Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Took a rest day today.

Debbie - you are so welcome! It snowed today. It's very cold outside. Glad you weather is nice and got to hang out with your dad and wife.

Cookie - hope you get some rest.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. I spoke to my Mom we didn’t get snow today but maybe next week. The weather is crazy it snowed in California!

Belinda - Enjoy your rest day:).

Waves hi to Cookie


I walked outside today.

Debbie - great job on your walk yesterday. The weather is crazy lately.

Hi Cookie!

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today we walked around town. It was somewhat cool here,

Belinda - Nice walk outside! Did Sadie go with you?

Waves hi to Cookie

Decided to check in at lunchtime, since I've gotten bad at doing so in the evenings lately. I honestly thought I had posted yesterday. Yesterday was sts back and chest, and today was a walk.

Deb, hope you're enjoying your time in FL. How is your dad doing? Perhaps they like hockey there since the rinks are cool to go into when it is warm outside?

Belinda, how are you feeling? We're supposed to get snow this evening. Are you?

STS D16 CST. No walk today. It's raining.

Debbie - great job on your walk yesterday. It's getting cooler here too. Yes, Sadie went for her walk. That's is why my walks are slow.

Cookie - great job on your back and chest yesterday. I done that so many times thinking I posted and forgot to hit enter. No worries! We know you are busy. Thanks for asking. I am not doing so great. Not sure if I have a sinus infection or a combination of RP and infection in my sinus? I feel like I am getting hit on both sides. I called my Rheum and ENT surgeon. My left ear is bordering me too. How are you doing? We are not suppose to get snow.

I will be back later.
Hi debbie, belinda, bayerngirl, it's amazing how you've been checking in on this thread since 2016. I'd like to know If there's a gym goal attached to the thread and is it mainly for people who workout everyday? Just started my weight loss journey using colon broom, a supplement that aids in weight loss, and wanted to mix it with regular exercises. For those that don't know this supplement, let me share an article that you can read about it:
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Hi debbie, belinda, bayerngirl, it's amazing how you've been checking in on this thread since 2016. I'd like to know If there's a gym goal attached to the thread and is it mainly for people who workout everyday?
Thank you! There isn't a gym goal attached to this thread. You don't have to workout everyday. It's all up too you.
Hi Debbie and Cookie,

Took a walk outside with my walking partner Sadie :)

Debbie and Cookie - I hope you both doing well.

Good night.
'Evening! STS back and chest today. Snow here last night and all day today but not too much accumulaton - only about 5 inches. I'm looking forward to 80 degree days with sun.

Deb, how long will you be in FL? Hope you're having sunshine there.

Belinda, that Sadie is a special walking partner. My son asked me today to schedule an appointmnent for his dog for her passport. Guess she's moving to be with him in May. I know he misses her but she's really thinks of this as home, and I'll miss her.

Yesterday we visited friends 2 hours away. It was a long day but fun. Today was a walk on the beach & spent time relaxing there too.

Belinda - Its nice you have Sadie to walk with:). We had our 1st snowstorm back home. I’m sorry I missed it. I hope you start feeling better.

Cookie - Nice STS workout. We are in FL until next week. My son said it was 6 inches and my SIL a few miles away said 2 inches of snow. So not sure LOL. It does seem like dogs adapt quickly but I’m sure you will miss her. You wonder if it will be hard when DS travels back home to visit.

'Afternoon! Doing my afternoon check in so I don't forget. Made a note to do it in between meetings. Anyway, got in a walk today, and surprisingly, it wasn't that cold. Of course, I still had on a down jacket!

Deb, hard to believe NYC and most of NJ didn't have snow til the very end of February! Shocking. Glad you're relaxing. Was there a lot of traffic on the way to visit your friends? Oh, and yes, I think this will make it harder for him to come home to visit. She was a huge reason he would come and stay so long.

Belinda, did you get out for a walk today. How's your knee with walking.

Today was a walk on the beach. We are experiencing red tide in FL. It’s not too bad just coughing so far.

Belinda - Hope all is well.

Cookie - It’s nice to get a walk in on 1st day of March in NY:). We didn’t hit traffic but it is very busy starting the next couple of days until week after Easter. If only dogs could talk:(


Sorry for not checking in yesterday. DD came to visit me and spent the night. I never got that walk in yesterday.

Today I walked outside. It's little windy.

Debbie - sorry about the coughing. I hope you feel better soon I am trying to figure out how and when I can book a vacation to FL.

Cookie - good for you getting that walk in. I also had a winter jacket on, it was way to warm. You never know with the weather theses day's. One day it's cold the next day you wearing a t-shirt. I am walking slow. My knee isn't better. I just walk to get some movement. How are you feeling these day's?

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Took a rest day today, didn't sleep well. I was "gifted" a huge project for work and it is taking up A LOT of my time. And then today they moved a deadline from September to April. Ugh.

Deb, is there anything you can do to help with respiratory effects? Hope you're better soon. Were you able to get your walk in?

Belinda, you're fortunate your daughter is nearby. The weather is especially crazy this year. Heard we're supposed to get another storm on Saturday. Take it easy with your knee.

Today was a walk on the beach. The red tide wasn’t too bad today but notice the beach was not crowded. It seems some people are more effected by the cough than others. They recommend not swimming in the water.

Belinda - Nice to have a visit from your DD. We are expecting a windy day tomorrow. Are you still looking at RVs?

Cookie - Sorry your plate is so full at work. Hopefully it won’t be too bad. There isn’t anything you can do about the respiratory problems from red tide. They recommend not keeping windows open and using a/c.

'Evening! Finished another round of STS today - but only the upper body workouts. Still feeling good about it, plus got in a walk. We're supposed to get another snowstorm tonight into tomorrow, so planning on celebrating by watching a British murder mystery! Boy, am I exciting.

Deb, glad you were able to get in a beach walk. I sure wouldn't want to swim in it. Do you have a gym there?

Belinda, hope you're doing well. Enjoy the weekend!

No walk outside today. It's icy and rainy today.

I did STS D18 Back & biceps.

Debbie - yeah, you wouldn't want to swim in it. Glad you got your walk in. How long do the red tide usually last? That sounds horrible. Be carful!

Cookie - congratulation on finishing another round of STS. What are you plans next? I am lucky DD lives close by. I do enjoy her coming announced. It's always fun. I just found out my DIL and DD will be staying for a week soon with us. They will be working in the town next where I live. It would take them hours driving back and forth to DC. That should be fun. Wished my son would came too. He is watching his 3 dogs. What's the name of the British murder mystery you are watching? Is it on Netflix?

Good night.

Today was a walk started on the beach but we went to the Street because it was too windy. We noticed small fish dead on the beach.

Belinda - Nice STS workout. That’s exciting your DD & DIL will stay with you:). Red tide can last anywhere from days to months.

Cookie - Awesome you finished STS! Enjoy your snow day especially when it’s before the weekend. It’s funny you asked about the gym. We went to look at a very small one a couple of miles away. It was $67 a week, my NJ gym is $20 per month. We are going to look at different ones.


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