Commit to get fit and lean for Thu Mar 13th 2008


Good morning girls,

Today I will do cardio! Not sure if I will do kickboxing or step?

Welcome, Savvy!

I will be back with personals!

Enjoy your day and workout!
Thank you Cheryl and Belinda! I've actually been lurking for a few weeks now and would love to join this thread if that is okay? Like a few of you, I'm trying to get back down to my goal weight (117 would be awesome, because I was that for so many years without much trouble)...currently I'm closer to 125-126 (although after a bad day I can be closer to 128). I am 5'4", so I'd be happy with just getting closer down to 120. is a cardio day for me and I'm meeting a friend for a 6 am spinning class...but will be stop by later to fully introduce myself!

Thanks again!!!

Sara :)
Good Morning Ladies:)

Went to the doc yesterday and got some drugs:9 and I am feeling better already! I called to see if my doctor had a cancellation yesterday and his assistant told me that he was on walkins at 6:30. I went down to the clinic at 6 and there were only 6 people ahead of me. Phew! Depending on how many sick people there are, there is a cut off point so i was just happy to get in, no matter how long it took! He said to me, "this must be pretty bad for you to be here" He knows me well, I never go the to the doctor,only for check ups.
He gave me 40 pills so I should be good for a while. The next time this happens I will have pills on hand.
I also asked if I should wait for this to heal before i workout again and he said no! I was soooo releived, I thought forsure he was gonna say yes.

So yesterday was a rest day. There was no way I could work out, plus my SIL and her baby came for a visit. But Im gonna get in a good workout today.
I already did a 6 mile run. Later I am going to do something from the BM2 dvd and maybe all the GS UB workouts. That should make up for lost time.

Im going to rad yesterdays post and I will return!

Belinda** Good job with the workout! And have a good time with your friend!:)

Carrie** You are such a good mom! LOL I don't even think we put DS's birth announcment in the paper:eek: IMO, I think that was my inlaws job, not mine! I came home at 154..25 lbs to lose:-( Wasn't to long though. When I was at the Dr's office last night I took a peek at my chart. In June of '06 I was 137, July 146, and Aug 157! I gained 20 lbs in 2 monthes!

Cheryl** Woo Hoo on the weightloss! Im not even stepping on the scale for a couple of days. My eating hasn't been 100% so when the water weight goes away I will get on. But you will never catch me...WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA}( }( }( JK!

Ameila** Good job on the workout yesterday! Adjusting to someone elses schedule isn't very easy, I know all about it. DH whined and whined when i went back to work but he is finally getting use to it.

Sara** Welcome! The more the merrier! We orignally started out as the ww's thread and then we realized that no one as following ww's anymore and we decided to change the name. I to am trying to get back to 117! I was always 128-130 before DS and couldn't manage to even stay at 125...then after DS I kept losing weight. I have no idea how I got down to 116-117 but I was there for a while and now the scale as crept back up to 120-122 and like you, on a bad day, it could be 125. I eat way to many sweets and once I get that back under control I should be o.k!:)

A couple things to add. Found out a couple of days ago that my SIL and family are moving back. He is in the military and it will be sooo nice to have them posted here again.
Also got our results back from our health insurance test and both DH and I are in the healthiest catorgory possible. I wasn't surprised that I was...but how the H$## did he get there? Prehaps chicken wings are good for you?? hehe

Good morning to all and an update on things with me (A long post):

I had my surgery consult yesterday and found out I will need surgery to repair a small umbilical hernia (located on the right side of my belly button). It was all caused from the stress to my abdomen with my last pregnancy. They will do an outpatient procedure and put in a meshlike material that pushes the hernia down. It is very routine and effective. The bad part is that the recovery is 4 weeks long!!!!!! :( It is scheduled for April 18th and I am not allowed to do ANY lifting of anything greater than 10lbs. for 4 weeks and no abdominal work during that time as well. That means I can't lift my little DS. I've already got my DH and other family members lined up to come and stay with me for my month of recovery.

