Clothes fitting tighter


I all of a sudden feel as if my lower body is bigger and my clothes are fitting tighter. I don't believe in scales, I go on how things fit. I eat good and haven't changed anything as far as that goes and I work out 6 days a week. I've actually just weaned myself off of lexapro(an antidepressent)after being on it a couple years. I've read many stories of it causing significant weight gain, although I can't say I really noticed that. I just wanted to get off the stuff. Could it be that it caused me to gain weight going off of it or am I just going through one of those "bulky" stages. Sometimes I just feel bloated all over. Help please!!
Hello, and welcome to the club. Just this year I noticed my stomach wasn't as flat as it was. I did check things out w/ my Dr. Tests came back OK. I'm chalking it up to middle age (I'm 45) I also think it is about your genes too. I eat well too, most days, and I work out 6x/week too...I know I did not answer your ?, Just wnated to let you know you are not alone.( I don't own a scale either:)) Good luck, Kay
Thanks Kay, I think you're right about the age thing. Im 37 and I think things are beginning to shift. My 8 yr old daughter just had to do a timeline for school and when looking through pictures for it, I looked thinner a few years back then now and actually work out more now. It's just so FRUSTRATING! Thanks again for your response.
Christine, Kay again, Let me know if you find anything that works:) I just ordered a book about clean eating by Tosca Reno, I'll let you know if it helps. I posted a ? about my problem a few weeks back. Look for thread "Sudden Tummy", there were some helpful suggestions. Take care, Kay
Hi Kay, I did read your post about "sudden tummy" I related to that when I read it. That's actually what prompted me to check into the antidepressant weight gain issue because there was some talk about that in the thread. It just seems like every so often I seem to "plump up." I take a recovery week every 6 to 8 weeks thinking it might be an overtraining thing, but who knows. Take care
Christine, I find I plump up too. And I did take some time off too (no luck) Great minds think alike:) I work my abs 4x/week, they're in there somewhere...Maybe it's genetic Kay
Hi girls.

Unfortunately, I'm in your club too!

I'll be 47 this year. I've been working out for 30 of those years and in the last 3 years or so I've noticed that nothing I do changes anything. I can eat clean, mix up the workouts and I've tried all different variations of things with no luck.

This thread is depressing. It makes me feel like there's just no hope of getting in really good shape as I get older. :(
Oh, do I feel your pain! I could have written this post myself!!! I've taken some "drastic" measures because some how, some way, this weight has to come off. I've only been doing this a week so I'm not sure how long I'll see results. But this is what I've done: stopped working out. BUT, I've been eating very clean, and very little calories, like 1300-1400 a day. So far, I've lost 4 lbs. and got beyond my sticking point, something I haven't reached for months. I'm also zig zagging my calories: 3 days low and 1 day high (1700-1800). The diet consists of a lot of lean protein, lots of veggies, complex carbs and some fruit. At some point, I will work out again because I really enjoy it and get a lot of benefits from it but losing weight just didn't seem to be one of them. I'm 38 and was working out 5-6 days a week, twice a day, eating 1600-1800 calories. No weight loss. Now, at least the weight is coming off but like I said, it's too early to see how long it lasts.

That's sad you feel that way. I figure I'll never have the body that Cathe has, but I feel I'm doing everything I can to help my body for when I do get older. Everyone says I look thin, I'm sure I notice more than most, but as long as I know i'm doing my best...and my husband still thinks I look good:), that is all that matters:)
Check for food allergies. I realized I had a wheat allergy. I am allergic to wheat/gluten. After getting rid of the wheat/gluten in my diet I dropped 25 lbs. I read an article about wheat allergies, and I had all of the symptoms. I just eliminated the wheat from my diet. When I added it back to my diet, the symptoms reappeared. Hope this helps.
I am in this club too, don't want to be, but somehow I am here! Well at least I am not alone. I have to think though that Cathe doesn't have that body 100% of the time.

What I mean is when I wake up in the morning I am cut, and I can see muscle def and I am impressed with my reflextion, but by midafternoon I don't want to see a mirror because I have a tummy all the sudden. I know sometimes what we eat can go right to making us bloated...but I eat healthy so I don't get it, other than the age thing, but I am 29. I thought I still had a few years left.

Don't give up hope and throw in the towel, it could get worse if we all stopped exercising! Plus working out with Cathe is way to much fun!!
I was tired all the time, constantly hungry, my skin itched. I was bloated, and anemic. I started eating rice bread (Ener G). It tastes great toasted. Amy dinner's (frozen section)that were gluten free. All kind of fruits, & vegetables. You can also eat meat and eggs. Just leave out the wheat. Wheat is in alot of products. It is hidden by different names. I can't believe the difference in my life, since going wheat free. I feel better now at 41 than I did when I was 20 yrs old. I have so much energy and feel great! After eating a meal I fill satisfied!! :)
I know exactly what you're talking about with looking one way in the morning and completely different by midday, especially with the belly bloat, what's up with that?!x( My husband's getting tired of me complaining about looking "fat". It is good to know though I have others sharing my frustration.

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