Commit to get fit and lean for Mon Mar-17-08


Good morning girls,

I am up since 5 a.m.! My DD called from the US and woke us up! LOL!
I will do UB today!

I will be back later for personals!

Have a great day and workout!
Hi girls,

I am done with my BFL UB workout! I need to do Cleanmax! BBL!

Enjoy your workout and Monday!
Good Morning Ladies!

It's the start of another week. I'm going to try to really stick to eating clean this week. last week, I veered off track just a bit. On a good note, we ended up going to Applebees last night with DH's parents so I was able to order off of the WW menu. It's so nice to see more restaurants offering healthy selections.

I'm up early to hit up a 6 a.m. spinning class at the gym with a friend. I always have a hard time turning people down when they want to take a class at the gym...even though it forces me to get up earlier than I normally would if I was just working out at home. I figure I'll just get my cardio out of the way this a.m. and then follow up with P90x legs and back tonight after work. It'll be nice to be able to come home after work instead of going straight to the gym.

I'll be back for personals later on! Have a great Monday!!!
Good Morning:)

Again...just waiting to blow this popsicle stand!:) Im only going to get to bed for a short time though b/c my parents are going to watch DS and my dad as an apt at the hospital at 10:15. So I will have to get up again around 9:45:-( Oh well, early to bed tonight.
I finally came up with my rotation last night. Its not any "set" workouts but it is a mix of running and circuits for the first 2 weeks, then a week of Pyramids, then another week of circuits, then a week of GS's. Sometimes when I look at myself I feel bulky but its probably just me. I know it take a lot for a women to build muscle but I think I am one of the ones who build it quit easily.
So todays workout will be DM,a run and abs.

Belinda** Who is "us"? The dogs and you? hehe Atleadt you got a great start to your day and you can always catch a nap if you want!

Srar** Way to burn those cals first thing in the morning. If I had the opportunity to do something like that around here, I think I would.

I will be back after my nap!

Morning gals

Today is abbs, gs chest and triceps,and I will also try a 30min powerwalk on the TM-if my ankle allows! I may even jog a bit! All of this will have to come after my final today x( What is wrong with me? I have NO DESIRE to study? Oh well,my dh says"well,maybe you know it all already " LOL...yeah right!! The teacher moved the final to today because she is going out of town wednesday x(

anyhoot,ive got some nice books on hold at the liabrary so im excited about that!! One is the eat clean book by tosca reno :7,im such a tighta$$ ;-)

Belinda-You are doing so good,your on fire! How much more weight do you plan on losing?

Sara-Great job with your spinning class,i too like getting my workouts out of the way but i haven't done a workout at 6am before:+-the earliest for me is 8am:D

Lori-What is you dad going to the hospital for? I hope everything is alright! I don't think you look bulky...muscle tone yes,but not bulky! sounds like your rotation is a good one!

DH the kids and I decided to go off this weekend to a little get away! Im excited,where going to a city south of where were at that has petting zoo,callaway gardens is near,a bus tour safari with african animals,lots of cool things like that! Were only going to stay two nights,but its time for a little vacation!

so if I disappear saturday and sunday then you guys know where iam at;-):D

Hi girls,

Lori** I do have a husband! LOL! Enjoy your workout!

Sara**great job getting your workout early! I need to give spinning a try one day!

Amelia** good luck with your finals today! Don’t overdue it with your ankle today! A nice get away sounds nice! Sounds like fun!

Off to more cleaning! It is always the same thing!!!
Belinda** LOL I read wrong! I thought you said " DH called from the US and woke us up" Excuse me...hehe...I am going on little sleep!}( :)

Ameila** I can't say I would be willing to study either! Actually, my memory is getting worse! I use to have a good memory but Im always telling people wrong things and unless I write it down...I don't have a clue what I am getting on with! LOL Hope you go away this weekend and I hope you have a good time!
As for my dad, the Dr's seen a spot on his liver about a yr ago. He had one scan done and they are saying its nothing. But they wanted to do another scan to see if the spot grew..lets hope it didn't!

I think I am soon going to do my workout. My mom wants to go out after lunch while DS is having a nap and in order to do that I need to workout now!!!!

Happy St Pats Day.

I wish this day was a national holiday and we could have it off. Isn't that a great idea? In Ireland, everything is closed, as it's a religious holiday. Neat.

Today will be some form of cardio. It's 31degrees, so I don't know if I feel like going out for a run in the cold. I think kickboxing will be on tap.

Amelia-good luck on your test!

