Compare I-Max to Running


How would you guys compare I-Max to running? Just as hard, almost as hard, not quite as hard. I am thinking of running at about 7-9 miles per hour.

I'm not sure how I would compare it to running, but I'll tell you this.....when I'm finished with IMAX my t-shirt is SOAKED and i'm definitely worked!!! I think it would be a great add to your workout schedule!

Just my thoughts, Marcia. :)

7-9 MPH?????????????? Like, for the whole time you run?? You must be tall!! I can't sustain that speed for very long. I think if you want that intensity, do IMAX. Your body will take a serious pounding at those speeds, and quite frankly, I don't think you could keep that up very long -- unless you're talking about running intervals. Jogging and then sprinting for a couple of minutes. That'd work. :) I love to run, but can't do it nearly as much as I used to. Plantar Fasciitis that won't budge and sore knees afterwards. :-( Phooey!

RE: Whoa....

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-02 AT 10:16AM (Est)[/font][p]Unfortunately, running speed has nothing to do with height. :/ I'm a tall woman, and 6 mph is nearly a sprint for me (I'm about 40-some # overweight). I'll receive IMax on Monday. Something tells me I need to stay away from that one!
Edith and MsChana

MsChana - Are you Suzanne from VF??
You'll do fine with IMax!!

Edith - running is so different from IMax - it's hard to compare the two. I am a big fan of cross-training, so I would have to recommend doing both. Running is my favorite cardio activity, but I make sure that I vary my workouts.
Well, yes and no...

What I mean is that taller people usually have a bigger stride and can therefore run faster without as much effort. Does that make sense? I guess that's what I was trying to say. :)

RE: Well, yes and no...

A 7-9 mph steady state stride would be very intense (and probably impossible :'() for me. I run comfortably, outdoors, at a ten-minute-mile speed. When I do interval work on my treadmill, I'll top out the interval speed at 7.5 (very occasionally 8 mph) on a 3% incline (the treadmill remains at 3% throughout the workout.) If I do 2:2 intervals (2 min. high intensity followed by 2 min. of recovery), and I repeat the cycle 8-10 times or so, add in a long warm-up (I generally stagger an increase in my interval intensity over the first three intervals,) and a good post cool-down stretch, then I would feel like I had worked at the same intensity as Interval Max.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it :-D.
RE: Well, yes and no...

I'm average height five feet five inches and 7 miles an hour is 8 and 1/2 minute miles. The President is in his 60's and runs 8 minute miles. That's considered average speed in running not fast!!! LOL.

I'm 44 btw -:)

RE: Well, yes and no...

Hey, believe me, I'm not saying NOT to do that. Listen, I wish I could jog as fast as I used to. Some bodies just can't take it. If yours can, go right ahead and enjoy it. Whatever blows your skirt up. ;-)
RE: Well, yes and no...

Wow. I feel slow! I could sustain an eight minute mile for MAYBE one mile, maybe not even. But for a steady state, 25 minute run, say, I can do a 10 minute mile, tops.

On the topic of Imax vs running, I think they are apples and oranges unless you are talking running intervals, and even then, Imax works my legs harder than running does, whereas after a long run (for me, 60 minutes) my whole body feels more tired than after an Imax session.

RE: Well, yes and no...

When I participated in road races, I used to aim for eight-minute-mile training runs. But that was many years ago, and I don't have any particular motivation right now to pick up my speed. If I started racing again, I would definitely work on increasing my speed.

I agree with Christine, that comparing Imax and running is like comparing apples and oranges.
Edith- You were probably referring to cardiovascular challenge when you asked how running compares to Imax. It's a good question! As a twice a week 5 mile 9 min/mile runner, (and an Imax veteran) my opinion is that the cardiovascular challenge is verrry similar. I would venture that Imax is about as tough and sweat-inducing and challenging as a standard five mile run.

Just my opinion! Hope it helps!
I want to jump in here. I am mildly tall :) (5'8"), run a 5 mile hilly loop at about an 8 1/2 minute mile and feel that it's about the same as IMax, but that's because it's hilly. If it weren't, I'd say IMax is harder. The time is similar for the intense part (42-43 minutes). In my "system" I count them both as hard cardio days.
I agree with Lisa and Mogambo. When I came off running to do an IMAX, IMAX seemed very hard..more so muscularly but about equal to greater than for the cardio aspect than running. Definitly running with hills and some steep hiking mimics IMAX very closely in cardiovascular demand. However, I would NOT try to do IMAX three times a week but I would feasibly run three times a week.

RE: Well, yes and no...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-02 AT 02:26AM (Est)[/font][p]
It is true that taller people generally have a longer stride, but shorter people generally have a higher leg turnover. From everything I've read over the years, height isn't much of a factor in speed.

I guess this body was just meant for endurance, not speed. You wouldn't believe how long it take me to run 5 miles! :) I'm often passed by people old enough to be my grandparents.

Hi Erica! Yeah, it's me. How are you recovering from the birth these days?

I'll try IMax with a step with no risers and see how it goes. Hopefully I'm still alive afterwards. :)
I usually run 5-6 miles twice a week generally on a flat trail. Sometimes I go faster at 8 minutes and sometimes slower at around 8.5 or 8.75. If I do a trail run, I run for about 40 minutes, I don't know how far it is though. I would agree that cardiovascular-wise, running and Imax are both very challenging and similar in intensity. I would have to say that running hills(and pushing it) for at least 40 minutes or running flat at around 8 minute miles would be very close to imax intensity for me. Running 8.5 or 9 minute flat miles might be a little less intense. I also think it depends alot on how long you've been doing these workouts. I've only been running for about 5 months. When I started running, it was very tough at first. I was only going maybe 3 miles at first and I was doing Imax all the way through.
I left my house yesterday evening for my run and when I got part of the way around I thought to myself...I think I am going to cut this short today and I am going to go home and do half of the IMax tape.Much to my surprise I didn't find Imax as hard as running.I usually run 8 kms in 40 min.The intervals of course, were hard but the rest of it was like I was walking.But that wa just my experience, yours could be different.
Yes, that's exactly what I do. During the summer when I can't run here due to heat and humidity, I do MIC or IMax as running-substitutes.

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