Compromise on Cathe's request for ALL Step video

Hey fellow Cathe fans!
I've really noticed that some of the later posts concerning Cathe's suggestion to make Cardio & Weights into Cardio Step are becoming a bit contentious.
So how about this compromise:
Why not just make a longer tape approx 90 min to incorporate all of Cathe's new choreography for Cardio Step, and still keep the Weights section she planned for Cardio + Weights

What do you guys think? (too much?)
I'm sure we would all take both! I sure would!

But maybe it would cost more and need an additional VHS tape/DVD disc. Also maybe it would need more Cathe than there is to go around! LOL
what if this 90 minute took the form of a half hour step routine followed by the hour of cardio-weights? that way the DVD could be chaptered to do just the step, just the cardio weights, or a full hour of step, sans weights. Kind of like a bodymax/circuitmax combo...??!!

She could compromise and do a 120 minute CardioStepCardioWeights routine and call it Stepacide!

If that would work, I agree with you. Even though I voted for cardio/step, I sure do like cardio/weights too. Actually, I'll just be happy with anything she gives us.

If she has the time to film it all, why not do half of the step choreography as one continuous routine, and then the other half in cycles of cardio and upperbody work. I would order the Intensity Series no matter what, but I was REALLY looking forward to cardio weights because I thought it was a nice compliment to Power Circuit and Cathe's other circuit tapes. Maybe that's just me.
I totally agree. I just posted a similar request at the bottom of the other message (#131!). I'm glad you put it as a separate post to get more attention.
That's not a real practical solution given the fact that time is a serious issue for fitting in exercise into an already strained schedule. Give me a CTX time format anytime.

Just Do It! :)

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