Just wanted to report my workout:) Did DM and a 6 mile run. Im going to have to work abs later tonight. We are waiting for my dad to come back so that we can run out for a bit. DS is napping and my dad will watch him for me.
My mom (god love her) gets on with sooo much giberece! While I am eating she is telling me " I didn't know so and so was related" Meanwhile I have no clue who "so and so" is until she goes into further detail...and then I still don't care. I don't know if she gathers that I don't care from my tone or not. Then she does stuff like turn off my bolied eggs before they are boiled and fold my clothes while the pockets of the jeans are still damp. Anyway...enough dad is here.

Carrie** Enjoy whatever workout you decide and I think everyday should be a hoiliday! hehe

Just checking back in. Spinning was grueling this morning. A good instructor truly can turn a so-so workout into a real kick yo bootay workout. This morning was a kick yo bootay workout. I think my legs were still tired from BM2...but I pushed through. We did a lot of hills which were like torture. It's always a pain getting up and driving to the gym...but I'm always so happy afterwards. Now all I have to worry about is doing my leg and back workout tonight! woot!

Belinda, you should definitely give spinning a try! It really gets my heart rate up there...just like running does. It's a nice way to shock your body cardio-wise and it's fun too!

Lori, your rotation sounds perfect for your goals. I can't wait to hear how it goes! Wish I could borrow some of your muscle...I feel like I'm one of those people that has a hard time gaining muscle.

amelia, did your ankle hold up for your power walk? I am currently reading tosca's eating clean book too...and I got mine from the library as well!!! So you aren't the only tighta$$ on this thread! haha. god bless the library!

carrie, i'm with should be a holiday! My husband called in sick today (he has unlimited sick days at his job...the jerk...haha!) so he's home relaxing. I'm so jealous. I think my comapany gives us a half day on good friday so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that!

Hello to anyone else I missed. Time for me to go back to work (ugh)!
Hi ladies,

Just a quick check in. My parents, Heidi and I went for a little vacation for a week. Well, it's vacation for my parents, I am already on vacation ;-) , so I was without a laptop during the travel time and unable to check in. Still keeping up very well with my workouts though, so I am very proud.
Yesterday I did P90X Back and Biceps and today I did Legs.

Amelia - No, I am not doing a P90X rotation, just doing some of the workouts, because these workouts a great for traveling, all you need is bands.

Lori - Oh, sorry to hear that another co-worker of yours is leaving and you are back to there you were at. Sure hope that you don't have to work to much.

MC - Welcome to our little (well, it's growing ;-) ) group.

Hello to everyone who follows, I hope everyone is well and having great workouts.

Kristine :)
Hey my hommies;-)

Im done with my workout--did GS C&C and PH abbs this morning then did a 45min run interval on the TM this afternoon.My ankle gave me no problems:D

HELP::::: im having sugar withdrawls:+ i will be ok;-)

Sara-Yes,god bless the library:7

hey to Kristine,Lori,Belinda,Cheryl,Stacey,and MC!!

Where is Shannon? I guess shes a busy gal these days! Maybe she will pop in soon!

alrighty,ive got two kids to give a bath so adios amigos:)

ETA, LOL I almost forgot...i made a 85 on the final and then an A for the final grade of the class-yay,im done with school:)
Hey all--

Just back to report that I did KenpoX and 4DSKB. It was a good workout, I just love going from Tony to Cathe. Ahhh, makes me appreciate Cathe's style all the more. I swear Tony never frickin' shuts up. I am not sure if he is married, but if he is, his wife must be a VERY good listener.

Lori-did you ever get the p90x dvd's from you brother or in law? Just curious what your thoughts are...enjoy your time with you mum. Aren't moms just great? Mine annoys the crap out of me, but then, I think what would I do without her?

Amelia-good job on your test! No more school yay!

We get Good Friday off this week, I can't wait!

Wow, some great workouts by everyone.

Hey, Belinda, sounds like you're havng a great day.

Carrie and Kristine, looks like you were both thinking of P90X today. Love that 4DS KB, Carrie.

Amelia, nice workout! So glad your ankle is not giving you grief. I hear ya on the sugar withdrawals. I think life is just easier without it. But we'll see how long that can last.

Lori, you must be home from work by now. Enjoy time with mom!

I did my standard 45 min TM workout this morning. Am hoping to fit in at least a short weight workout tonight. Haven't decided what yet. Maybe PUB? We'll see.

Have a great night, everyone!

well I just finished my evening workout..P90x's legs and back and Carrie you are so right....Tony never shuts up!!! Good grief! It was a good workout though.

DH is making a homemade cheesecake right now...the smell is intoxicating. Hopefully I'll be in my bed watching Dancing with the Stars by the time it's finished and won't be tempted to have any!

Talk to you ladies tomorrow!!!

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