Concentration curls in new w/o


Am I the only one that is having a hard time mastering these concentration curls? Maybe I had the wrong positioning but I examined it rather well and every time I did one, "the girls" were right in the way of the dumbbell head at the end of the curl! I am tall but have only a medium torso. I wonder if that and a bigger chest is the issue. Could be?
I actually wondered the same thing (I'm a 36D and short in the torso) because I seemed to have trouble with "the girls" getting in the way during this whole movement. So it's not just you.

Edited poor wording.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog:
Would standing at more of a 45-degree angle help?

(I haven't tried this workout yet, but my 'girls' won't be in the way, I'm sure!)
I second Kathryn's idea of standing at a 45 degree angle.

I don't have any problems with the "girls" (unfortunately....:() but I can't seem to feel these curls in my biceps. I just don't have any burn at all. I'm using 20# weights but still don't feel it.

>Would standing at more of a 45-degree angle help?
>(I haven't tried this workout yet, but my 'girls' won't be in
>the way, I'm sure!)


Yes, the 45 degree angle helped a bit but not as much as you'd think. My chest is just right in the way.

I guess there are worse problems to have but I do love the variation on this curl :)
>What are "the girls"???!!! I have no problems doing those
>concentration curls. edie

Um, they're your boobies....

:7 :7 I am convinced my "girls" are the reason pushups are still a real challenge for me after all these years, I just have too much weight in my chest to push up and down!:D
Me again. I just did the workout. I had no problem, I just aimed the weight so it would end up between my ta-ta's-turns out it fit quite nicely.:) Uh, that could be interpreted into something else entirely!}(
Hi Allison -

Yep! I figured it out after a few reads!

Worked out with you and Tracey twice this past week - you sure like you're having fun - I know I did! edie
Um Allison, Did you say that you are using 20# Weights for each of your Biceps?
One 20# in each hand?
Standing Bicep curls with 20# in each hand.
How many? And no burn?
In the words of Dr. Phil. Are you kidding me?

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