Commit to get fit and lean for April 14, 2010


Good morning,

Today I will do legs! My sinus is all messed up today. Woke up with a giant headache and my nose is stuffed! Why not? I am going to so much shit already why not have a nice sinus infection to top it off:confused: WTH?

Not sure when I will fit in my workout today, I will work out!

Have a great day everyone! BBL! Hope I will catch up on personals one day.
STS Meso 3, Disc 37, Squat Rack Legs is done:p I still have to work my abs, will do them tonight. Still got a headach!

Squats - 55#- 2 sets/12 reps

Squats - 85# - 4 sets/8 reps
Leg Curls - 50 # - 4 sets/8 reps
Front Squats - 55 # - 4 sets/8 reps
Static Lunges - 85# - 4 sets/8 reps

I will be back later! Have a good one!

I stayed up way to late last night with DH:confused: We watched The biggest loser(recorded it then watched it)

Today's workout will be yesterdays workout, MM...first i will walk my lab for 30minutes.

I've got to figure out when im going to fit in my workouts. If i do them in the mornings i would have to wake up @ 5, get it started by 5:30 because i get the kids up for school around 6:30,which wouldn't be too bad. BUT,if i workout after work i could get more sleep,i'm also afraid i wouldn't get alot of workouts in that way?....not sure yet? Maybe i could do both:p

Belinda-Im so sorry you going through such a hard time:( Sending you hugs. But on the bright side..AWESOME workout girl!

Hello to everyone an thanks for the congrats yesterday! I will bbl:)
Good Morning!:)

I have been trying to catch up work the past few days and haven't been able to check in from work...I don't like this at all:mad: Work is getting on my nerves actually. Everyone and everything is getting on my nerves! My boss is driving me nuts....he never leaves....always asking stupid questions....I don't my co-worker that I think I need a break from that place. Its been a full year now with no time off, call outs and being on call. I don't know if I will get a break before my marathon though.

Yesterdays workout was pilates abs, 3 miles on the TM, 30/30 and 5 seg of 40/40. I woke to snow on the ground so I doubt I will be running outside today.

Belinda** Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. But you got your workout in!! You can always go back to bed little kids in your house!

Ameila** So am I guessing that you got the job??? and you took it??? Good for you!!!! You will figure out what works best for you re:your workouts. I have to workout in the morning b/c I am on call all night and I don't care to do my hair again. If I weren't on call, in the summer months I would save my workouts for after work b/c I can run outside. In the winter months is always easier to workout in the a.m.

I am going to read yesterdays thread, then I will return!

Belinda** Sorry to hear you had such a bad day yesterday! Its so scary when something like that happens, especially when you are alone!!

Ameila** So you DID get the job! Were you surprised that they called you back so soon? Thats awesome and you will do great!

Deb** I don't think DD's BF has ever done anything with a girl either, that's why I wasn't concerned about it. She broke up with the last guy she was seeing b/c he wanted to have sex and she didn't. I don't know what the deal is with this guy. They aren't really that serious yet......knowing DD they will have a fight about something and it will all be over with! LOL She tends to play mind games with them that backfire on her! haha!

Iris** I would like to make some baked porriadge today but I don't think I have enough milk in the house. We run out of milk so fast in this joint! The only prob with that porriadge is that I want to eat the whole batch!!! Not a good idea! I can see how talking to DG would be exhausting! He is tiring me out and Im not even near him;)

Helene** Good job with your workout!

Did I miss anyone?? I don't think Cookie and Trish checked in yesterday!

I fell asleep on the couch last night watching TBL...couldn't keep my eyes open! DH tried to wake me up to get me to bed and I told him I would be there in a min. I woke up again at 1:43! LOL and I finally got my a$$ to bed!

I will bbl! I have no real plans today. 2 things I will do is clean the blinds and the bathroom fans! Where does the dust come from?

