
Hi All,

Can anyone throw some advice my way ? I have had a cornflake type thing in the corner of my mouth since last Saturday, and it is driving me mad - I am not sure if it is a cold sore or not ? I feel like I have grown an extra head. I can't even remember the last time I had one (if ever !). It is dry, sore and stingy, though not itchy. At the moment I am shoving some medicated cream on it, after showing it to a Pharmacist (person who works in a drug store). What makes me wonder if it is a cold sore is that it I have been ill all week with achest infection thing, so I have definitely been run down !!!! Will the blasted thing just go on its own ?

Any advice welcome !!!!

Anna :)
Yep, that's what it is

I get cold sores about twice a year. Once in the summer & once in the winter. They hurt like crazy for about a week. Then it will finally go away after about 2 weeks.

There is no cure because they are (DON'T FREAK OUT HERE) usually a strain of the herpes virus. This is not the sexually transmitted disease but you can pass it on to those that you kiss or share drinks with. My poor daughter gets them but my husband does not. No matter how careful my daughter & I are, we usually pass them to each other--if she gets one, I'm not far behind & vice versa.

It will go away by itself but does take time. Sorry for the bad news.


I'm ready to take the next step!
Anna, if it is a cold sore, I found a product years ago that truly helped to heal them faster. Or...if you feel one coming on, it will keep you from breaking out full-fledged with one. It is called "Herpecin-L". It is sold over the counter at drug stores and comes in a Chapstick-like tube. Good Luck! I know how painful they can be, but knock on wood, I haven't had one in about 13 years!!!! (last one I had was when my Dad was still living) Hope you start feeling better soon.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Yep, that's what it is

There is an over the counter medication here in US named: "Viractin". It's a gel. I don't know if they have it in England or not but the active ingredient of it is "Tetracain HCl 2%". You might want to ask the pharmacist if they have such a gel. You apply it 3-4 times a day and not more. It help quite a bit with the pain of the cold sore (and seems to actually help it heal faster).
Anna - Hi!
I get them too. If it is indeed a cold sore (Herpes - sounds way worse than it is so don't worry) then it will run it's course and go away. However, I use Abreva (formerly a presription) to treat it right when I notice it. The earlier you catch it the faster you can make it go away. Things that can cause the sores are sickness, damage to your lip, extreme cold, too much sun. These are all things that can cause the virus to pop out in the form of a cold sore. Good luck - it will be gone soon! Take care.
Hi Anna,
I have an info sheet on cold sores (and another one on canker sores) in Word format, that I give to patients. If you'd like it, e-mail me or tell me here. It's one page and basically says what people have already written here, plus a few more details.
RE: IT'S GONE !!!!!........

Hi Everyone,

The little blighter has finally disappeared !!!!!! Thank God !! Thankyou so much for your advice !!!!!!! I kept bunging on my Blisteze or is it Blistex ? Well, whatever it is it seemed to do the trick !!!!! My Mother had a look at it for me over the weekend, and she decided that it looked like one, lets hope it won't come back for a long time !!!!!!!!!!!

anna :)

Thankyou for that - I will drop you an e-mail tomorrow !!!!! I have found another book !!!!!!!!!!
Til then

Anna :)
RE: IT'S GONE !!!!!........

Just for future reference Anna, I use tea tree oil the minute I start to get one which is every so often, like twice a year, and they never develop, just shrink away. The longest they last now is like two days so I'm sold on it. Just a know the rest. Glad to hear it's disappeared and your feeling better!!


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