
What a bummer, Patti!! When it rains, it pours! How about this? PLan a wickedly yummy clean meal. enjoy every bite and think about how good healthy food makes you feel. Get yourself your fave UB weight DVD and LIFT! Don;t worry about setting personal records - just have fun! You'll be back at it in no time!

Katie, Sorry for the nuts day...PLEASE CALL if you need to chat!

Becky, I'm a devoted pancake worshipper too!:p It was VERY HARD to not drown one in syrup and go full-bore!:eek:
That insomnia sounds AWFUL! Sounds bizarre, but have you tried hypnosis? I used a version of it to prepare for Julia's birth and it was wonderful! Steph has some experience with it too.

Spent a little while at the pool w/ my mom, grandma, and Laura. aaahhhhh. Just enough to cool off a bit! Had a couple bites of chex mix so eats are still ok. This is not an excuse to lose it.... I am in control!:D:D But I have NO IDEA what to make for dinner!!!! Maybe baked potato buffet????
Hey ladies. Sorry I was MIA...work and back to school sales. Funny we got in some very cute santa and mrs claus pj's for babies.

Becky Sorry about your extreme insomnia. I have it also, developed it after my mom died but not as bad. My problem is staying a sleep. I can go days only getting 3 or 4 hours sleep.

Kate send me some control....I'm eating popcorn chicken from Sonic and the sweetest slushy I ever had. No worries some rum should dilute it.

See ya tomorrow.
I'm very sorry about your mom.
Our insomnia sounds the same. I can GET to sleep most of the time but can't stay asleep. A usual night for me is around 4 hours or less. I still have nights that I dont' sleep at all but luckily they aren't often anymore.

I've never heard of hypnosis for insomnia but you get to the point where you'd try anything and I wouldn't rule it out at all. HOW do you find a good place that does that though ? I wouldn't know where to look .

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and ideas.

Becky when you do not get enough sleep it feels like your are going crazy...because your can't even think straight. Try talking to your doctor he or she would know where to go. Do you have apnea too? My cousin Irene just went for a sleep study to rule out apnea. Sometimes people stop breathing and that what wakes them up 4 or 5 times per night.
Don't I know it ????:confused: (the going crazy part)

I don't function too badly for the amount of sleep I get. But when I was getting NONE or just minutes a night, that was a different story !!!
HORRIBLE and I don't want to EVER repeat it and would never wish it on another human being !!!

I'm sure I dont' have apnea.....I don't normally snore....husband knows to be aware of me gasping or stopping breathing or doing anything unusual in my sleep.
Of course HE sleeps like a rock. No matter WHAT . Every.:mad: Single. :mad:Night.:mad:

YES I'm jealous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

oh, hugs to robin and becky. that is awful. i hate that i am a light sleeper and cannot sleep in any bed but my own, but i have it way better than insomnia.

beck, your gp should be able to refer to a good hypnosis. ever thought to try acupuncture?

robin, slushy sounds awesome.

patti, hugs to you. hope your foot feels better. take it easy, okay? how about a manicure?

major munchie vibes here. i almost wayyyy over did it so many times. as it was, i had too many nuts, but at least those are clean. and they really help with bloat, oddly enough. i am a bit on the depressed side tonight. no friends here for me makes me kind of sad. no job to find my place either. at least we are settled into our house, and it is lovely, and in about 6-8w eeks, we will be outside ALL THE TIME.


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