So, obviously, no weight lifting or ab work of any kind for a while. I will continue with some form of light cardio (probably just walking) up to the surgery. And once I'm fully recovered I'll have to ease back into things.

Ugh! Well, I have no choice, this has to be taken care of or it can get much worse.

Belinda, great workout today with LIC!

Lori, great run today and I hope you are doing well.

Amelia, hope your finals go well and your picture was very pretty from the other day! Good luck with all your weight loss goals!

Hi to Carrie, Cheryl, Kristine, and a welcome to Sara!

I probably won't be checking in that often but will try to touch base from time to time. Once I'm fully recovered and back in the swing of things I'll try to be a more frequent poster.

Oh, I got Drill Max for my b-day from my sister yesterday (an early gift). It will be something to look forward to once I can get back into it.

Take care everyone!!!! :)

Good Morning girls and Welcome Sara!

Lori-LOL,if chicken wings are good for ya then im eating some right now,reguardless of the time:9 :7 Glad to hear your docs appt went good! Enjoy your workout,and yay on your family moving close,always nice to have family close!

Belinda-Good workout already,love LIC and its been so long since ive done it,im just too scared to do any other kinda of cardio besides HIIT right now,LOL! I hope you have a nice visit with your friend.

Sara-Enjoy your spinning class today and hope to see you post later!

Hey to the rest of the gang!

Todays workout is goig to be HIIT and abbs! Im going to do and interval on the TM,im seriously thinking about buying coremax,you guys think its worth the $$$?

My DD has been coughing all night,so she has a docs appt at today,so my workout my not be until this afternoon,anyhoot i will bbl. My DS just got better,not its dd x(! bbl
Hi, everyone!

Welcome, Sara. Love your pic. 117 sounds wonderful at your 5'4". You'll get there in no time. I'm 5'5" and LOVED what 120 looked and felt like. Actually, I was at 121 and looking to lose "3 more pounds" last year when I let the stress of starting a new business mess with my head and I crept back up to... I don't want to admit what, but I'm back at 131 as of yesterday so I'm on the right track.

Lori, that's a guy thing that they can eat like crap and still be fit. For us - it would never happen. Just not fair. So glad you made it to the Dr. and got on some meds.

Amelia, darn it on DD's coughing! Will watch for your workout news.

Stacey!!!!! You poor thing. I'm glad you're getting the surgery over with. Moderate brisk TM walking or hiking would be good for you during that recovery time along with maybe elliptical if you have access to one. Or even rebounding. Yuck. I know it will all be worth it.

Belinda, great workout!!!!

I'm about to hit the TM and then more weights tonight, I hope. Something LB for today.

Have a good one!!

Just checking in again!:) Did i mention it was stormy here today? As much as I can't wait for summer, it is kind of nice to hang out at home all day and not go anywhere:)

Stacy** I wish your news had been better! Must be discouaging. I wouldn't have been very happy yesterday if the Dr told me to stop working out....and I guess you can't workout before your surgery either? So you are gonna have 2 monthes off:eek: I wouldn't last LOL. Keep posting every once in a while and let us know how you are doing.

Cheryl** Have a fun workout. Im go'in crazy today...workout...workout....workout....:) :) Im sooo looking forward to weights this afternoon! I wish I could get up early every morning and have my cardio over with.

Ameila** Have fun with your workout today! Men...they are a real pain, aren't they? DH isn't over weight or anything and he doesn't eat as poorly as he use to but atleast the last time we got results back they said that I was in a little bit better shape then him. He even laughed at this news himself.

Yay, we have a new member, welcome Sara! Your wedding avatar looks really cool.

Lori-I can't believe you are sick, what do you have, did the Dr diagnose? Way to keep up the workouts, though. So funny about your DH, mine is the same way. Beer, and more beer.

Amelia-good thing you pushed your test back, I love procrastinating!

Cheryl-good weigh in, look how far you have progressed!

