Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a rest day. It wasn't very nice weather here. I just really did laundrymax today.

Belinda - It sounds like you are doing fun things. It's funny how we miss out on sightseeing around our homes. I always love to go pass homes we previously lived in. The home prices around here are so expensive even for small homes.

Waves hi to Cookie


Today is a rest day on Carline Iron rotation. Tomorrow is the last workout. I am still deciding what I will do next?

Today it was too hot too walk, I did Cathy’s Perfect 30 Low HIIT plus Flow mobility. Had a great workout this morning.

Debbie - we are doing fun and safe things for us to do. Still have to be carful with covid. Nobody is wearing mask not even in restaurants. Of course, I have to layer up everything I go indoors like shopping. I been flaring up since I arrived. It was fun to see all the changes in our old neighborhood neighborhood and our old house looks taking care off. I need to do some laundry max too.

Hi Cookie!

Have a great Saturday!

Today was a walk outside before the rain. I also did Cathe boss bands glute floorwork only. Tomorrow I have a baby shower in Long Island. It was a last minute thing but my SILs and I can make it.

Belinda - Nice workout! I can just imagine how hot it is, humid here. I surprised not too many people wearing masks here either. How much longer are you in TX?

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Today I did my last workout for Iron series. Arms and abs is done. I still haven’t decided what I will do next week?

Debbie - it’s very hot here, no humidity. It’s very dry heat. We been doing mostly outdoor things because of the no mask wearing. I don’t wont to catch anything. My body isn’t fighting infections. We fly home on Tuesday.

Hi Cookie!

Have a great Sunday.

Today was a walk outside. I went to a baby shower for a cousin in NY. It was a lot of fun seeing relatives we don't see often.

Belinda - Nice workout! I agree with doing outdoor things because it is safer, the numbers are high. Next weekend, we are visiting family in TN and plan to do mostly outside activities too.

Hi Cookie

Good morning,

3 mile walk is done. It’s so hot outside. Had to carry Sadie in her sling the entire time. I need a travel stroller for her, lol.

Yesterday DH and I visit some very old friend here in EP. They both German. They are a lot older than us. It was 100‘ here yesterday, we sat outside and had a nice lunch with them.

Today is our last day in TX, tomorrow we fly back home. I had an amazing time here. I am doing some laundry so I don’t have too much dirty clothes when I get home.

Debbie - my friends yesterday tried to get us indoors under the AC, I refused. I felt bad for them, I know it was hot for them sitting outside. We didn’t stay long either for that reason. Pus, I wanted to spent more time with my son.

Cookie - hope you get a chance to check in. Have lots of fun.

I will try to be back later.

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Lean Legs. It was supposed to storm but it wasn't as bad as they thought.

Belinda - I could imagine how hot it must be but you did get a long walk in. At least you saw your friends for a short time and enjoyed each other's company. You were able to do so much which is nice. I can't imagine how their summer's are:oops: It also so nice Sadie was able to come with you. Enjoy the rest of the time with your DS & DIL and safe travels home:)

Cookie - I forgot how long you were going for.


Today was a walk outside, it was a really nice day! The only thing is the pollen is so bad. Usually it doesn't bother me but it was windy.

Safe travel Belinda:)


We are home. We arrived in DC around 11 pm last night. We ended up staying at DD's condo last night. It would have been too late to drive home. By the time we showered and eat some food it was 1 am. I didn't go to sleep until 2 am. I am so tired today.

I did ended up doing some leg workout this evening.

Debbie - thank you! It was so hot in EP, I couldn't go outside. We did walk early in the morning. It was very nice seeing and catching up with my friends. Sadie did amazing on the flight. I am so glad she came with us. She slept on my lap from Atalanta to DC the entire flight. She is amazing. Great job on your workouts.

I am trying to figure out what I will do workout wise next week?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside it was really nice & ab workout. We leave on Friday to go to TN, my SIL & her BF had Covid last week so we are going to visit them outside. We will visit other family members 1st to get extra time. This is just so confusing, they used to say 10 days but now they say 5 days to quarantine.

Belinda - It sounds like you had a really good time. It must be comforting to know Sadie did so well:) Sorry you got in so late, but good to stay at your DD's. Plus you had another visit.

Waves hi to Cookie


Yesterday I did Ramped up UB. Not sure what I will do today?

Debbie- safe travels! How long are you staying? Sorry your SIL and BF had Covid. Hope they feel better soon. Good idea you keep doing things outside. I am not sure if I trust 5 days quarantine?

Good morning,

Today I did Perfect 30 LB. I will walk later to get my steps in.

Debbie - safe travels.

Waving Hi to Cookie!

Have a wonderful day.

Today DH and I did CornerFitness 50 Min ARMS AND ABS FIREY STRENGTH WORKOUT . I likeThe workout was very good, IMO! I took a zoom vegan pizza class this afternoon.

Waving Hi to Debbie and Cookie! Good night.

I’m sorry I haven’t checked in. I had trouble signing in, but did get it to work. We arrived in Nashville yesterday, we visited my nephew and his wife yesterday to see their new daughter. We visited my SIL & her bf today. It’s fun but tiring.

Belinda . Nice workouts! Traveling around Nashville is challenging so many different highways to get to one place. Also exiting off highways are from both left and right. I don’t think I could ever go without GPS. Your pizza class sounds exciting, want to hear about it;)

Cookie - I hope you are having a good time:)


DH, Sadie and I went for a walk early this morning. It was already hot outside. We need to get out the door around 7 am to stay cool.

Debbie - sorry you had trouble signing in. Glad you arrived safe and had a great visit with your SIL & BF. Traveling wears me out. I was tired for a few day's after we came home from TX.

Cookie - you must have lots of fun.

Have a great Sunday.

I really haven’t been able to workout. We have been walking a lot but coming short of 10,000 steps. Today we visited with 2 of my nephews with their children & my SIL. We are going to crash early tonight.

Belinda - Smart to walk early it was cooler here today but really hot back home.

Waves hi to Cookie


Cathe Intensity today, mostly on the rebounder.

Debbie - it gets too hot to walk. Great job on getting your steps in. Glad you have fun visiting with your family. How long are you staying?

Hi Cookie!

Good night.

Today was our last day in TN. We went to downtown Nashville for a couple of hours. We thought we were early at 5pm but so crowded. Apparently Nashville is a hot tourist destination now. All age groups but didn’t stay very long.

Belinda - Nice workout! It’s funny our nephew’s daughter has a rebounder, she has so much fun on it. Also burns a lot of energy, it made me want to have one:)

'Evening! Had a fantabulous time traveling and now it's back to work! Have to say I'm really tired right now but have to do a meeting starting in a couple of minutes. Missed you both and am glad to read you're both doing well.

Today I did XTrain Biceps & Triceps.

Debbie - Nashville is a hot spot for tourist. Glad you having fun. I love my rebounder.

Cookie - glad you had a great time. We miss you too. Sorry about the meeting tonight.

Good night.

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