Comfortable, in-style shoes?


Do they exist? I am in search for comfortable shoes that aren't like big clod hoppers (and that are fashionable), and at a reasonable price (like not over $60). I teach, and therefore I am on my feet all day. I have been wearing flip-flops all summer, and my legs and back have been aching. I know that Crocs are supposed to be comfy (by the way, does anyone have them?), but I have to wear dressier shoes than that to work. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!
This past season, ballet slippers became pretty popular. I am also a girl who LOVES my flip flops, but these little slip ons rival my flip flops in comfort!

Check out Kohl's.<>folder_id=429119017&bmUID=1186361682636

The above link does not show the exact pairs that I have, but some really cute ones. I have some in plain black and a pair that are ivory/bone colored. Actually, I bought several black pairs because I love them that much. I think I paid less than $20 for each pair.
I laughed when I read your post: "comfortable shoes that are not big clodhoppers." I know exactly what you mean and am always on a quest for comfortable but dressy & stylish work shoes. It's almost like I have two dress shoe wardrobes: my "real" dressy shoes and then my teacher shoes. I can't say I've found a particular brand that I stick with all the time. But I gravitate to shoes which have a thicker heel (not clunky, but not a thin heel) and ample room in the toe box. You might check into Clark's and Indigo brand by Clark's (which I think are supposed to be slightly more stylish.) You can find them on Zappos.


"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
I am a HUGE wearer and believer of Crocs. I must have at least ten pairs. When I was teaching I wore them every day and the now have many different styles available. They have a Mary Jane and a ballet slipper. My feet and hips stopped bothering me when I wore them. I even have a bright blue pair on now as I type. I tried other kinds but Crocs worked the best for me.
Try or They have a search category titled "comfort." They sell all different brands, including aerosoles, they have reveiws from people who bought the shoes, and shipping is free (even for returns.)
Naturalizers are nice, comfortable, stylish shoes. I personally find Crocs only cute on kids.
I love shoes!

I am constantly on a quest to find stylish, comfortable shoes. I will not buy a pair of shoes if they don't fit both criteria!

Here are a few brands that are consistantly good. Some are more expensive than others, but honestly, you have to pay more to get both comfort and style together (in my opinion).

Helle Comfort
Indigo by Clarks
Donald J Pliner
Liz Flex (Liz Claiborne)
Cole Haan

Out of the above, Matisse is my favorite. They have some really really cute shoes, and I've never bought a pair that wasn't comfortable.

Other brands that are very comfy, but not so stylish (in my opinion)...

Aerosoles (These used to be very cute and stylish, but the last few years, not so much.)
Thanks for all this info. Comfortable, attractive shoes are like the Holy Grail to me. I have been on a quest to find them for ages. Even when I think I find them, my picky husband will disagree. He's really good at picking out gorgeous shoes for me, but they're never comfortable when he does the choosing.


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain
If you look at you will find lots of cute styles. They have more than just the (a little bit ugly) ones that you see on the kids.

I am thinking about the ballet flats and the ones that have a little heel on them. These shoes are SOOOO comfortable! I have fallen in love with my sandal style ones this summer. They are khaki with a black stripe. I get many compliments about how cute they are. More importantly, they are the most comfortable sandal that I own.

I think that they would be appropriate for a teacher!

Good luck!
Jenn, I agree.I'm surprised at all the new styles they have out. Crocs are just sooo comfortable. And maybe I am a kid at heart!
I found that Merrel feel the most like a tennis shoe. They are OK in style, I bought a mary jane that was cute. They are about $80. They have them at Online shoes, or I bought mine at Dillards.
Wow! Thanks for all of the great suggestions and websites. I actually did check out Crocs on, and I saw the ballet flats, so I was glad to see a few of you recommended them. I will go with a pair of those and something else. Well, I am off to look:) .
Thanks again!
I love my Merrells. I found a pair that were actually very nice looking. They are sandals(but not flats) with a copper color strap. I have worn them all summer with dress pants and they have looked very stylish. I'm a teacher so comfort is my number one concern and these have been great!

Oh......and I forgot to add that the price was quite reasonable. I paid $65 for them.
I have dreaded shopping for shoes for years. This past summer while shopping for my kids , I measured my foot and I am most definitely a wide. Unfortunately, most stores don't carry wides. So, I ordered a boat load from Zappos and was so happy to find shoes that fit!

These two I got are exceptionally comfortable: in black in white

these also are pretty comfortable but not in the same class as the above

They are expensive, but I really can't find anything that is truly comfortable without spending the $. And if you take care of them, they should last awhile.

A few weeks ago I wore the first pair all day: had lunch with my mom, walked around the mall and walked through Sam's (all the way to the back) and stopped at the pharmacy and my feet were as comfortable as if I had worn my old comfy flats. Marnie
Wait, my husband correct...are my Birkenstock's just not stylish?? ha ha I think they are cool!!

Seriously, Merrels are great. Have you tried Rocket Dogs? They are so comfortable and cool.

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