Good Morning!
Up early again...not sure this is wise

I do have about 12 girls for a sleepover! LOL Prehaps I should have rested up! hehe But then if I didn't workout I may have been stressed all day as well
Todays workout is a straight run and abs.Im up early enough to clock a few miles but Im gonna do abs first and then go from there, Im thinking maybe 8 miles. We will see.
I have to train the new girl again today.She wasn't suppose to be in today but she quit her other job so she will be in with me again. Which is good and bad. I have a few things to do for DD's party so I will just have to bring her along with me!}( I was showing her stuff yesterday and she wasn't even writing anything down. I remember when someone trained me, I wrote everything down for reference. I finally said to her,"you must have a good memory" And she says, "no,maybe I should write this down"x( And TALK? Everytime I started to tell her about some kind of innocent or things she may run into, it some how turned into a story about her and then went way off topic! Good Lord...I don't know what this one is gonna be like when she is left alone. She is only young and its not hard to tell. I know I was young once but I had DD when I was 17 and I was forced to act older...but I can really tell that she is only 22. Geez...I was planning my wedding when I was 22!
Ameila** Did you eat anything else after? hehe I was hoping to be good all week but I haven't really been behaving myself. Oddly enough, the scale is moving down. Its been a week since I lifted anything heavy...lets see if thats been the culprit all this time!
Belinda** My sister isn't sure if she is having twins. She started out having twins but they aren't sure if both of them are still alive. They could only find one heart beat but at one point they thought they found two.I guess at this point, they are still VERY small and hard to find. They are in different sacs though which means both of the fertilized eggs took and they won't be identical. Can you imagine if she had a boy and a girl!!! OMG! That would be soooo awesome!!!
Carrie** Good job with the workout! You know BM2 is my fav! Where do you do your step workouts when working out with your SIL?
Cheryl** all I can ever day! Your weightloss is going great! So happy for you and you must be happy to!
Stacy** Hope you are feeling o.k!
Kristine** Hope you get a good workout in today!
Sara** Enjoy your day and your workout!
MC** We are here whenever you want to checkin!
I think thats it for personnals! I was up early enough to get it all in. you like my new Avatar? Couldn't you just chew the face off of him????