Good Day Gals!
Yesterday went well but I felt completly bloated and stuffed the whole day. Whats up with that? TTOM isn't yet so I can only blame it on my eating the last couple of days or the meds...I don't think it was the meds though so I will blame myself:-(
I did 4DSUB yesterday afternoon and I am thinking about following a 6 week rotation that will take me to the end of April but why do I feel like I have to start everything on a Mon? My rotation is going to be a mix of circuits or straight cardio one week, then a week of GS's and cardio,then back to circuits, then a week of the pryamid system and cardio. I will probably write it up tonight when I get to work...give myself something to do! LOL
I was also looking at the VS catalouge earlier. There are a few things in there I would like to purchase so if by June month I am back to my weight of 117 or maybe even 115, and have the money to do so, Im gonna buy some summer outfits.
Belinda** You didn't say what workout you are doing today!!!

What week are you on with BFL?
Sara** Why is your SIL is having a b-day party for 3 kids? Are they triplets? Maybe she is having so early to get it over with for the day? LOL I hate having b-day parties. DD will be 12 next week and some how I got tricked into having a sleepover again!
I only ended up taking 3 pills. 2 the night of, and 1 yesterday morning. They are hard on the belly and I feel fine now. If it seems to come back then I will have to take some more.
Ameila** Your mom is taking both kiddies?? Woo HOO!!!!! Now you and DH behave yourselves tonight

I already commented on the scale part on the other thread, yes, stay away from it! Water weight will make you feel like its all fat! AH!!!! Im starting to hate the scale and the measuring tape is becomming more and more interesting to me. I measured today and my measurments are the same but I bet if I stepped on the scale I would be up.
Have a good day everyone! I will be back later!!!