Commit to get fit and lean for Thu Mar 20th 2008

Good Morning!

Up early again...not sure this is wise:eek: I do have about 12 girls for a sleepover! LOL Prehaps I should have rested up! hehe But then if I didn't workout I may have been stressed all day as well:)
Todays workout is a straight run and abs.Im up early enough to clock a few miles but Im gonna do abs first and then go from there, Im thinking maybe 8 miles. We will see.
I have to train the new girl again today.She wasn't suppose to be in today but she quit her other job so she will be in with me again. Which is good and bad. I have a few things to do for DD's party so I will just have to bring her along with me!}( I was showing her stuff yesterday and she wasn't even writing anything down. I remember when someone trained me, I wrote everything down for reference. I finally said to her,"you must have a good memory" And she says, "no,maybe I should write this down"x( And TALK? Everytime I started to tell her about some kind of innocent or things she may run into, it some how turned into a story about her and then went way off topic! Good Lord...I don't know what this one is gonna be like when she is left alone. She is only young and its not hard to tell. I know I was young once but I had DD when I was 17 and I was forced to act older...but I can really tell that she is only 22. Geez...I was planning my wedding when I was 22!

Ameila** Did you eat anything else after? hehe I was hoping to be good all week but I haven't really been behaving myself. Oddly enough, the scale is moving down. Its been a week since I lifted anything heavy...lets see if thats been the culprit all this time!

Belinda** My sister isn't sure if she is having twins. She started out having twins but they aren't sure if both of them are still alive. They could only find one heart beat but at one point they thought they found two.I guess at this point, they are still VERY small and hard to find. They are in different sacs though which means both of the fertilized eggs took and they won't be identical. Can you imagine if she had a boy and a girl!!! OMG! That would be soooo awesome!!!

Carrie** Good job with the workout! You know BM2 is my fav! Where do you do your step workouts when working out with your SIL?

Cheryl** all I can ever day! Your weightloss is going great! So happy for you and you must be happy to!

Stacy** Hope you are feeling o.k!

Kristine** Hope you get a good workout in today!

Sara** Enjoy your day and your workout!

MC** We are here whenever you want to checkin!

I think thats it for personnals! I was up early enough to get it all in. you like my new Avatar? Couldn't you just chew the face off of him????

Hi girls,

I am done with MIC! What a tough workout!

Amelia** I read you post on OF! Forget about yesterday and move on! No more cookies! Think about those skinny jeans you want to wear soon! Eat fruit if you want something sweet! If I want some sweets,I them my free day!

Hi to everyone who follows!BBL!
Enjoy your workout and day!
Belinda** Good job with the workout. I haven't done that one in a while...dont want to either;)

I did BM abs and a 7 mile run. Phew...Im wiped. Its been a while since Ive wanted to throw up when working out! Remember that? When you first started working out and something was so hard you wanted to vomit!:eek: ? I think the orginal Imax made me feel like that. the last part of my run at 7.85 miles going 8.0 miles an hour I wanted to barf...but didn't!

Trying to cool down a bit before my shower.
Good Morning Ladies!

Today is a cardio day for me so i'm thinking about fully testing out that Imax 3 dvd. Yesterday it was still pouring outside so I decided to skip my run and ended up doing the cardio premix of BM2. I've been pretty sore the past couple of days so hopefully I'm building up some muscle...haha. The scale isn't doing too much though and despite my pretty good eating (in fact it seems to be going the other direction), I'm feeling a bit thick around the middle. I hope all this heavy lifting (and not running) is not causing this....that would be no good! I'm only on my third week of P90x so I'm going to stick with it. Next week is a recovery week so I'm looking forward to that! I considered doing phase 1 of the fatsmash diet next week because that always helps me drop a few pounds...but I know if I do that my protein levels will probably drop if i do that and that's probably not good since I'm trying to get stronger. Ugh, this is all so confusing...trying to figure out how to have some muscle and get to my goal weight!! Anyone have any tips???

I also broke down and bought LIC yesterday. Since I have DM and BM2...I figured I should try to get that whole set! I think once I complete that set...I'll take a break from buying dvds for awhile. I really want the GS workouts, but if I stick with this P90x rotation, I'm going to be busy until there's really no sense in buying them just yet.

Lori-Have fun tonight at the b-day party! It sounds like it's going to be a blast!

Amelia-sorry to hear about the cookie incident...I think that's happened to all of us at some point. Today's a new day and I'm sure you will rock! Have a great workout!

Carrie--awesome workout yesterday...I'm really loving my BM2 dvd. It's got a good soundtrack and it's always nice to take a break from Tony! haha.

Cheryl--Wowser!!! You are truly a diet rock star! I'm not sure what kind of plan you are on...but it seems to be working great for you! Keep up the good'll be there in no time!

Belinda--hope you had a great workout this morning!!! Enjoy the rest of your day.

Kristine--You too have a great workout today!!