Stacey-the surgery doesn't sound so bad, just the recovery time. Ugh. Sorry about that. I would be so frustrated, but at least I know, it's a pretty common thing. Better to have it taken care of now, right?

Sara- I totally understand about losing those 'last 5lbs'. I did a round of p90x, and for me, that really helped get me there. Just click on my blog below if you are interested. I am 5'3", and the lowest I got was 116 with p90x, which is pretty good for my height, I guess. I would like to lean out more, which is what I am trying to do now, to get in shape for the racing season. What workouts do you do? Mostly Cathe?

Today is Kenpox/4DSKB.

Hi girls,

I am back!

Lori** I am glad you feel better and your doc. appointment went well! Awesome job on your workouts! Nice your family is moving close by!

Carrie** you are a wonderful and great mom! That is so cool you put DS's birth announcement in the paper!

Cheryl** congrats on your weight loss! You are so close reaching your goal! Enjoy your run!

Stacy** I am so sorry to hear no workouts or lifting for a month! That stinks! I am so happy your family is helping you out! Hang in there, girl! It’s only a few weeks! You get through this! You have more time to post! Best wishes! Keep us posted!

Amelia** good luck with your finals on Wednesday! Hope your DD is feeling better soon! It is no fun taking care of sick child! Nice workout! Yes, get Core Max! I love it!

Carrie** He didn't "say" what was wrong with me but this happens a couple of times a yr.I think it has something to do with the enviroment in which I workout. It has been pretty warm downstairs at times when Ive been sweating it out so maybe thats why. What actually happens is that my lunges become imflamed and touch my rib cage when I am breathing (gross hey?) So I have to take a immflamatory and will be fine. They are hard on the belly though so I can only take 2 a day but at this rate I won't need either one tomorrow. Im feeling sooo much better. Its barely even noticable! Enjoy your workout!!!!

Belinda** Did you have a good time with your friend?

Good afternoon Ladies! Thank you so much for the warm welcome. As promised...I want to give you guys a brief introduction on myself...I am a rambler so I will try to keep it brief.

My name is Sara and I am 28 years old. I live in Cincinnati and got married last May (so we still consider ourselves in the newlywed stage and hence the use of my avatar pic). :)

I started working out when I a teenager with Denise Austin videos. Once in college, I discovered The Firm and running. Since I had never done anything with weights before I saw some pretty decent results with the firm, but their stuff never really took me to the next level. I stuck with the firm and running (started doing small races about two years ago...but still haven't mustered up the courage to do a marathon)up until recently when I discovered Cathe on fit tv. I've always wanted to go to that next level...but was too afraid to try P90X especially since we live in an apartment. Cathe seemed like the obvious next step. So over the past few months I've started purchasing some of Cathe videos and when I heard about STS I definitely had to get on the preorder!

I had some friends who wanted to try one of those Adventure Bootcamp things that are offered around the country...but after doing some research, I decided it wasn't for me. So I took the 300 dollars I would have spent for one month of bootcamp and purchased STS and P90x. As of last week, I've started doing P90x (to help me get ready for STS). I love it so far because of the heavy lifting...although I have yet to start the actual diet portion. Right now, I'm trying to do just eat clean on my own and up my protein...but I may give in and give their food plan a shot. I like Cathe as an instructor better than Tony Horton...but I thought this would be a good way to really start challenging myself.

So in a nutshell that's where I am now. Up until my engagement I had always weighed 117...but during the year of our engagement somehow the extra pounds starting adding on. So it's really been about two years since I've been trying to get rid of these stubborn pounds. I'm hoping that heavy lifting (versus The Firm) will help with that. I really need to work on my diet as well...but that's always been an ongoing struggle. Losing this weight seems to get more hard the closer I get to 30. My body just doesn't respond to cardio the way it used to!

Okay...I can see I'm rambling now! I am on my lunch I must head back to work! Thanks again for welcoming me into the group...I really look forward to getting to know everyoone!

