Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

No workout to report today. Taking it easy today. I got the vaccine today. I will get the next one in 28 day's than the booster the month after. I am not happy to get the booster. It's not a half dose like everyone getting, I will get a full does for booster I was told today since I am immune compromised.

Debbie - I did had a great leg workout yesterday. Oh no, on the moles on your face :( LOL, glad the mask is handy. Fingers crossed banned spots will work. Hope it's not to painful. Did they say why you got it?

Cookie - I hope the tropical treatment is helping. I can't imagine what you are going through and have lupus on top. You probably have to take meds daily too, hah? Sorry you are going through this. LOL, about your small dog. Sounds like what Sadie would do. DD's dog Cooper is 75 pounds he love everything small like drinking out of Sadies small water bowl :( playing with her small toys. Sadie loves his giant antler. I am surprised she can carry it, lol.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a walk on the treadmill & zoom yoga. It is so cold here:(

Belinda - It's good that you are taking it easy after the vaccine. My younger ds just had his 1st dose today. He didn't want to get it but his job required it. I'm happy they did. Will they wait to see if you have a reaction to each shot before giving you the full dose of the booster? My face isn't painful, doesn't look bad without the bandaids but I need to wear for a week along with vaseline. It helps with healing. They said it could be sun damage or hereditary. I do wear sunscreen, maybe not so much when I was younger.

Cookie - It's funny how the small dogs take charge. I wonder if they think they are bigger.


Arm Toning Workout // Day18 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done. Had to modify some of the exercises.

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Single Arm Tricep Extension (R) - 10#
Single Arm Tricep Extension (L) - 10#
Tricep Press - 15#
Push Back Push Up
Alternating Lifts - 5's
Shadow Box

Circuit 2 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Bicep Rotation - 8's
Negative Curls - 8's
Bicep Burn Out - 5's
Prayer Pulses - BW
Squat + Front Raise - 5's
Walking Plank

Circuit 3 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Laying Tricep Press (R) - 10's
Laying Tricep Press (L) - 10's
Tricep Push Up - I did lying crossbody ext. w/10's
Overhead Press Combo - 8's
Crab Dance - I did triceps kickbacks- 8's
Inchworm + Hop
Cool Down & Stretch

Debbie - yesterday It was freezing cold here too. Today isn't much better. How is your son doing after his first dose? My arm where they gave me the vaccine started to hurt a little last night. I also was a little nauseous. Arm still hurts a little, nausea is gone. I was very nerves getting the vaccine. They all where so nice, answered all my questions. I am glad it's done. I will not get another vaccine if I start getting a bad reaction from the vaccine. Hopefully I will not. Which one did you DS get? I got the Moderna yesterday. Glad your face isn't painful. Wearing sunscreen is so important. I don't tan, I burn. I learned my lessons early on.

Cookie - I hope you doing fine.

I will be back later to catch up on more personals.
'Evening! Did a Jessica Smith walk today inside, where it's warm, on the rebounder. Guess it is obvious I am not a cold-weather person.

Deb, glad they got them early! The masks are good for hiding, as well as keeping me a little warmer walking to my car.

Belinda, yep on the daily meds. But the lupus is a whole lot better than a few years ago. Glad you were able to get the vaccine. I had the Moderna also, and only felt a little off the next day each time.
Hi everyone,

NO REPEATS WORKOUT: Cardio, Abs & Booty // Day 19 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done.

Cookie - do you have to take immunosuppressants medications daily? Glad to hear yours is a lot better. There is no cure for lupus too like mine :( My arm hurt a little and I was nauseous for a few hours when I had the vaccine. I feel fine. You just got your booster shot. Did you get half the does or a full one? I am confused when the nurse at the clinic said I was getting a full does when I get the booster shot :( I need to bring this up with my Rheumatologist next time I see him. Great job on JS walk.

Debbie - I hope all is well since you didn't check in yesterday.

Have a great evening.