Good Morning Ladies

I know I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. All I want to do is go back to bed. This is two days in a row I have no desire to work out, which is so not like me. :( I'm really going to have to make is Back and Biceps. I had a crappy run yesterday, my stomach felt heavy (I hate that, this is why I workout in the morning), but the ab work went well (again with the one-legged there' s a plus I guess). DJ has recently been pushing for more time together, and he thinks once my exam is over that I'm going to have all this free time on my hands, and he just can't understand that my life isn't going to get any easier any time in the near or distant future. *sigh* He says he doesn't mean to push, but I"m feeling pushed, and when I feel pushed, I run.

Belinda- So sorry about your crappy day yesterday!!! You had a great workout today, though. Yeah making the decision or having to put down pets is one of the most heartbreaking things.......

Amelia- Congrats on your job!!!!!! That's wonderful news. Now the fun begins!! ;) I also stayed up to watch the Biggest Loser. I was sad to see Drea go. Any of them at this point I will be sad to see go! Who do you want to see win? I wanted to see Sunshine do it, but the crying act needs to go. I'd like to see Sam win, cuz he's awesome. I'd be happy with Mike or Daris winning as well. What are your thoughts? Ohhh and I tried Farmville, and i just dont' get

Deb- I hope you got your workout in! No, there's no chance of DJ getting his job back ,but he's occupied at another job for a guy doing some work. Yeah DG is stressful, he's been stressful since last

Helene- Yeah if this Sunday isn't good for you, that's fine! I wouldnt' mind holding off til this exam is over and I take those classes. I know today is your long day....:( I work a double today too if it makes you feel any better?? Ohhh and as far as DG goes, I DO go after his age. It's just that it would take up way too much time and space to tell the whole conversation! lol

Okay I think that catches me up for now....Have a great day ladies.

Belinda: Glad Browler is a bit better. How old is he? Glad he's got you to take care of him! Nice job with KM yesterday and legs today!

Lori: Yikes, sounds like your boss is going to be a pain from now on. You see, before he was the boss, so if he thought that things were going fine then that was the end of it. Now he has to answer somebody else's questions since he now has a boss himself and he probably feels like he has to know all the answers since he was boss before. He's going to be hovering from now on I'm afraid :confused: Too funny about how you talk about DD's relationships. I hope that she picks nice guys at least.... Nice workout.

Amelia: You are probably going to have to figure out your workout schedule. and yes to sum it up, you are going to have to suck it up and make it a priority. I do it in the morning because it works much better for me if I can be consistent about the time of the day I work out at. Alarm rings at 4:45. It is the only way I can make sure I get MY workout in. If I leave it to the evening, it's always uncertain whether I get it done or not. But you know, once you get used to it, it feels like a great accomplishment to do that and stick to it. Remember that it is a very important thing you need to do for yourself. Now, I do miss being able to do it in the morning here and there so that's OK. Anyways, remember to plan your eats too ;) I always bring my food to work.

Iris: OK, so maybe we wait just a bit to run together, but not too long, because I have to run a 5k sometime soon. Good that you are going after his age too. Too funny! Sorry you have a double too. I'll think of you with DG, and you can think of me sitting in a meeting room with 2 other people in an empty building until midnight...... Are you still reading the tosca book? I have to get back on plan. My parents are coming up on Friday. Hope I can do it when they are here. But I tend not to eat well with them around. Maybe this is a good time to change that!

OK, off to work. I'll take a break at some point to get my workout in at the gym if I can. Shouldn't be a problem.
LOL Iris...thanks for making me laugh about farmville, I like farm town better. I know...those games are pretty pointless aren't they:rolleyes: Im sure i won't be farming a lot now that i will be working,LOL.

Helene-Thanks!!! I will remember to bring my lunch and decide on what time to workout. Im not going to let anything side track my efforts so far,ive worked too hard. I write down everything i eat in the mornings so planning ahead my lunches and dinners should make everything easier as far as my diet plan goes. And no way im letting my workouts slip, I can't imagine my life without my workouts...i would be a total 'you know what':confused: I can do it *sigh*...thanks for you insight!!! Hugs your very inspiring!

