Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today is a walk outside & CL upper body shred. I did get a good nights sleep last night, fingers crossed it continues.

DH did get his results and it is arthritis in both elbows. DH seems to think there isn't anything that can be done. He has his physical in 2 weeks, so he will see what the Dr. says or recommends.

Belinda - Nice walk! Have you ever had a bone density test? It's good that you can see the Dr. tomorrow. Our 8th grade graduation trip was to Virginia Beach. It was so pretty but a long time ago LOL. Someday I would like to go back, it should be lots of fun.

Cookie - Nice workout! I hope everyone was safe in your area. It is so nice of your DH to help out. I could just imagine the damage, the storms have been so bad lately. My knee is feeling better, it hurts every once in a while.

Hi everyone,

I walked with DH early this morning.

Thanks everyone! I am ok! I was a little shocked yesterday by the results. After talking to my kids about it and searching on the John A. McDougall website. I feel a lot better. What I learned is that as we age we lose bone density. I talked to my doctor a while ago, he ordered a bone density test. I will get it done at Walter Reed. He also supscribed Vitamin D + calcium. I have to get some blood test done tomorrow or today. I will pick it up at the same time. I read through this article and it made me feel better to know what to do and not.

Debbie - sorry about your husband results. I would highly recommend he read this I will get the bone density test done at Walter Reed. No, I have never done the test. I read through this article yesterday. Those test are not accurate. I will take it whit a grain of salt. I will follow his advice.

Cookie - yes, I am getting the test done. I will make the appointment today. Oh no! Please stay safe! I am sorry to hear about the flooding. In my hometown in Germany, they have a lot of flooding too. A lot of people died. It's horrible! Wished I lived closer to you, I would help!

I still have to get my stretches in. My PT gave me a lot of stretches for my neck, lol. Should count as a workout, lol
'Afternoon! What a difference! Today is partly sunny, tg! Many of my neighbors were pretty hard hit, but no lives lost. We're going to need a driveway. My nephews own a nearby business that was heavily flooded. About 5 inches of rain in a little over an hour! Today was a walk and CL Lots of legs. Whew! Hope I can walk tomorrow.

Deb, hopefully your dh will get some suggestions and advice from his dr. Hope he isn't too discouraged. How was your sleep last night? Surprisingly, I got almost 7.5 hours last night, and I'm usually pleased with 6!

Belinda, I was reading about the European flooding earlier today. So sad. We're really fortunate. Your PT should count as a workout!

Anyone ever hear from Laurie or Amanda or some of the others from the past?
Debbie - I totally agree with Cookie always follow your doctors advice. I also have arthritis in my knees and DH has arthritis worst than I am. A lot of food can cause inflammation. I couldn't take oral medications, they caused severe stomach problems. I hope your DH finds some that works for him.

Cookie - it's very sad about the European flooding. Lori stopped posting years ago. She is on FB. I think you mean Amelia? She also stopped a long time ago too. Kristin was checking in not too long ago, she I think it was in Dec.? I miss her posts. Maybe one day she will stop by again. I hope they all doing well.

Today was a walk outside. I am going to get a bite to eat with DH, tomorrow I'm going out with my SILs for one of their birthdays.

Belinda - Thank you for the articles for me and DH, I will read them and let you know how it goes. When I had my bone density test a couple of years, they saw the start of loss of bone density in one of my hips. They told me they would keep an eye on it but some bone loss is normal at my age. The only thing is my Mom has Osteoporosis. I also take those vitamins too.

Cookie - So sorry about the flooding. It's crazy that you need a new driveway. I just heard about flooding in Arizona. It is very scary. My sleep wasn't great last night:( Kristin had stopped posting during Covid. I think it was tough because she was remote teaching and on the computer all day. Maybe when schools reopen in September, she will come back, we miss her.

Be back tomorrow:)
Today was Lift w/Hiit Chest, Shoulders, Tris, and i'm feeling it! Love that feeling.
Deb, my sleep wasn't good last night either. Might be related to the estimate we got for fixing the driveway! We need to remove trees, install a drainage ditch, bring in gravel,... find a rich relative we didn't know about and/or rob a bank. Seriously, we're very lucky. We've already done was drain and runoff work which apparently helped a lot compared to our neighbors. Remote teaching and being on a computer all day would certainly drain any enthusiasm for further tech! Enjoy your sil's birthday celebration and hope you had a fab meal last night.
Belinda, glad you're informing yourself. Like Deb, I was also told women lose bone density, particularlly those who have been thru pregnancy and childbirth. Thanks, I did mean Lori and Amelia, and I remember when they stopped posting. Wish they joined back. Didn't Lori move to lthe Saskatoon area? Hope Kristin is well and comes back.
Hi everyone,

SBF barre workout and abs plus walk is done. I did my workouts this morning, had to get some blood test done.

Debbie - sorry about your mom. Like you said, it comes with age. I am not going to drive my self crazy. It is what it is, right? What is the bone density test like?

Cookie - once I googles it I felt better. Not that I wish it on someone else. It's just a normal progress as we age. I am 58 years old. I read woman in the 30's already loose bone density. Sorry about your drive way. Glad you guys ok and everyone else.

That's it for me. Time to icy my arm.

Today was a walk outside. Dinner with my SILs was fun but the room we were in didn't have any a/c :oops: . One of my one SILs is moving to Nashville, TN (once her house sells) to live near her son & granddaughter. We will miss her.

Belinda - Nice barre & walk workouts! The bone density test isn't painful at all, just like having an x-ray. The good thing is now you will have a baseline number, and it will help them with future tests to see how fast or slow the bone loss is.

