Commit to get fit and lean for Fri Mar 14th 2008


Good morning girls,

I am getting us started! I will be back for personals! I need coffee first! LOL!

Have a great day!
arrrr...I wrote a long post and I think my web browser ate it!!! now i'm out of time before my workout. I'll try to check in later and retype!

Have an awesome friday ladies!!!
ah ha! I tried hitting back on my browser and it was there!!! Here's my real morning post:

TGIF Ladies!!!

Well...I didn't make it through all 90 minutes of x's yoga, I made it through 30 and then did 4DS KB's Abs routine. I'm more of a pilates girl than a yoga girl. At first it felt really good to stretch my muscles, but then I quickly lost interest since tony has you repeat those first moves over and over. After 30 minutes my lower back (which has always been a bit weak/tender due to bumper car incident back in college) was killing me! All those upward dogs were like torture for me! Later in the evening I had to beg my DH to massage my lower back to help relieve the soreness!

This morning's workout will be x's shoulders and arms. I'm pumped...despite being tired from getting up all week. Wish I could say that I get to sleep in tomorrow morning but DH's sister is having a b-day extravaganza tomorrow for her three children...the party starts at 10 am! DH and I do not have an children yet...but I have to it normal to have children's b-day parties so early in the morning???? Granted 10 am isn't THAT early...but on a Saturday when I like to take my time getting in my morning workout, showering, sleeping in a litte, etc. this just seems odd. Oh least I'll get to relax on Sunday morning!

Carrie-that's awesome that you got to run outside yesterday. The weather was great here too. I wish I had planned that instead of yoga!

Lori-so awesome that you got in a 6 mile run yesterday. How are you feeling now that it's day 3 with the meds? Hopefully MUCH MUCH better! :)

Cheryl-I'm with you, Cathe is my perfect instructor too! You are so lucky to have been on one of her roadtrips. I really hope to attend one of those in the future. They sound like they are a blast!!!

Hello to Amelia, Stacey, Belinda, and anyone else I missed! I'm running out of time. I need to take my little pooch outside (i have the cutest black and tan pomeranian named Maverick) so I can start my workout!

I'll check in later though! Have a wonderful Friday!!!!

Morning girls!

Yay,its friday and my mom told me last night that she wants BOTH of the kids to spend the night with her tonight:7}(...awwwwhhhh alone time atlast! Todays workout is LB,and not sure which one yet..ive got my eye on butts and gutts.

I have no idea how much I weigh right now,i haven't been on the scale since monday and don't plan to get on that thing until next saturday. My eating this week as not been 100% great so im staying away from that thing,LOL! I do good all day long then night comes and .....well you get the idea! Im blaming it on Stress,TTOTM}( im not over doing it though,just a snack or two im not suppose to havex(

Sara-sooooo,what dvds did you win yesterday? I plan on purchasing coremax sometime today,My DH gave me the 'go-ahead' yesterday(like I need HIS permisson)LOL. Did you get that name Maverick from that tom cruise movie Top Gun? I just watched it the other day(how could i resist }()

Belinda-What workout are you doing today? Im thinking something UB since our workout tend to be the opposite,lol!

Cheryl-How did your tax thingy go? I hope it was painless!

hey to the rest of the gang!
Good Day Gals!:)

Yesterday went well but I felt completly bloated and stuffed the whole day. Whats up with that? TTOM isn't yet so I can only blame it on my eating the last couple of days or the meds...I don't think it was the meds though so I will blame myself:-( :)

I did 4DSUB yesterday afternoon and I am thinking about following a 6 week rotation that will take me to the end of April but why do I feel like I have to start everything on a Mon? My rotation is going to be a mix of circuits or straight cardio one week, then a week of GS's and cardio,then back to circuits, then a week of the pryamid system and cardio. I will probably write it up tonight when I get to work...give myself something to do! LOL
I was also looking at the VS catalouge earlier. There are a few things in there I would like to purchase so if by June month I am back to my weight of 117 or maybe even 115, and have the money to do so, Im gonna buy some summer outfits.