Alright time to take my dog outside and then going on that cardio workout. The rain is supposed to have stopped so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I have plans to run with friends after work so it'd be nice if the weather cooperated. It'll be interesting though. We have a newbie to our little running group and she has already said that she hates running and will probably whine a lot. That's making me a little nervous...but we'll see how she does.

Have a great day everyone!!!

Good morning ladies,

Wow, you are all chatty this morning ;-) . Well, my workout today will be going to the swimming pool. We are in a little village right now which has several swimming pools which have iodine in it, which is really healthy for your circulation and your muscles. So I will try to do some power swimming in there, hehe.

Belinda - I will be staying in Berlin until 4\3 but right now we are close to Rosenheim for a week.

Lori - Sorry to hear about the talky new girl you have to train. I sure hope she'll turn out ok. Oh and good luck on the sleepover tonight, I am sure your DD is going to have a blast.
Your little guy looks so grown up, haven't seen a pic from him in a while. What a cutie!

Sara - LIC is one of my most favorite workouts!!! Enjoy your workout today.

Hi to everyone who follows, I hope you all have a great day.
Kristine :)
Sara** The samething happened to me. From Oct-Jan I was 117..sometimes even 116. After I started lifting heavy, the scale moved up by 5 lbs. I was gonna stop the heavy training last month but enjoyed it to much, I even enjoyed it more then running! BUt this month I am finally changing things up a little and lets see what happens! I will definitly let you know and that may be the reason why your scale is moving in the wrong direction! Enjoy your workout today! Its a good one!

Kristine** They are growing up to fast aren't they? When do you think you will have another one? I may need all the luck I can get tonight. Im hoping my MILS pushy neighbour won't blow in! SHe is sooo loud and annoying and is likely to drop of her 8 yrs old grand daughter! 12-14 yrs olds and a 8 yr old don't mix!

Good Morning girls

Todays workout is some nice long jogs on the TM with some Powerwalks inbetween. I plan on doing an hour or three miles,which ever one comes first! I really NEED some cardio right now!

Belinda-Great workout yesterday! did you figure out how to print those recipes yet? I would think that you should be able to double click the recipe,let it maximaize then click on print on your computer! Im not sure if photobucket has a print option or not? Im going to the store today to pick me up some more apples,i ran out yesterday...mmmmm,good excuse for yesterdays little binge?;-) LOL

Kristine-A swim sounds nice and relaxing...have fun!

sara-your on a roll girlfriend,might as well by the GS series too}(...ok,just kidding ya;-) i too know what its like to not have all of cathe workouts and to want all of,LOL! Thanks for your reply about me being a cookie monster,LOL;-) I will try my hardest today to go back to eating clean.

Lori-im willing to be that heavy lifting has been the culprit the whole time...LOL at you just now explaining your training yesterday:) thanks,i needed that;-)

Hi girls,

I have a confession to make! DH took me out for lunch ! I had steamed fish; mac & cheese (I didn’t eat them!) steamed cauliflower and salad! So far so good! I also had chocolate cake! I have been graving chocolate for a few days now! I had two bites then gave the rest to my DH, after he ate his pie! How can he eat that much sweets? He doesn't gain weight!

LOL Belinda,don't ask me how can one eat so many sweets}(

ok,i have to wait for DH to get his butt up so i can get my workout inx(

Does anybody here have a facebook account? I just started one and have been playing scrabulous(like scrabble)with cathe friends...anybody interested in a game}( .

ok,im skipping around cathe land,bbl
I was the last one to post? I guess everybody is busy:) I did a 48min powerwalk on the TM...just didn't want to push myself today!

geez, I am just getting around to checking in again, late! Belinda is probably starting the Friday thread right now:)

Today was a good workout for Legs/Back and Biceps. I did GS Back and Biceps only, and then I did Muscle Max, Legs, Back and Bicpeps segments. My Bi's are fried! I also did abripper. So all in all a good workout.

Lori- My SIL and I workout in my garage, we back the cars out. We have a tv and dvd there, and a pull up bar. It's really nice. Cute avatar BTW.

Ok, gotta go to work--everyone have a great rest of your day!

Hey carrie,good workout today:)

Belinda,Did you get the recipes printed? I usually don't fall asleep unitl around midnight now...about the time DH gets home!

Lori-how did the evening go with the DD's party?

hey to Kristine,Cheryl,Stacey(isn't this the week you get your gallbladder taken out?)Sara and MC(are you still with us?)

ok,time for the kiddies bath,bbl or in the morning:)
Hi, everyone! Crazy day! But I did read everyone's posts to see what you were up to.

Belinda - Great workout! Great job on stopping after 2 bites of cake!

Amelia - amen to what everyone else said and just step away from the cookies :) :+ :+ Tomorrow's another day, and your skinny jeans are there waiting.

Lori, congrats on the barf-mode workout! (that's what we called those in the running club) Hey, you made it. Very cool.

Carrie, great workout!

Weight was 127.2 today. Sickness is over.

See you in the morning!


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