Commit to get fit & lean for Dec 12, 2010


Good morning,

I never got my ab workout in yesterday, so I have to do it today:confused: Than I will rest today.

I will be back and catch up on personals.

Have a great rest/workout today!
Good Morning:D

I love this morning ME time. I miss it so much...but love the extra money:p. Sucks that I have to spend it on other people though...LOL.

I don't have to train anyone until later today so I get to workout today:D. I going to do cardio and LB high reps, I am looking forward to it!

Belinda** Enjoy your rest day!

Cookie** I probably wouldn't have went back to sleep either. I haven't reordered, tempted to buy the download for now. I bought 3 other downloads a while ago and I haven't done them yet:rolleyes: Just older workouts that I miss. Enjoy your company!

I will bbl!

Hello all. yesterday's workout was Cardio and Weights. I always think that one will be easier than it actually is, but I pushed through it. Today's workout will be some kind of cardio, not sure what. We are going to a brunch buffet with Santa today with my family. The boys are excited. I am just hoping I keep self-control over my portions :eek: I still have some little odds and ends to get for Christmas presents. A few more for the hubby and stocking stuffers for the boys, also my cousin and a friend of mine. Major shopping is done though, yay!

Cookie- too funny about the dog. The Marley and Me dog would have been given away, I swear. My students are really enjoying the story.

Helene- more people are getting the Smartboard now, and coming to me for questions. I am by no means an expert, but I kind of like the fact that I know what I am talking about for the most part. I got comfortable with it very quickly. I use it all the time. For the reading we are doing now, I am just showing pictures/illustrations as we read so the students can get a visual of what is going on. It seems to be working. Plus, when I show the movie at the end, I can play it in my laptop and have it show on the smartboard, which kind of turns it into a mini-movie screen. Pretty cool!

Iris- any news on OTB?Have you heard anything? I have cousins in Saratoga and if OTB closes I wonder what will happen to that town's tourist economy.

Lori- I know what you mean about extra money and spending it on other people, lol. DH got his bonus and very little is going to us, lol.

Amelia- Hope you are enjoying your weekend off!

Belinda- When do your kids come out?

Melissa- how many days left now ;)

Deb- How are you doing? You're almost at the finish line, right?

Hi everyone.

I am so beat! And DH is dragging us to an indoor water park in 15 minutes. :eek: Maybe I can find a float and snooze....

Belinda: How are you doing with Insanity and weights? Are you very tired. I am not courageous enough to embark on an insanity rotation at the moment. I am going to try and follow a Turbo fire one because the workouts are short. I also have short (30 minutes) 4 times a week. So on most days it's less than an hour.

Kristin: I figured you would turn into the smartboard guru :) I hope my kids teachers get up to speed and have an engaged one like you when they are a bit older :)

Amelia: Nice to see your post sounded so happy. Time off from work must be nice after what you have been putting in for hours!

Lori: My ME time is supper short this morning. But if I don't see the bottom of the coffee cup, then it ain't over. LOL.

Hi to everyone else, I will have to go back and see what you have been up to. :eek: Have a great day though.

Oh yeah, I did a nice back and biceps workout yesterday. :cool:
Hey Girls!

Todays workout was as planned. I did 22 mins on the TM (2.5 miles) , 23 mins on the bike (while I watched the biggest loser and cried) and High reps LB premix. I have a feeling that I won't be feeling any DOMS from that workout...but I could be wrong, I was wrong once before;):D

Glad my weekend of work is coming to an end. I have mounds of laundry at home that need to be done.

Kristin** I haven't done C&W's in a long time. I do enjoy that workout though but its on VHS and not DVD. I should probably break down and buy some dvds that I like. DH hasn't gotten his bonus yet. He will wait for the last min, which is fine b/c then we won't have to spend it on other people!:D

Helene** Have fun at the water park!! And enjoy that coffee while it last. I don't get people who don't drink SOMETHING in the morning to get their A$$ moving!

I will bbl!

Morning, today will be some thinking some Rodney power yoga. I'm sporting some doms from yesterdays PH workout. Feels good.

This up coming weeks work schedule looks like I may get in some workouts in the afternoon...looking forward to that.

I rented Eat pray love yesterday and only watched about 40mins of it before giving up and turning it off. I love Julia Roberts but MAN was that movie boring:eek: Im sure the book was better...

Cookie-Hope you got some sleep rest last night.

Belinda-I almost skipped my abs yesterday too, lol. Have a good one

Lori-Ugh, ive been working on my mountain of laundry too. LOL at your workout/crying experience...TBL will do that to ya, i haven't really been into this season...i have them recorded so i can watch them when i have more time.

Helene-Floating and snoozing sounds so nice right now...although the thought of rolling over and falling off the float is a little scary:confused:lol! Nice workout yesterday.

Kristin-Nice job on C&W yesterday. We have most of our christmas shopping done nice to have it out of the way.

Hello to anyone i missed...gotta scoot, we have to get some grocery's sometime today and I dread dealing with the christmas crowds:confused:

later gators
Hello lovely ladies! I'm new to this thread but have been reading it and you all seem like such nice people! I've been on restricted workouts and finally did some weights today for the first time in a month! Felt so good today, will feel awful in a couple days- love doms :D did bodymax 2 one of my all time favs. Will check back in tomorrow.
Evening ladies!

What a crazy weekend!! I did a few tastings but no workouts :eek: It was my active rest week from STS...too bad there wasn't that much activity in there. Oh well, tomorrow I am back to doing STS so that will be kicking my butt for the next 4 weeks!

Kristin, I am the same way with C&W; I always put it in when I need an "easier" workout...too bad it's not that easy! I do love it though. Hope you had fun at the brunch!

Helene, is the indoor water park in the Poconos? I'm sure there are a bunch of them but we were supposed to go to one a few years ago there and that never happened. Hope you had fun!

Belinda, I'm still toying with Insanity and not sure if I want to get it yet. I agree with Helene, you are one strong cookie to do that rotation. I get tired just reading it lol ;)

Lori, yup ME time is definitely awesome! Everyone needs some kind of alone time to stay sane IMO. I had the same laundry issue this weekend: 3 loads of clothes and then sheets. NOT my idea of fun!

Amelia, glad you are feeling happier!! CONGRATS on your weight loss, that is so awesome! LOL @EPL. I was going to watch it but it didn't look like a movie I could really get into.

Heidinsasha, welcome to the group! This really is a great group of supportive women! Glad you decided to join us :) BM2 is awesome, I love that workout so much, especially the music!!!

I have to go read the threads from the past 3 days :eek: I have been slacking...

Hello to Cookie, Deb, & Trish! Hope you had an awesome weekend!
Belinda, is tomorrow the day your cildren arrive? You must be so excited. Did you get the cleaning done? For me, it is endless.
Amelia, did you do yoga today? We must be thinking alike. I read EPL but didn't see the movie. Thought it was good but not lifechanging and all that like I've heard some say.
Helene, did you relax at the park? TG it's warmed up. Have you done Turbo Fire before? What are they like?
Kristin, how was brunch with Santa? It sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you took photos.
Melissa, did you have much business at the tastings? I'm thinking it is a busy time of year for them.
Deb, how are things going? Any news on your dh? Thinking of you and yours.
Iris, hope you're getting a chance for you time in between all your work.
Heidi, welcome. I really love this group. Very supportive, wonderful people who keep me motivated.
Did a yoga wo today, went to a cookie exchange and did a little shopping with the girls. Also some decorating. One son should arrive on Tuesday. Looking forward to seeing him, it has been a year. Got to go watch Christmas Vacation - Sunday evenings are always movie nights and I'm late.

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