*** Commit to get FIT and LEAN Tues ***


Good Morning Gang:)

I have baby group today so I will get my workout in this afternoon. If it doesn't rain it will be another run and I still need to get my weight workout in that I was suppose to do yesterday.

Eating was great yesterday, I did have a couple of choc covered jube jubes...but beleive me, for me, thats great.

Here is what I ate:

B-Protein shake,1/2 banana,vanilla yogurt
L-ww english,1 egg,1 white,cheese slice
D-ww wrap,1/2 c steak and 1/2 tbsl mayo
S- pineapple,jube jube,1/2 choco chip cookie

Normally I would eat more then this but for some reason lucnh really filled me up. Could have been the 32 oz of water I drank after my run....or it could have been the fact that it was warm out when I was running and my appetite wasn't the greatest?

Ameila** Good workout yesterday and good job on the clean eating!

Cookie** We also had thunder and lightening here yesterday, how weird is that? And we are miles apart! My dogs couldn't be bothered with it though. Let us know what you think about MM.

Belinda** HOpe you are enjoying your rest week. I think if I took a rest week I would gain 10 lbs LOL

Cheryl** How is the eating going? I know its going good b/c you have tons of determination!

Amy** Are you working? When is your next weigh in?

Kristine** Hope everything is o.k with you and the little one!

Morning Lori,great workout planned today! Have fun a baby group!!! i was kinda hungry last night when i went to bed but i grabbed a caffeine free diet pepsi. Good job on your eating yesterday! Whats a jube jube?

today is a cardio and abb day for me! Im not feeling the doms yet from yesterdays workout,but it usually take over twenty four hours for me to start feeling it! I will do a 30min dog walk,30min powerwalk on the Tread mill(or drop off the doggie and walk outside;-)) then do the abbs on PH and PUB(no pikes:+)

MM should be here shortly!

Cookie,you doing MM today? Have you had a chance to preview it yet?

hey to Kristine,Cheryl,Belinda and i think that completes our little group??? Sorry if i missed anyone

bbl to report my workout and meals!
Ameila** A jube jube is a candy! LOL Its kinda gooie like gummie bears but they are thicker and round. They are yummy...especially when they are dipped in chocolate:)

Baby group was a complete disaster today. I don't think DS wanted to be there so he cried over every little thing until I packed him up and we went to the grocery store...where he seemed to be perfectly fine!x( I really wasn't enjoying myself b/c of his whining. Not only that, some of the girls have invited new mothers, (meanwhile everyone is heading back to work,)so there were little babies there and DS who was walking around waving a stick and beating on everything!x( Im thinking about not going all the time anymore. It really as died down alot but if I hadn't went, I would have had my workout over with already.
With that being said, he is gone for a nap already. I think that was his problem. After I get everyones lunch, Im gonna do my weight workout and then we are going to get out for a run. Probably won't be as long as yesterdays run though.

Hi girls,

Last night I did stretching from TBS! LOL!

Lori** enjoy your workout today! My body need a break from heavy lifting! I will watch what I eat, I should be fine! You never take a recovery week?

Amelia** enjoy your workout! MM is a good one!

Hi to Kristine, Cheryl,Amy and Cookie!

Have a fantastic day!

Hi ladies,

Sorry, I am still alive, but I had to send in my laptop to HP to get it fixed and it'll still be awhile before I get it back. So sometimes I get to use the laptop from my stepdaughter. So as soon as my laptop comes back I will be back to check in on a regular basis.

I am still doing the June rotation. Yesterday was SS and today I am taking a day off.

Hope everyone is doing well, I sure miss checking in with you ladies.

Kristine :)
Hey girls,just popping in the report my workout! Im done! Did everything except for PUB abbs,so i will do that one later

2eggs+2pcs wwtoast
shaved chicken sandwich w/ALOT of lettuce on top and some baked lays
1/2npb sandwich on ww bread
two ww torillas,southwestern chicken with salsa,bell pepper and lots of other veggies
100 calorie popcorn

I just ate my sandwich and baked lays so the rest of the day is a what ive got planned! should be around 15-1600 cals:)

Lori-Im sorry your baby group visit was a disaster:-(,mmm your candy does sound good! Anything that has chocolate in it,im all for;-)

kristine-there you are! Good job with your rotation,let us know what kind of results you get!

Belinda-good job with your stretching! Enjoy your recovery week! How is your DD liking her rotation?

Hey to Cheryl and Cookie!

everybody have a wonderful day:) im off to the grocery store....againx(x(
Done with my weight workout. I really enjoy that one and I like the people in this workout the best. They even seem annoyed by Tony sometimes:)
Just feeding DS a yogurt and then we are heading out for a run. Im not gonna go as far today, I don't think and the clouds look like they are rolling in.

Kristine** Glad to see you are still alive;) Check in whenever you can!

Ameila** Would you like for me to mail you a few chocolate covered jube jubes? You will be hooked! LOL When I was waiting to have DS, my sister and I would get up early in the morning, play nintendo and I would eat jube jubes for my breakfast...hince the 50 lbs weight gain! LOL Oh well, I enjoyed it. Cant do it now though.

Alright, need to get this run over with. He doesn't seem to be interested in his yogurt!

Back from my run. Did about 70 mins. Now its time to hit the shower. Boy, my days off sure do go by fast~

i hope somebody reads this:+

Belinda-I wish i could trade in my grey step for the pink one:D did you ever find out if it comes with basic step? Maybe emailing snm?

Lori-Great run,wow...you road runner;-)ok,send those jube,jube right over i will waiting by the mailbox:D :9 Oh man,we went to blockbuster and there was so much chocolate all over the front checkout,i told dh i was going to car,LOL they had those hershy bliss with carmel in the middle:+

Cheryl-How was your day? good i hope!!!

My meals didn't go quite as planned so here is what i ate today(or will eat)...

2eggs+2pcs wwtoast with light butter
shaved chicken sandwich w/ALOT of lettuce on top and some baked lays
turkey bacon,lettuce tomato sammy with light mayo
two ww torillas,southwestern chicken with salsa,bell pepper and lots of other veggies
100 calorie popcorn and a diet pepsi

grand total of 1640,yay...thats two days in the books:7(now if i can just do this for seven days then i can enjoy a little free day;-))

Amelia, I read your last post! Did you rent a movie at Blockbuster? Good strategy on how to handle that chocolate. Sometimes doesn’t it seem to just call your name?

Wow, so you ladies are posting your food! Gee, that’s real accountability. I’ll try to work up to it…

Well, I love MM! What a great workout. It really fries the chest between pushups and flies. I think the major difference between it and ME is the heavier weights. Ohh, it feels good. Amelia, I didn’t preview it, and I’m sure you won’t need to either.

Lori, how many babies are in the baby group? I joined one after I had my second son, but the moms were quite competitive on so many things. Who had the “nicer” home, cleaner, better decorated, fancier snacks, healthier snacks,…. So I didn’t stay in it. I’m just not competitive on things like that. Now if it comes to playing Scrabble – watch out!

Belinda, sorry I have the original step. It is a very gaudy teal with purple and pink risers. It must be about 20 years old. Is the pink the same size as the regular one?

Cheryl, how have your workouts been? You sure are consistent.

I finished reading The Last Lecture this morning. Has anyone read it? The author is about 47 years old, has three young children, and is diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. The book is about achieving your childhood dreams and is really good. My friend loaned it to me, and she had assured me it wasn’t depressing. She was right.

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