Hi everyone. Busy weekend--very happy with the Superbowl last night. :7 Funny thing is, I'm not even a real Giants fan--we are more Jets fans, but it was still great to see a NY team win.
I've been a bit busy today, too. I had physical therapy this morning while Ewan was at nursery school and then after lunch we had a speech therapist come by to see Ewan--he's going to start weekly visits with us to help Ewan talk better. I've also got Clean Max & Laundry Max to work on some more today, so it's a rest day (though I don't feel very restful). I'm trying to figure out what workouts I'm going to do this week. I might take a couple gentler weeks before starting the next tough rotation, especially since I'm still in physical therapy for my knees through February. I'm getting some decent lower body work with therapy--my hips, hamstrings, and quads have been pretty sore--even the home workouts make me a little sore.
As far as the neverending illness goes, it's not too bothersome lately--still have a bit of mucus but not too terrible. I have a headache today, but think it's just a PMS one.
Belinda, great job on GS today. I'm thinking my next big rotation might be alternating GS with Amy Bento's Slo-Mo workouts. I haven't decided yet.
Lori, I bet the lifting heavier is a big factor. I hope so since it was part of my excuse when I gained last week.
Do you have just a regular scale? I've been thinking about getting one of those that does body fat and stuff. I read about good scales in my Real Simple magazine the other day and I think I want one of these on their list of good advanced scales:
Amelia, the important thing is not to let the slip ups blow us completely off track. I know sometimes I'll slip up and eat the worst food one day, then I'll start thinking, maybe I should just give up--I'm terrible at this. Of course, there's no reason one slip up should be the end of the world. We're only human.
Kristine, I can't live without chocolate either. I keep dark chocolate Hershey's bars in my house. Then when I get that chocolate craving, I allow myself one. I get that craving satisfied but I know dark chocolate is a little better than most of the stuff I could choose.
Carrie, you look fabulous! Thanks for sharing that blog with us!
Shannon, wish you could send some of that weather up here. Well, we had snow today but it actually wasn't that cold--lots of snow and none of it would stick because it was too warm for that.
Hello to all who follow. I need to get back to cleaning house.
[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:
http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif
If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]