Hey all--

I just went for a run outside! I am so excited. My SIL and I decided to scrap the Kickboxing for today, because it's sunny and around 50 degrees here. It was great, we went 3 miles, I could have run more, but SIL was meeting her mom for lunch, so we cut it short. I am just excited that my endurance is there, and I felt really light on my feet. Must be all that Plyometrics that I did this winter. Plus my UB wasn't weak at all. You know how you feel tired in your UB when running, it wasn't like that at all. Umm, can you tell I am excited. I really have Spring Fever!!!

Sara-i am totally pumped you are doing p90x! What rotation are you doing? I did the Classic, and now I am modifying the Lean rotation. I totally agree, Tony can be annoying. I like the structure of his workouts, if only he had Cathe's personality, right? You will get some great results. I am planning a Fall Marathon this year, and some smaller, shorter races throughout the summer for fun. I am glad to hear we have another runner on this thread!

Carrie,yay on the spring fever...its getting close and yay on your run,high fives!

Sara-Congrats on starting p90x,i can't get enough courage to startx(. I love your avatar!

Hey to the rest of the gang,I just finished my workout about an hour ago. I did a three miles on the TM, two of them i ran then the last one I powerwalked. Feels good,i watched Rachel Ray while doing it and i couldn't help but notice how GOOD she is looking,she is so slim! Anyhoot,survivor is on tonight:7 so I will be glued to the tv to that! I also just finished my fourth meal and i think i ate just a little too much }(, but it was BFL friendly:D it was a turkey meatball sub with no breadcrumbs,light cheese and the WW sub was gutted! Oh well,i tried! Did I mention its that time of the month for me x(!

ok,you guys have a great night!
Hello again!

Carrie--I checked out your blog and you look amazing!!! That's the kind of motivation I need right now! haha. I'm doing the P90x classic rotation...although I'm mixing up the cardio and adding a little extra. On monday I did x's legs and back in the morning and did itread for 40 minutes at the gym after work. Tuesday I did just plyo. Yesterday was chest and back in the morning and then itread for 40 minutes in the afternoon. Today is supposed to be yoga day, but I took that spinning class this morning so i may either scrap yoga or do it for a little bit (prolly won't make it thru all 90 mins). I kind of wish I could go full force with p90x (diet included) and not feel the need to add the extra cardio. for years I've been exercising both in the morning and in the evening (m-fri) and then at least once on Sat and Sun. so I would love to get to a place where only 1 hour of working out felt like enough for me. It's hard to break out of that habit though. And next week I'm supposed to start running with some friends after work in preparation for an upcoming 10K.

Oh and so I've been slowly trying to build up my home Cathe library and have been watching her stuff on ebay. Any other day, when I bid on something and then leave for work before the auction ends...I get beat out or sniped at the last second. Well, this morning I was determined to win at least one thing...and darnit if I don't end up winning 4 out of the 5 video/dvd's I bet on! This is not necessarily a bad thing...but I've been trying to only purchase one video a week or every two weeks so it wouldn't be a big burden on our checkbook! I honestly thought I'd only win one or two of the auctions. Oh well...lesson learned...and hey, at least I have four new Cathe workouts on the way!

Phew...I have to get better about keeping my posts shorter! Sorry about that! I hope everyone has a nice evening!
Sara, hats off to anyone who can handle Tony Horton for an entire hour. Oof! His personality is way too yakky and goofy for me. Cathe is the world's perfect instructor, in my book. Love her! Got to meet her on the Road Trip last August (With Belinda and her daughter Alesia - I am SO LUCKY to have met Belinda in person, let me tell you all). Cathe is as sweet and down to earth (and even tinier and more beautiful) than she is on her tapes. A trip to remember.

Kudos on growing your Cathe collection. If you get onto some of the swaps it might help. Ebay seems to have too many phoney copies.

We will all LOVE STS.

Have a great night! Off to workout! Maybe GS legs?


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