Lori-Thanks girl, im glad i got you guys to keep me motivated!

ok, i will bbl to report my workout. I started a blog for that 90 day challenge ive got going on and ive been working on it all morning...very time consuming:confused:

Lets kick some butt today with our workouts!!!:cool: BBL
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Hey Girls,

Just taking a break from tiding up. Im not really cleaning....just trying to keep the place half sensible. I just ate my breakfast so I am waiting for that to settle before I start working out. To tell you the truth, I feel as if I could have more coffee.

Ameila** That does sound time consuming. Have you had a blog ever since you started your weightloss?

Helene** My boss right now is probably being just that....a normal boss. But when your not use to it, its tough to get use to. He never use to ask questions before, just went about his business and half of the time he wasn't there. I remember when I first started there how fascinated I was that he didn't do ANYTHING. And I mean NOTHING. To be honest Im not sure what he does now either but he talks on the phone alot.

Iris** Everyone wants to spend time with you...what can I say??? You must be good company! LOL

I will bb again later!
Ok I am now in a much better mood. I almost didnt work out, I'm glad I did!!! I know it's PMS because there were tears in my eyes while setting up my pull up reason for not me. Then I did the extended stretch and that felt good!

Lori- Missed ya earlier! I'm like you, I want to eat the whole batch!!! I will go to it for something quick at night too....:mad: Cuz it' so good and it's already made.... LOL@ DG tiring you out. Nice workout yesterday!!! Makes me want to get my a$$ in gear on cardio days....:eek:

Amelia- ohhh crap, am I playing the wrong game?? I could have sworn I was playing Farmville, but I will look to see! I will try out Farmtown too if I was playing the wrong one. Ok still let me know about TBL...I'm

Helene- Yes still reading the tosca book , in fact was reading it last night during TBL commercials! :D I will trade with you tonight?? You put up with DG and I'll sit in a meeting. I would trade any day!!! lol I hope you can get to the gym today!

Ok ladies....I'll be
Good morning girls,

I'm going to the gym to spin today. I have computer work today so will BBL with personals.

Have a great day:)
Debbie-Enjoy your spin class today!

Lori-This is my first blog, i just wanted a kind of online diary so i can vent:D its really nothing different than what i tell you guys(just more details, i know you guys don't have all day to listen to my whining,lol) Enjoy your workout...ive got to get going on the house work

Iris-I think my favorite player this season is Sam, I feel so bad for him when he doesn't lose weight..poor guy is packing on a lot of muscle which is fantastic but not for the game:( I hope he wins! I like his brother too. I do like sunshine and yeah,she is a bit dramatic. For some reason the white team guy,the bigger one, gets on my nerves? I can't explain why...he's doing really great. It was so funny to see them all throwing Jillian and bob in the mud:D Jillian took off awful fast didn't she? I didn't know she was all girly girly like that,LOL. Farmtown is the one where you can go to the market and get hired to work on other peoples farm..its really fun. Ive been playing for about a year now:)o)...

ok, Im very proud to say that i got my dog walk in AND my MM workout in. I matched Cathe in her wieght for he first time since i can't even remember. It felt so good, and i could actually feel my stress level lower during the workout:cool: I LOVE lifting...what a feeling!!

Hi girls,

All the spin bikes were taken today:( I did CC6 on the ellipitical and put me in a good mood. I'm going to take a break now and do STS week 3 shoulders, bi's & tri's . . . I'm falling behind and I'm so close to being finished.

Belinda - I'm happy Browler is feeling better. It's like have a sick child your always watching them. Great workout today.

Lori - I hate change at work especially when nothing was wrong to begin with. Hopefully your boss will get over this. How much time are you taking off for the marathon & where is it? Sounds like it's pretty innocent with your DD:)

Amelia - I find it best to workout in the morning before work but I think that's because I'm on my feet all day. I think the idea of switching it up and working out some mornings & evenings is a great idea:)

Iris - I'm glad your mood changed:) Hmmm, you are very busy for a single girl . . . maybe you should get married:eek:

Helene - How far is the gym from your work? Our gym offers 45min. classes at lunchtime.