Belinda** You didn't say what workout you are doing today!!!:) What week are you on with BFL?

Sara** Why is your SIL is having a b-day party for 3 kids? Are they triplets? Maybe she is having so early to get it over with for the day? LOL I hate having b-day parties. DD will be 12 next week and some how I got tricked into having a sleepover again!:)
I only ended up taking 3 pills. 2 the night of, and 1 yesterday morning. They are hard on the belly and I feel fine now. If it seems to come back then I will have to take some more.

Ameila** Your mom is taking both kiddies?? Woo HOO!!!!! Now you and DH behave yourselves tonight;) I already commented on the scale part on the other thread, yes, stay away from it! Water weight will make you feel like its all fat! AH!!!! Im starting to hate the scale and the measuring tape is becomming more and more interesting to me. I measured today and my measurments are the same but I bet if I stepped on the scale I would be up.

Have a good day everyone! I will be back later!!!

Good Morning Ladies--

Amelia--no scale this week? Sometimes you just need a break. Are you going to take your measurements this week just to check? Maybe you have lost some inches. How nice you have a night off, enjoy.

Lori-I am glad you are feeling better with your meds. I love VS, it's my favorite. I need to get on their website and see what they have.

Sara-when is your 10k? That sounds like fun. I should try an find a race to look forward to.

Not sure what today's workout will be, I would like to do another run today and abs.

Have a great day!
Hey girls...ive got some sad news;( ;( I just hurt my ankle;( I decided to do HST and during the first cardio(fast feet) my left foot came back and i wasn't balanced so i heard it smack~crackle~pop :-:)-( Then I felt a sharp pain on the outside that still hasn't left yet,that can't be good! I may have to call my doc if it starts hurting bad.x(

Ive done this before oddly enough to my right ankle and i was in bed for a week;( ;( ;( ;(


AAAGH, Amelia, that's terrible!!! I hope you go to the dr. if you have to. Meantime, do you have one of those elastic compression things you can get even at the store to hold it in place and maybe keep it comfortable? Maybe just having it compressed or wrapped and taking it easy a couple of days would solve it. Alternate heat and ice on it. I'm sure you know all of that!!

Well ladies - drumroll - weigh in this morning was 130.0. Woo hoo! (Never thought I'd cheer to hear that number, but it's going the right direction and is 2.2 down from last weigh in several days ago, so I'm excited! I do believe I'll make my April 1 (or April 7, if needs be) goal.

Last night I did Firm It Up. This morning, TM. The modification I'm trying on my diet protocol is an out and out success.

WOO HOO!!!!!


More later -
Hi girls,

just popping in to let you know, I still haven't worked out! I will do a BFL LB workout! I need DH to help me to lift the BB over my head, since I don't have a squat rack!

Amelia** that is awful! Make sure you rest today and see a doctor!

Cheryl** you are rocking it girl!^^^^5! You are so close!WTG!

I will be back for personals after my workout!
WTG Cheryl,High fives girl!:7

i heading to the ER:eek: with my D@mn ankle x(! My doc suggested I go there since she can't get me in today x(! It hurts:-(

Ameila** We will be waiting to hear the results! I really hope its nothing that a bit of ice can't fix!!!

Cheryl** Good job with the weightloss! Results like that,really help kepp you going, don't you think?

Carrie** I went to VS website today and there are a few things there. The only thing that irks me is the shipping charges and taxes:eek: Its outrageous!

Belinda** I think we should all invest in a squat rack. We could probably squat a heavy amount but we just can't get it over our heads.

So I just finished my workout. I didn't bother with the run b/c Im thinking I may do a circuit workout tomorrow. I ended up doing Scrammbled eggs,GS legs floor work (with ankle weights:eek: :eek: )BM2&4DS abs.
Im waiting for DS to wake so I can give him a snack and then I have to run out and get some hair gel. Having curly hair can be a ral pain sometimes!!!
Hi girls

I did finish my BFL style LB! I went heavy, since DH helped get the BB over my head!

