Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside it was cool but really nice. Happy Father's Day to your DH's too:) DS brought his gf to dinner, told me last minute TG I prepared extra food.

Belinda - Hopefully the wind stops this week.

Cookie - I read the book in HS, I'll have to check out the movie. Sorry your planter broke:( I'm sure it was messy to clean up too.

'Afternoon! Quick check in so I don't forget to do it. Another Essentrics workout and am hoping to get a walk in after dinner.

Deb, good thing you had extra food! If you have a chance to see the play version of To Kill a Mockingbird, I think it's better than the movie, even though Gregory Peck was in it! Started off quite cool this morning but is now beautiful.

Belinda, how was your weekend?

I did To the MAX instead of Crossfire. I pulled out the wrong dvd. Oh well.

Debbie - the wind stopped. We ate on our deck yesterday. The weather was very nice. DD visit yesterday. We had a relaxing day full of fun. Good you made extra food. We always cook for an army, lol. We have leftovers today.

Cookie - ours was amazing. Hope yours was too. It's very beautiful outside here too. Before DD left we all too the dogs for a nice long walk this morning.

Have a great day everyone,

Today was a walk outside & Gym Style Chest & Tris at the gym. It was another nice day here. I tried to make an appointment for my yearly physical, the Dr. doesn’t have appointments till September. She must be popular.

Belinda - I’ve done that before doing the wrong dvd but it still works out;). It sounds like you had a nice weekend with your DH & DH.

Cookie - Nice essentics workout. Is your foot ok on your walks?


Slow & Heavy Triceps & Biceps is done.

Sadie had a follow up appointment to check on her breathing. The vet took xray's, everything looks great. I am so happy she doesn't have problems with her breathing. The vet and staff just love Sadie :)

Debbie - I completely blanked out yesterday, lol. It did worked out. I been hearing this from everyone about the waiting for appointments. I made my for Sep already with my Rheum.

Cookie - is your food better? Great job yesterday.

That's it for me today.
'Evening! Another Essentrics day and Tuesday dinner with my uncle and one of my sisters.

Deb, glad you have a dr who must be very good. My foot is okay on flat surfaces, but it swells up after each walk and I have to elevate and ice it a lot. No hills, which is challenging around here.

Belinda, your visit with your DD sounds lovely. Glad Sadie is doing well.

Today was a walk outside. We went to go visit my Mom. When we were there we chatted with her neighbors. They are very good to my Mom.

Belinda - Nice Slow & Heavy workout! It's great to hear Sadie check-up went well. I thinking about making all my other appointments before the end of the year.

Cookie - Sounds like you had a nice dinner with your family. It's challenging to find no hills here. I don't think I ever saw a hill in FL, unless you are walking over a bridge:) In the summer the icing of your foot must be better than the winter.

Back with personals.

Tomorrow I have my appointment RP study with Penn. We have to leave 8 am. I probably will not get a workout in. Unless I get up at 4 am? The drive almost 4 hours one way. We shall see.

I will check in after I get home, unless it's too late. A lady from the RP support group has also an appt. at Penn tomorrow. She wants to meet for coffee.

Debbie - thank you. I am happy Sadie is fine. I heard it takes month for doc appointments these day's. My doc added 2 more appointment I need to schedule.

Cookie - glad you had a lovely time with your family. Are you feeling any better?

Good night.
'Evening! Another Essentrics day. Must have spoken too quickly yesterday, b/c today my foot is quite swollen!

Deb, good neighbors are invaluable. Glad your mom has some. I'm sure they like knowing you appreciate them.

Belinda, safe travels tomorrow. We try to get together for dinner on Sundays and Tuesdays for family dinners, and I really am loving not having Tuesday mtgs for a while so I can go.

Today was a walk outside and GS Back, shoulders & bi's. It was rainy & cooler here but went for a walk during the break in rain.

Belinda - I like that workout. Lots of luck tomorrow, it's a long drive but worth it to be in the study. Will Sadie go with you?

