Hey girls(dang,if I can type right)
Cheryl-YAY,high fives....your on fire!!!! Did you get your workout in? I always say 20min is better than nothing!
Carrie-Im almost finished with my resume,I need to check out a book so I can finish the coverletter...i forgot how to do it?LOL I also need to get my Certification from school just incase an employer wants to see it! My DH will watch the kids during the morning time...i will only be working 3days a week,partime
(thankgoodness)Great job on Imax2 today! I did that one yesterday(well,have;-))
Belinda-sooooo who do you like on American Idol! The guy from GA is pretty good(LOL,coming from a georgan;-))I also like the little young guy that smiles all the time! As far as the women goes,i like brook!
Lori-Glad to hear you off work until friday! Great workout today!
did I miss anybody? I hope not,im too lazy to go back and read right now,LOL}( everybody have a great night!
ETA-Hey Sara,I didn't know you were applying for grad-school(forgive me if you have mentioned it before;-))...what are you major in agian? How excited you must be!