Lori** I agree with you, I do need a squat rack! Scrambled eggs is a tough one! ^^^5! I don't remember the last time I did that one?

Amelia** keep us posted!

I will be back in the A.M.

Have a great evening girls,
Well I'm finally back. It's been a loooong day!

Amelia-I'm sooo sorry to hear about your ankle!!! How did it go at the ER? Hopefully it's nothing too serious. Oh and the videos I won yesterday were drillmax, Imax3, and then VHS's of Push/Pull and Step,Jump, and Pump. I'm kind of mad at myself for bidding on the VHS's...especially since those are programs shown on FitTV (although not in their entirety)...but I honestly didn't think I'd win all four of these at the same time! I ordered Bodymax2 last week and it arrived today so I'm exited about that!

Lori-My SIL has three children and they all have b-day's in the month of March. They are aged (1,2, and 8) no triplets here. You are probably right about getting it finished early in the day...I just wish it was a little later so I wouldn't feel so rushed in the morning to get my workout in, shower, etc. to make it on time. My MIL has this thing about everyone being right on there's always a lot of pressure to get to our destination before she calls and asks us where we're at? haha. I love your rotation idea. You should definitely do it and then report back to us on your fabulous results so we can all try it ourselves! hehe. I feel you on the bloated thing. I've felt stuffed and bloated all week even though I've been very good for the most part. I don't know what the deal is! Oh and regarding VS....definitely google VS coupon codes. I always do that before I order from VS and almost always can find a free shipping code. Right after xmas I found 4 codes (the max i think the order form will let you enter) and ended up getting all kinds of freebies...including a pink rolling suitcase, garmet bag, cosmetics. I ended up returning everything except for one shirt because of size issues, quality, etc...but luckily one of the coupon codes I had used was for free return shipping so it was easy to send it all back!

Carrie-the 10K I'm doing is on May 3rd. I can't wait. It's in conjunction with a big marathon the city puts on every year. One of these years I'm going to do the marathon (once I grow some bigger balls)...but for this year, I'm just excited to be doing the 10K. I had friends do the 5K portion last year, but last year the race fell on the day after my I wasn't able to participate. I can't wait for race season to start...I love the energy at those events. Plus the extra cardio is nice! Did you end up going for a run today?

Cheryl-Congrats on the weigh-in!!!!! Sounds like I need to be following your diet mods. What's your secret?

Belinda-awesome workout...and thank goodness for DH's that will lift BBs over our heads!

Well I was going to run tonight, but my stomach has been hurting all afternoon so I'm going to skip the cardio tonight. This morning's shoulder and arms workout was awesome arms were toast by the time it was over!

Will be back tomorrow.....
Oh and Amelia...yes Maverick is named after Top Gun. I was a huge Tom Cruise fan back in the day. Can't say that I am any more though...Cruise has gotten a little crazy in recent years. :)
Sara-Your gonna LOVE BM2....Great workouts!!! I just recently got SJP,but i haven't had a chance to do it yet! I too use to be a Tom cruise fan,especially in Top Gun}(;-) But not so much anymore...hes a little coo-coo

Lori-I recently read that bran can cause you to bloat...but the article also said that if the person wasn't use to eating bran it would bloat them,so im thinking it was the salad in your case.course im no expert...salads tend to bloat me up as well!

Hey to the rest of the gang!

I didn't go to the ER,i ended up taking my kids to my moms then getting a big salad,then vegging out infront of the TV watching a movie with my foot elevated and packed with ice(my dyna band is my ace bandage,LOL)

If it gets worse,i will go to the docs on monday! I just didn't see any sense in paying a ER co-pay with my DH's insurance??? 100 bucks ain't worth it!

Anyhoot,my teacher has moved the test to monday x( so i really need to start studing(sense i haven't yet,sigh)

have a great night!

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