I didn't check in last night because of a crazy situation. I was at the food store DH calls and says he gets a knock on the door to evacuate. About 4 houses down but across the street their was a gas leak. My ds said when he came home he could smell it. They wouldn't let me in the neighborhood so I waited a couple of blocks away. The firefighter said they might be putting the neighbors on the bus. After waiting almost 45 min. they decided to dig up the meter and patch the pipe. Most of the people closer evacuated but we didn't get a chance and they told everyone to come back. It was so cold maybe that is why it leaked. They opened entranceway to our house so I was able to get back in. It was a very stressful situation. One of the reasons I don't like gas.

Both of my walks were indoors at the gym.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I'm happy to hear your vaccine wasn't too bad, hopefully you still feel good. My ds didn't have any reactions, except sore where they injected. He had the pfizer vaccine. It's a good thing to check with your Dr. about the booster dosage. The numbers are going down here which is great.

Cookie - Ugh, big snow storm coming! We are expecting 6-12 inches all day tomorrow. Hopefully you aren't one of the ones getting 18 inches. It's a hot chocolate kind of day:)

Have a great weekend!
'Evening! DH convinced me to wear my snow sneakers and get a walk in. Glad we did esp w/cold temps and storm tomorrow!

Deb, omg! I can't imagine how you were feeling with that situation! Glad things worked out well, but, boy. Gad your ds feeling well after booster. Hope you don't get much snow.

Belinda, yes I take daily, and had the full booster shot. I had it a couple of months ago. Super happy that you haven't had much of a reaction.
Good afternoon,

Today I did day 20 of Heather rotation. I will post my workout tomorrow. DH and I are in DC. I did not bring my computer.

Debbie - I would have been stressed out too. Scary! Glad everyone is ok. Glad your son is doing fine too. Glad the numbers are going down.

Cookie - I guess, if you immune compromised you get an extra shot . I hope the next 2 shot I will have similar symptoms like the first one. Thank you Ian super excited not not having much of reactions. Did you get a antibody test? How do you know you have antibodies?

I will be back tomorrow

Today was a rest day except for shovel max. It was so cold but DH & I both were able to finish quickly. The snow wasn't too heavy and we had about 4-5 inches so not too bad.

Belinda - Nice workout! Have fun in DC. On my 2nd vaccine, I had a lump the next day at the injection site. It really didn't hurt and went away after a couple of days.

Cookie - Snow sneakers sounds interesting. Kudos on getting a walk in! It is so cold, the wind chill is in the negative numbers:( Tomorrow will be just as cold and a slight warm-up on Monday for us.


Today I did Boss Loops Glutes & Core. It was a tough one. I had a pre-Super Bowl dinner with the boy's since we will be in FL during the Superbowl. It was good cheat food:) and they said the games were really good.

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in last night. We stayed longer with DD, we came home late last night. Had a great time.

Yesterday we did a restorative yoga with DD.

Debbie - sorry you got a lump on your arm. DD starting to get one under her arm and she has body aches. We didn't get any extra snow. It sure it's cold outside.

Cookie - what are snow sneakers? Never heard of them before. Hope you had a great weekend.

I will be back later to report my workout.
Good morning,

Today I did Chest & Shoulders SUPERSETS Workout // Day 21 week 5 of 12WEEK 2.0. It was 40s work + 20s rest x3.

I will check in later. Have a great Monday everyone.
Evening! DS2 left today. Yeah, he had planned to leave earlier but each time at the last minute, it kept getting delayed. The storm delayed it til today. Think he had a hard time leaving his dog but know he didn't mind leaving the cold here! DH had us walk on the lake at noon so I could get some sunlight. Had on fleece pants, fleece sweatshirt, and two other sweatshires, and was still cold!

Deb, when are you going to FL? So envious. Got in to watching some football when DS was here. We got the sneakers a few years ago from LLBean. They're waterproof, insulated and have good traction. This means they're heavier to wear than regular sneakers.

Belinda, you must have had a good time in DC with your DD. We only got about 4-5 inches of snow, but lots of cold and ice.

