Completely baffled!


Today I purchased my first stepper for home (yay!) and it included your Basic Step DVD. I LOVED it and want to get something else, but I don't know where to begin.

I have a few DVD's I love. I do Michelle Dozios "10-Minute Carb Solution" and Minna Lessig's "Fat Elimniator" and "Strength and Grace". I also have a Weight Watchers workout led by Nancy Popp. (Over the last three years I lost 85 pounds on Weight Watchers!) I have the new Shape Cardio but the choreography had me dumbfounded.

The Basic Step DVD was a challange, but I got it. The "around the world" took a while, but I did get it.

I don't know what to get to start. Aside from step, I'd also love a good kickboxing workout. I had Powerstrike, but I threw out my back on it.

Any ideas you have would be great.

Chicago, IL
Cathe's Kick, Punch, and Crunch is a fun kickboxing workout, and, in my opinion, the choreography is kickboxing is much easier than that of step. KPC also have a great leg workout on the DVD. Which Powerstrike workout did you have? I have Powerstrike Millenium 3, and I have no problems with it. I was thinking of purchasing Millenium 2 because I heard it was a little more intense.
I am going to second the Kick, Punch and Crunch - I LOVE IT!!!!

One of my favorites of Cathe's is the Bodymax workout because of the combination of the step and the weight workout.

If you can use vhs, then perhaps the Wedding workout is another one that would be good for you to use since it is her earlier work, easier step and then has a weight section too so you can do half of the tape one day and finish with the second section the next day.

Just my thoughts.
> Aside from step, I'd also
>love a good kickboxing workout. I had Powerstrike, but I
>threw out my back on it.

It's not necessarily Powerstrike that is the culprit. In fact, any kickboxing workout could throw your back out if your form isn't up to par. Powerstrike or even KPC aren't really good places to start to learn form (though the PS instructors are very good about showing and teaching correct, authentic kickboxing form). Something like Kathy Smith's Kickboxing workout would be a good starter. But, again, if you threw your back out doing X activity (kickboxing, in this case), I would recommend not trying it again for quite a while. And being careful of not overdoing or trying to kick as high as you can in the beginning.
hi there! my favorite kickboxing workout is kick max. i love the leg conditioning drills, and i love that there are premixes on there to suit how much time i have and what mood i'm in, lol.

i have only done what's included from kick, punch and crunch on the body blast timesaver dvd, and i love that as well. if you are looking to expand into differnet cathe workouts and want a little taste of all different things, i think the timesaver dvd is well worth it. good luck!
For step, you might like Low Impact Step. The choreography is a little more complicated than Basic Step. It really gets you ready for Cathe, IMO.

For kickboxing, I agree with KPC. It's the best KBing workout ever! I did without any KBing experience. It helped to preview a few times and really listen to Cathe's form pointers. Cathe always gives excellent form pointers.
Hi Mary,

Welcome to the forums. Congrat's on your weight loss accomplishment. Thats wonderful!

Most of my DVD's are quite a bit more advanced than the one that was enclosed with the step that you bought but I do have a few that would be the next level up from the DVD that you have. They are the following:

Low Impact Step

Cardio and Weights

Cross Train Express Kickbox (

Push Pull (but you need a stability ball)

Power Hour

You can go online to read more specific information about them. The only hard part about ordering these workouts is that the DVD's have more than one workout on them. Unfortunately these other included workouts are too advanced for you at this time. But you can work your way up to them a little at a time


Take Care!

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