Cookie - SNM didn't really have an answer for me. I guess really each year is different. I thought maybe historically they would know about how many people cancel each year.

Trish - Hi

Have a great day:)
Afternoon girls,

I've been so EXHAUSTED the past few days...don't know what's happening with me. I even took Mon (to finish my taxes) & Tues (to get some rest) off from work...still tired. I think I better schedule an appt if things don't turn around soon. On Sun. I did GS Chest & Tricep and really worked it good - still have DOMs going on from that. No wo on Mon. Tues I did GS Legs, sluggishly, and only have a little DOMs. This AM I had to force myself on to the elliptical for 30 mins (4.67 min, 372 cals burned). Hopefully I will sleep deep and long tonight.

Belinda - So sorry to hear about Browler. I hope the pills work and he won't have to take them for long. Can't imagine he likes those:confused:! Nice job on your wo today!

Amelia - Congrats again on your new job. 99% of my wos are in the morning. I'm too tired to wo after working all day. I'd have to take a nap before my wo! I used to get up @ 4:30 but now manage to get it all in if I get up @ 5:00. You'll figure it all out;) I've been toying with the whole blogging thing myself, but there's no way that I could really keep up with it:( WTG on your wo girl!! Sounds like you really rocked it today;)

Lori - The boss that's urking you is the former owner, right? I guess he's trying to show the new folks he knows what he's doing. Nice wo yesterday!

Iris - Wow, your morning sounds exactly like mine:( Maybe it's the weather?? Hope your double isn't to tiring. ^5s on getting your wo in.

Helene - Hope your energy is up for your long day:confused: Have fun at the gym!

Deb - Sorry you missed out on your spin class! Sounds like you guys need a sign up sheet, too! I'm looking forward to my pilates class on Friday. LOL @ your comment to Iris about getting married! Heehee!!

Cookie - Hope all is well with you!!

Btw, have any of you tried the recipes being posted on Cathe's blog?
Hey Girls!

Just relaxing before I start making supper. I also picked up a coffee which I dont usually drink this time of day but I wanted one.

My inlaws left for Cuba earlier today! Jealous is not a good color on me;) I have been thinking about them all day. Its time for me to get over this vaca thing. I doubt we will be going anywhere. And my marathon is far from a vaca....I dont consider running 42k to be relaxing:rolleyes:

My workout today was weight and plate abs. I think that was one of the hardest ab workouts ever! I was even sweating!! Then I moved on to Disc 1 of STS and 50 mins on the TM.

Iris** I get like that sometimes to. I usually get more moody then I want to cry but sometimes I feel the need to cry as well. Being a women isnt all its cracked up to be!

Ameila** Good job with your workout. Matching Cathe weight is always a good feeling.

Deb** So were there any fights before spinning class?? DId you punch anyone out because there was no bike left for you? hehe!

I wil probably bbl! DH is having his friends over to watch the hockey game so I wont be doing much only putting DS to bed.

Trish** I am with you on the deep long sleep tonight! I havent been going to bed very early! Tonight would be a good night to go to bed early because DH will be occupied and there is nothing on tv. Good job with the DOMS!

Hi girls,

Cookie and Trish, hope you having a great day!

Debbie, at least you got good workout in on the ellipitical! I am so happy Browler is doing better.

Amelia, I think trying to workout in the morning is better, I am sure you will figure it out what works best for you. So happy for you;) Nice job your walk and MM today.

Iris, glad you in a better mood. How do you like the tower? Sorry, DJ is a pain in your butt! Kick him!

Helene, what did you end up doing today? Browler is a little over 5 years!

Lori, your boss gonna be a pain in your a$$, awww! Every time my DH is gone, something happens. I can't wait for when he retire from the Army.

I will be back in the morning! Have a good one!

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