Today was a walk at the gym & Cathe ICE Chisled UB. It was still cold out:( It actually is cold in Florida. I spoke with my Dad it's in the 40's-50's, still better than here, but FL folks don't like it LOL. We leave next Tuesday. I'm happy I can see my Dad, it's been 2 years. We were lucky because we saw him 2 weeks before lockdown of Covid. My Dad's wife told me today it has been 3 years since she has seen her daughter. She lives in CA.

Belinda - I'm happy to hear you had fun with your DD. Restorative yoga is so nice!! How is DD doing with yoga? How does Sadie do with traveling?

Cookie - You were brave to walk outside, but I'm sure it felt really good:) It was nice that you had extra time with your DS, but sad to see him go. My fleece pants are helpful but sometimes not enough especially when it's windy.

Good morning,

I did Lower Body Stength: Tri-Sets Leg Workout // Day 22 HR12WEEK 2.0. Great workout.

Debbie - DD's got certified through Brett Larkin yoga. DD is doing the next level up with Brett. It was one of the study material restorative yoga. It was hard. I couldn't do it with my swollen knees :( DD applied for 4 yoga teaching positions for seniors in DC. All 4 contacted her :) DD helps me to modify the heck out of some yoga positions. Sadie does really good traveling. We been taking her everywhere with us. I can't wait until the weather is nice so we can do a picnic at the state park. We love being outside, nobody is around. I don't have to worry about being too close to anyone. Wow, that is a long time you haven't seen your dad. I wished I could travel. Maybe when covid disappears. I would die not seeing my DD for that long. Covid or not.

Cookie - I know it's sad to see your son go. Glad you had the extra time with him. Your son's dog is in good hands. I need to look into those sneakers. We didn't did the predicted snow, it's sure very cold and windy.

Have a great Monday.

Today was a walk at the gym & lower body exercises. We went to go see my Mom tonight.

Belinda - Nice workout! It's sounds like your DD has great training:) Also that all 4 places contacted her. You have your own one-on-one trainer for yoga, it does make a difference when you can be adjusted and repositioned.

Cookie - It's getting warmer for a few days, hopefully by you too.

Super early good morning! Well actually have been up for a while already. No idea why my dog keeps waking me up. Guess he misses me. Then I realized I never checked in yesterday. My foot is bothering me but did manage a JS walking workout.

Deb, bet you can't wait to hug your dad and stepmom! How's your mom doing?

Belinda, that's great your dd has four places reaching out to her. There's such a need for restorative yoga.
Hi everyone,

Today is a rest day scheduled on the rotation. I did went for a nice walk outside.

Did any of you girls order any new Cathe exercise equipments? I ordered a bunch of stuff :) It's suppose to get delivered today. Looking forward to the micro cloves and weight lifting cloves.

Cookie - you are up early! I hope it isn't anything serious with your foot. Please, be carful! I like restorative yoga, the one we did wasn't for senior.

Debbie - It's nice having your own personal yoga teacher. Hope you had fun visiting your mom. Great job on your workouts.

'Evening! Took a rest day today. It was a long day, plus waking up early with the dogs ... Actually just finished leading a workshop. I'm beat.

Deb, do you listen to something while you walk? Just wondering b/c I've gotten into podcasts and really like listening to them.

Belinda, I haven't ordered anything. Actually think I have what I need, it may not have Cathe's name on it tho. Plus, I've spent a lot on other things recently.

Today was a walk outside, it was almost 50 so nice:) Unfortunately all good things must come to an end:( bad weather the next couple of days. It's funny, I saw so many blue jays out today. I thought they fly South. I googled it and some years they don't. I think they picked a bad year to stay in the Northeast;)

Belinda - It's nice to get a break from the cold weather and get a walk in outside. I didn't order anything yet but everything looks so fun, colorful and nice quality.

Cookie - You had a super long day today, you should sleep well. Nice that you were able to get a walk in. I hope your foot feels better. My Mom is doing well. I don't listen to podcasts but I really would like to.


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