~~~~~~Clean & Tidy Weekend~~~~~

Good afternoon ladies,

Grocerymax is done. I bought lots of good for you stuff. I was going to buy almond butter cause I have heard good things about it but there is so much oil in the top of the jar it skeeved me out. Do you have to mix it before you eat it? I think I will just stick to super crunchy peanut butter.

Dinner is going to be grilled or baked chicken, roast potatoes, veggies and corn.

I have to finish putting the groceries away and do my workout.

Hey Peeps

Sorry i was MIA yesterday, 'we' went to visit my folks, ate like a fool...thats all i have to say about that.

Today, plumber came this morning, Kate, toilet fixed! now i have to get the drywall done where the water leaked in my kitchen..

Sorry, rushing, i was missing you all so snuck i a quick post before grocerymax.

Katie, thanks for the RT email, i'm starting to freak out cause i have no cash to buy new stuff..need PJ's! You ladies dont want to see me in my broken up pink sheep jammies i'm sure :)

I'll try to get back,
Steph, I need new PJs too!!

I have been so sick all day -- I think I may have food poisoning or something. In fact, I haven't felt great all weekend -- lots of sleeping. Therefore, no KPC yet, probably won't happen. Bathroom-MAX only today (sorry if that was TMI!).

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