Commit to get fit and lean for Mon Feb-04-08


Good morning girls,

I am getting us started! I will be back after I am done having coffee!

Have a great Monday!
Good Morning Lean Ladies:)

I think I could have slept till noon today! Thats just the way I felt when it was time to get up. Most mornings I hop out of bed but today I just lay there...waiting for the noise to stop!! LOL Then I realized it was 7 o'clock and DS was up for the day. Im not so sure he should have gotten up though cause he isn't in the best of moods. And if thats the case he will probably be taking a morning nap.

I did personnals last night so no need to do them again:)

This is what Im planning for todays workout. GS C&T,a run and 4DSBC. Im not sure how long my run will be but depending on DS's nap, this is what I will try to squeeze in.

Im about to throwing my scale out the window. I was 121.8 today!x( I know thats not a bad # but when I m use to seeing 117 its a real pain in my behind. It couldn't possibly be b/c I am lifting heave can it? I may post this on the OD forum!

Belinda** Have fun with your workout

Good Morning Girls!

I BLEW IT yesterday x( in case some of youse guys didn't see my post yesterday...I ate a small fry! BUT,thats not all x( I also went on to eat some icecream(luckly there was only about a 1/2c left)a bowl of that darn chocolate marshmallow ceral and one of my SBD chocolate bars(guess I was just craving chocolate)

Why do i do that?

Well,that was yesterday and today im back full force on my BFL way of eating! And,im squeezing in a cardio because of my little binge!

So,todays workout is going to be PLB and a 30 min HIIT on the TM(powerwalk/jog)

Belinda-Im fixing to enjoy my coffee as well! How was your workout?

Lori-If your lifting heavy then thats got to be the culprit to your little gain! specially if your jeans fit the same(or perhaps a bit looser) Besides your not eating bad,right?

bbl,its coffee time;-)
Good morning girls,

I am done with my workout! I still have to do my abs!

Lori** I think it's the heavy lifting! Give it a few days! Hang in there!

Amelia** you are so cute! Don't worry about your little slip up! Move forward! You are doing great! Last night I had a few nachos chips and that at 11 at night! LOL! No big deal!

Off to clean my bathrooms!
Thanks belinda,its nice to know that im not the only one slipping up,lol! Your doing awesome too!

I wonder if Cathe ever slips up :eek: highly doubtfull ;-) Man that women is a machine....I so glad I found her,LOL!

Good morning ladies,

I am drinking my tea right now and thought I'll check in right quick.
My workout today will be 50 minute run (first 20 minutes steady state followed by 30 minutes of interval running), well, compared to Lori it's just a jog not a run, but I'll do what I can.
I did Muscle Max yesterday and I can feel some soreness in my body }( .

Belinda - How is the weather right now in Germany? Sorry, forgot where you are at. I will be going back to visit my parents for 3 weeks in the middle of March with Heidi, yeah!

Lori - Don't worry about the scale too much. As long as your clothes fit the same, it doesn't really matter. Before I got pregnant I barely ever weighed myself. My clothes fit great and that's all what mattered to me.

Amelia - Hey, one day won't hurt you. I guess your body was just screaming: "CHOCOLATE!!!!" ;) . I have 2 piece a couple of times a week (normally dark chocolate because it's healthier) because I couldn't live without chocolate. You will be right back on track. You are doing so great!!!!!

Ok, ladies, I will be back later
Kristine :)
Im with ya Belinda,lets do it! Im eating my breakfast as i type...two mini potien pancakes and two egg whites!

the week I lost three pounds I ate protien pancakes almost everyday for breakfast! ate nbp one day with one slice of ww bread!

Im going to mimic everything I ate that week!
Hi Gals--so what did everyone think about that Superbowl? That was awesome. I wasn't sure who I was cheering for, but it was such an exciting game, and I am happy for the Giants.

Ok, so I finished up my p90x blog. I am going to try to post the link. Give me sec... I tried to be somewhat detailed, but if you have questions, just let me know.

Today is Shoulder/Biceps, Triceps and Abs.

Have a great Monday everyone.!
Hello ladies,

Today's workout will be LIC cardio & GS C&T. The weather is still nice today, the temp is in the 70's. It has been so great to have some warmer weather.

Belinda - Great job on you workout.

Lori - I think I felt the same way you did this morning, I did not want to get out of bed. I wouldn't worry about the scale, you look great. I'm sure it's like what Belinda mentioned, the scale going up is due to the heavy lifting. Looks like you have a tough workout on taps for today, have fun:)

Amelia - I wouldn't worry about last night, BFL is a hard program. You eat very well 99% of the time, one little slip up is not going to hurt you. Have fun with your workout:)

Hello to Kristine, Stacey, Lainie, Carrie, and Cheryl
Hey Kristine,you must have popped in while i was typing earlier! Have fun on your jog interval! I did one this morning two! how fast can you far and will probably stay that way until i can get use to jogging agian...i can run at 5.!

ok,done with my workout and got some cleaning done! I did a 30 minute powerwalk/jog interval and them PLB! And I must say that i absolutely LOVE the Pyramids! Wow what a workout and not too complicated either! I will be sore tommorrow!

I promise i will be back at the end of the day with personals!
Lori** nice job on GS C&T, a run and 4DSBC! You have a lot of energy sent some my way! LOL!

Hi girls,

I am back with personals!

Kristine** great job on your run!! Germany is about 30 -45 degrees, not to bad!

Carrie** they didn’t show the super bowl until midnight last night! I was in bed sleeping! My DH stayed up until this morning 5 am! WOW! You look awesome! Look at those biceps! ^^^^5! What a difference!

Amelia** great job on your run and PLB! Hope you will get nice DOMS tomorrow! LOL!

Shannon** LIC cardio & GS C&T you go girl!