Cookie - Nice Lift workout! Sorry about the cost of the driveway. I get so disappointed when unexpected house costs occur. I would rather use it for new furniture or a vacation.


Walked outside this morning. Picked up my CSA. Been cleaning/chopping and freezing.

Debbie - glad you had fun with your SIL's. Sorry she is moving to TN. You always could visit her. Nashville is very nice place. Thanks explaining the bone density test. That's what I thought. You are right about them having a baseline number for the future.

Cookie - yikes, about the cost of the driveway. So sorry you're going through this. Glad you guys are ok.

'Afternoon! Today was a walk, Slide and Glide and Essentrics. I couldn't do slide & glide in my other house b/c I worked out in the basement on fitness mats. The discs never worked on the mats, so it's nice to finally feel the burn from those circular devils. Got a patch job done on the driveway so now we can get in and out. Will have to figure out next steps soon. Esp. since more storms are expected the next three days.
Deb, hope you're enjoying the time and dinner with your sil. Totally agree w/Belinda, now you'll to get to visit her.
Belinda, all that chopping is a workout! Isn't it great to be able to get your walks in?

Today was a walk outside & it was so hot! We are having storms now, no flooding but lots of it around us.

Belinda - Nice walk! I have too much zucchini from my CSA box. I'll have to check out if it's something I can freeze. I saw in the newspaper and the news how bad the flooding is in Germany:( I hope your family is ok. Geez it's happening all over.

Cookie - Slide & Glide workouts are so much fun, it's great that you can do them now:) I was just thinking when I do my Cathe w/o's at the gym to bring my sliders with me. This is one crazy summer between the heat & storms. Is your driveway flat or on a hill?


I walked and did SBF stretch today.

Debbie - I froze all the zucchini from my CSA. I can't eat too much zucchini. Thanks my family is ok in Germany. I talked to my sisters today. Hope you ok with the flooding.

Cookie - great job yesterday. Today I cooked food for the the next few day's. I hope no more storm for you guys.

Goo night.

Today was a walk outside. We took my older DS out today for his birthday. We ate outside, it was much cooler out.

Belinda - Nice walk & stretch! I will freeze the zucchini too. Do you cook it first or freeze it raw? This week was too much corn so I will freeze that too.

Cookie - I hope you didn't get rain today. It looked like it could rain but it didn't.

Good morning,

Walk is done. I will do SBF barre after my PT today.

Debbie - clean and cut the ends off the zucchini. Slice anyway you like them. Blanch for 3 or 5 min in boiling water. Don't use salt in the water!! Using a mesh strainer or slotted spoon, fish out the zucchini and plunge into the ice bath to stop cooking. Let the zucchini completely dry before freezing. I use vacuum sealing bags to freeze mine. You can you a freezer bags or whatever you like to freeze them. I will probably us the frozen zucchinis for strews, bread or soups. Freeze your corn.

Cookie - have fun with your workout today.


All out low impact HIIT was on the calendar for today, but didn't sleep well so the title intimidated me. Did a Tracie Long ReBoot workout instead and it was great.

Deb, More rain yesterday and today here! The town has asked folks to submit info for possible FEMA funding. The patch job on the driveway has only held in a small part. One side of our driveway gets runoff from a small mountain, and the other side slopes away from it. The driveway itself is long and slopes slightly down away from the house. One of my ds's b'day is today and another's is on Thursday. Birthday season!

Belinda, good luck with the PT today. Hope you'll get relief. So happy to hear your family is okay. The weather around the world sure is alarming.

Have an eye exam in a bit. I hate those puffs of air in the eye!!!
Hi everyone,

PT went well today. Saw a new PT today. She did some ultrasound on my shoulder/down my arm. It's suppose to help with the pain. She wants me not to use anything heavier than 3 pounds. She said she will show me exercises with the bands next week.She also showed me lots of stretches which I already do with SBF. She was very nice.

Debbie - have fun with your workout today.

Cookie - I hope the ultrasound will give me some relieve. I like Tracie Long workouts. I should pull them out.


Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. Last minute we decided to take a trip to Saratoga Springs, NY, we were planning to go last year. We will leave in the morning.

Belinda - Thank you for the letting me know how to freeze the zucchini's:) I'm happy for you that PT went well. It is great that they are so knowledgeable and show you different exercises and stretches. It's interesting that she will let you use bands.

Cookie - Tracie Long is a blast from the past, I remember loving her workouts. That is great if your town could get funding from FEMA. I hope you will get it the funds too for your driveway.

'Morning! Checking in w/Gym Styles back, shoulders, bis done. Yesterday also managed to get in a walk and am hopeful for the same today.

Deb, you're close to my area! Actually that's northwest, but not far. Are you going to the races? Next time you could stay here, if you would like.

Belinda, PTs are a wealth of info! they are so valuable to our health. Hope you're feeling relief already.
Debbie - have fun! How cool Cookie lives near by. Hope you guys can link up.

Cookie - I agree about the PT. I do feel a little relief after the ultrasound. Hope it stays that way. Keeping my fingers crossed you will get the funds too for your driveway.

BTW, I have the bone density test Friday morning.

Today was lots of walking. It’s a cute town, we ate outside for lunch on the lake. We were caught in a downpour at dinner not sure why I even did my hair or changed my clothes LOL.

Tomorrow is sigh-ups for Cathe’s Halloween weekend RT. I’m thinking about sighing up. We will be getting back from Florida, but I still might sign-up.

Belinda - Its great you could get your test so quick:)

Cookie - I was wondering if you were close. I can’t believe all the rain here. It’s a short trip but we will go to the racetrack tomorrow and maybe a drive to Lake George. When our boys were young we went several times for vacation at Lake George with my Mom & step Dad.


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