Cookie - Nice essentrics workout! Hopefully the swelling goes down quickly. It's nice you have family dinners 2x a week:)

'Evening! Another Essentrics day.

Deb, it's been cooler here and am hoping for rain tonight. It's been very dry here lately. How long do you walk for? Swelling is down a bit today but my foot is still really tender, so no walk for me today.

Belinda, hope all went well today. Was thinking of you.

Today was a walk outside, it started to rain but not too bad. So I have a hummingbird feeder and have noticed small woodpecker's drinking from it. It seems like the hummingbirds and woodpeckers get a long so all is good.

Belinda - I hope all went well for you. I'm sure it was exhausting.

Cookie - Nice workout! Our coolness ends tomorrow:( The chance of 95 here tomorrow. We have been getting lots of rain here.

Good morning,

My appointment went well yesterday. I was there almost 4 hours. The doctor ask a lot of questions before she examined me. The doctor was wonderful and caring. While I was talking to the doctor my ear turned red and I lost my voice. I am enrolled into the RP study for the next 3 years. They took a lot of blood samples. Hopefully one day they find a cure for this disease.

After my appointment I meet up with a lady (she also has RP.) Her appointment with Penn for before mine. It was nice to exchange informations and just talk to someone that actually understands what you are going through.

I didn't get any workout in yesterday. Today I walked and did S&H Chest + Back.

Debbie - I was exhausted after my appointment. I was told the next one will not take that long. That's funny about your humming bird feeder. As long as they get alone.

Cookie - glad your food is doing better. Keep resting and take it easy on that food.

I will be back tomorrow.
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'Evening! Trying to get ready for this weekend's company. We're having a sangria tasting tomorrow evening and so it will be busy.

Deb, how nice the birds get along. I've noticed a robin who's very territorial. It's fun to watch them. We didn't have rain last night. Are your lakes and rivers low near you?

Belinda, so happy to hear how well everything went yesterday. That's terrific you're be in the study.

Today was a walk outside & full body at the gym. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - I'm happy to hear you are in the study. It sounds like it can be very helpful for you. The other good thing is you found others that have RP.

Cookie - Hopefully you get to rest before the company comes LOL ;) A sangria tasting sounds like fun, my SILs love Sangria. Our lakes and rivers aren't low near us. I walk about 45 min. as many days as I can.

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Fit Split Shred Cardio plus Bonus Abs is done. Depending how I feel later I will do S&H legs.

Debbie - hopefully one day the researchers will find a cure. RP is studied world wide. Researchers from all over the world have access to my blood samples and study my genetic coding. I pray one day there is a break through for this disease. I have a good team of doctors and researchers. They all work together.

Cookie - unfortunately there aren't enough people and info on RP. The disease was first discovered 1926. They still haven't found a cure. I am glad everything went well at Penn too. I hope you get some rest. Your sangria tasting sounds great. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend.

Today was a rest day. I had a bridal shower in NY. It took 3 1/2 hours to get there and 2 1/2 to get home it should only take 1 hour 45 min. It was nice but was in the car too long, I was with my SIL so had company. DH went to a neighbors twin children's HS graduation. I think that is the party I should have went to 5 minute walk;)

Belinda - Nice Fit Split workout! I'm sure being in the study you do get the best Dr.'s. It must feel good to be a part of the study.

Cookie - Enjoy your company.


S+H legs/shoulder is done. I also walked this morning. It's hot outside. I ordered a stroller fan for Sadie's stroller.

Debbie - sorry about the traffic yesterday. I haven't decided what I will do tomorrow. I finished Cathe's May rotation.

Cookie - hope you had lots of fun with your company.

Have a great day and Sunday.

Today was a walk outside it was hot out! I went to the Farmers Market today, last week it started. Our CSA closed so I bought a small share from a favorite farmer at the market. My box is ready when I get there.

Belinda - May’s rotation had good workouts. So cool getting a fan for Sadie’s stroller. I can use one when I walk;)

Waves hi to Cookie


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