't mean later.

However, I'm pretty terrified. Not just of the physical changes (the bodies run much fuller in my family-- my mom gained 50lbs with every single pregnancy!!), but I'm the eldest of five girls, and I'm no stranger to what a full-time job kids can be. So, rest assured... you are certainly not alone! It's just something you have to decide for yourself. And being that you're still young... there's no pressure to decide right this second, other than the pressure you're putting on yourself.

I've decided to wait until it feels right... and if it never does, oh, well! I love my dogs and my cats! :)
RE: Concerns about what pregnancy will do to my body......

Reba, for some reason your post made me smile. I was more afraid of dying from childbirth when I was pregnant than I was of the effects of pregnancy on my body. Looking back, I see how ridiculous that was, especially that I had a very easy delivery.

Anyway, I was exercising when I was pregnant. I did a good combination of cardio and weights although not with Cathe's workouts. I gained 42 lbs. and lost the extra weight five months after I gave birth. My feet did grow a half size, but there are no sagging breasts and my hips are smaller than they ever were. I do have stretch marks but I don't mind them. They're in places that are easy to hide.

You don't have to tell anyone why you're scared to have kids. You don't have to have kids either if you don't want to, or if you're uncertain. It's your life, your prerogative. I do hope the responses here help you make a choice that's right for you.

Pinky :)
Well, you can never know what to expect. I do know that people around here don't keep weight on like they use to. Anyone I have worked with in their 40's or 50's have blamed their weight gain on the children they had 20 yrs ago. But all of my friends who have had kids in the past 4 yrs have lost all of their weight and sometimes even more.
I was a little worried when I got pregnant first b/c I didn't know how much weight I would gain and I was a little worried that my passion for exercise wouldn't return after taking some time off.
But now that I am 8 monthes pregnant, I can't wait to start working out again! I can't wait to try and fit back into my clothes and pack these maternity clothes away.
There are many things to look forward to when you get pregnant and the worries of weight gain diminish b/c you can deal with that after. I think your fears are normal but all of a sudden the worry you felt about having sagging boobs are replaced with the fears of having a cross baby! LOL

Maybe if you look at pregnancy from a different perspective, it will help calm your fears. Being in awesome shape is a worthy goal, but is it the solitary end goal? Aren't we striving to be healthy so that we can live our lives to a higher degree? Because you are already in shape, you will likely have an "easier" pregnancy and bounce back quicker than most women. Fitness and a kick a$$ body will do that for ya!
Pregnancy taught me how miraculous, but superficial the physical body is. I would look in the mirror feeling like the same person, but looking nothing like I used to. I really began to understand how obese or elderly individuals must feel.
That's not to say that I wish I hadn't watched my weight more closely and not gained 60 pounds with each pregnancy. I was young and only cared about the life inside of me. Oh, and decided that I needed to eat for two or three or four... Anyway, I have stretch marks and skin on my stomach that will always sag a bit, but I look good in a tankini/one piece and have a six pack (even if my DH is the only one who sees it!). Chest exercises work wonders for sagging breasts as does a push up bra!
Motherhood is truly a wonderful thing and I don't think you are selfish for having concerns. I think more women should speak as frankly as you do! Good luck!

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