Concerns about what pregnancy will do to my body.......

All I can say is Thank you Thank you!!!

It does ease my brain to realize I am not the only person to really have those concerns.....:) Of course I have lots of concerns regarding having a child - how to discipline, how to financially support, emotionally support ect....(change a the one concern I couldn't bring myself to admit to my husband was my concern about what it would do to my body. It just didn't seem right, but after reading all your posts - - I realized that I am not alone having those fears :)

Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!
Oh Reba,

I forgot to mention above that I have two children (6 years and 14 months), and am 36. I would love to have a third child, and we could certainly do so easily enough, but I have no desire to put my body through pregnancy again. Losing weight and getting fit seems to get harder the older I get, and I just don't want to do it for a third time. So, I can completely relate to your dilemma. I've also told DH that the reason we aren't likely to have a third child is because "I don't want to put my body through that again."

RE: Concerns about what pregnancy will do to my body......

I agree w/ the pp's it's really not selfish to think that way. Pregnancy does make some big changes to your body and it's only natural to think about that. Due to three years of IF and the stress that goes w/ it I was already slightly overweight when I got pg but then had a very complicated and difficult pregnancy so I had minimal weight gain while I was pregnant. I lost all of my pg weight w/i a few months of having him (then I just had to work on the "before" weight!). The thing that no one ever told me about that I wish they would have just so I would have been better prepared is the loose skin. Not everyone has that and the mom's of three in binkini's prove it, but I'm short (5'1") and have a short torso as well so that baby went OUT and I got a lot of stretchmarks which wouldn't have bothered me at all but I didn't realize that the skin was not going to go back so while it does bother me at times when i'm infront of the mirror, my son is so worth it. It sounds very cliche and all but even the three years of ttc and the 3 months of bedrest, hospitalization, traumatic delivery etc etc was worth it when the little guy says mom and runs to give me a hug. Even when I was pg I didn't think that would feel like it does. I also think it's very natural to have all of the other concerns as well. Honestly even though we were trying for a very long time when we finally got pg we freaked because we didn't think we were ready. As soon as they sent us home w/ him though nothing else mattered. :)

You might want to check out this website: it shows what a lot of woman's bodies look like after having kids. A lot of the photo's are of women w/ bodies like mine (saggy skin and all) because we all like to know we're not the only ones! But for all of those there are also one's of mom's w/ three or four kids and a flat stomach & perky boobs. :)
RE: Concerns about what pregnancy will do to my body......

Saw this thread, feel familiar.

I, however, am concerned about what pregnancy will do to my LIFE!!!:p :eek:

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