Good Morning
Im up before everyone else in my house, even on my day off!

After I work a couple of early days,my eyes always pop open on the next day before I want them to. Not only that, my chest was bad and it was getting uncomfortable to sleep so i got up and took some Motrin. It seems to be getting worse and Im afraid that means Im gonna have to go to the Dr. I don't mind going to the Dr but without an apt, no one knows how long you will be waiting to see one! Which means...I probably won't get a workout in today either;(
BUT....if I do

It will be BM2 and although I would love to do GS Chest and Tri's...I don't think it will be possible.
Belinda** Enjoy your workout!
Cheryl** Oh no...132

I really better get going now. I wish for the life of my I could remember what I was doing (or wasn't doing) when I was 117! The lowest Im going, while watching my intake is 120..which is still o.k but with one day of bad eating or a treat day it shoots right back up. Im not weighing anymore until Sun and I should have a couple of good days b/c there are no sweets in this house and thats my downfall
Ameila** I have hair growing back out on the sides of my head. I guess I lost it when I was pregnant and didn't notice. And b/c its soooo short, its super curly and drives me crazy!! I have to straighten it a little when I am drying it.
Carrie** What are your workout plans for the day? I guess you will soon be getting ready for DS's b-day? Then again,knowing you..the poor guy won't have a party ...hehehe Or maybe he will, just don't bring gifts

Its amazing how much our bodies can change in a yr, isn't it? I know that after having DS I was so ready to get back into shape and thought it was going to happen over night. Now when I hear new moms say "gotta get this weight off in 2 weeks" b/c they are going on a trip or something, Im thinking..."come off of it! You just had a baby 1 month ago..give your self some time"! Needless to say, I had the same way of thinking as they did and I probably will if I ever do it again!
Shannon,Kristine and Stacy....hope you are all doing o.k! We miss you!!!;( ;( ;(