Big Hallo’s to Stacey, Lainie and Cheryl! Hi Mary hope you still with us?

See you tomorrow morning!
Hi everyone. Busy weekend--very happy with the Superbowl last night. :7 Funny thing is, I'm not even a real Giants fan--we are more Jets fans, but it was still great to see a NY team win.

I've been a bit busy today, too. I had physical therapy this morning while Ewan was at nursery school and then after lunch we had a speech therapist come by to see Ewan--he's going to start weekly visits with us to help Ewan talk better. I've also got Clean Max & Laundry Max to work on some more today, so it's a rest day (though I don't feel very restful). I'm trying to figure out what workouts I'm going to do this week. I might take a couple gentler weeks before starting the next tough rotation, especially since I'm still in physical therapy for my knees through February. I'm getting some decent lower body work with therapy--my hips, hamstrings, and quads have been pretty sore--even the home workouts make me a little sore.

As far as the neverending illness goes, it's not too bothersome lately--still have a bit of mucus but not too terrible. I have a headache today, but think it's just a PMS one.

Belinda, great job on GS today. I'm thinking my next big rotation might be alternating GS with Amy Bento's Slo-Mo workouts. I haven't decided yet.

Lori, I bet the lifting heavier is a big factor. I hope so since it was part of my excuse when I gained last week. ;) Do you have just a regular scale? I've been thinking about getting one of those that does body fat and stuff. I read about good scales in my Real Simple magazine the other day and I think I want one of these on their list of good advanced scales:,21863,1699514-3,00.html

Amelia, the important thing is not to let the slip ups blow us completely off track. I know sometimes I'll slip up and eat the worst food one day, then I'll start thinking, maybe I should just give up--I'm terrible at this. Of course, there's no reason one slip up should be the end of the world. We're only human. :)

Kristine, I can't live without chocolate either. I keep dark chocolate Hershey's bars in my house. Then when I get that chocolate craving, I allow myself one. I get that craving satisfied but I know dark chocolate is a little better than most of the stuff I could choose.

Carrie, you look fabulous! Thanks for sharing that blog with us!

Shannon, wish you could send some of that weather up here. Well, we had snow today but it actually wasn't that cold--lots of snow and none of it would stick because it was too warm for that.

Hello to all who follow. I need to get back to cleaning house.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
Hey girls!

Lainie-Ive got my resume typed and ready for some proof reading;-) i will send it too ya soon! I didn't do a cover letter yet,just the resume! Im also considering a body fat analyzer,I think I saw one at amazon for very cheap...the kind Ive got my eye on are the pincher kind ya know,not electronic!

Shannon-70 degree tempature,wow thats nice! Come to think of it,I think the temp is suppose to be close to 65 tommorrow here in GA! Great workout today!

Belinda-I just joined the bfl thread,I hope it doesn't get too crowed over there!LOLI hope nobody minds me joining! so that makes ummmm,four check-inns. I think there will be alot of copy and pasting,LOL!

Carrie-OMG,you look AMAZING girl! wow all that hard work really paid off! I like that bikini too;-) So you are done with p90,no? I thought you had one more recovery week left? kudo's to you:)

Kristine-how was your run today! Man,i forgot how hard running is! I should have ran after my PLB workout today,my legs were so tired afterwards! well ididn't really run straight i did intervals and that was enough,LOL:+

ok,that cathes me up...everybody have a great evening!:)
Hey Girls,

I can't beleive I haven't been back here since earlier in the a.m. DS went for a early nap so I got my workout in before lunch which was nice for a change.
I did GS C&T (going heavy again DOMS is setting in already),a 2 mile run, then 4DSBC, then 4DSKB (using one lbs ankle weights), then another mile on the TM:) Im not sure what I will do tomorrow.

Ameila** A fall of the wagon isn't that bad. As long as you are back on track today, thats all that matters! The pyramids are great b/c they are pretty simple. There isn't much learning with weight workouts b/c you can follow along easily. Unlike step aerobics where your moving around everywhere.

Belinda** I didn't even report my workout and you were congratulating me! LOL You must have read what I "planned" on doing. I had a couple of nachos last night as well:eek:

Laine** I have a ww's scale that reads everything but I don't pay attention to it. All I want is the #. I think the rest is a load of crap! I measure my bf % with my gadget...whatever you would call it! LOL

Shannon** I am finally getting LIC back froma friend who claimed she didn't have it! hehe I sent her an email asking her to look again, and of course she found it. When I get it back I plan on using it again.

Carrie** Nice snaps! I can see a dif! Good job! What are your plans next? I bet you are sooo happy to be doing something else!

Kristine** Did you have fun with your run? I wore my HRM today and it actually worked when I was running. There were times my HR would drop to 117 beats but when I would put my hand on it, it would shoot back up to 160's. I was running a hill and wasn't about to settle for 117 beats a min!

Stacy** Hope the kiddies are getting better!

Cheryl** Did you get a workout in today???? How did your apt go, was that today?

Hope everyone had a good day! Ill be around all night!!

Wow Lori,Great workout! You go girl! ok stupid question,what does the BC stand for in your first 4DS workout? bicep curls!?

ok,here are my meals for today that i forgot to post earlier!

#1-two egg whites and 2mini protien pancakes
#2-protien shake with strawberries
#3-1c brown rice,1c blackeyed peas all in sauted onions
#4-apple with string cheese
#5-one extra lean ground beef burger on WW bread with a bit of lite mayo,ketchup,mustard,onions,tomatoe and a heaping mound of lettuce!
#6-2tbl NPB on 1/2 a LC tortilla!

have a great night!
No silly girl! Bootcamp! hehe Its one of the cardios! 20 mins of high intensity drills. I was wondering today if thats one of the workouts you got. You should order those next time! They are really good.


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