~~~~~~Clean & Tidy Weekend~~~~~


Morning ladies. What are our plans for the weekend?

Are you eating clean and drinking water?

Who wants to have a challenge for the weekend?

Let's do 50 pushups }( and 50 sit ups.
My w/o today will be Amy's hi/low KO and some Kathy core work.
Last night I did really well. I only had BBQ chicken burger and salad for dinner.

My menu:
b-kashi cereal and berries
l-grill shrimp and baby spinach
d-hmmmmmm did I have a cheat meal this week ;-) :D

There is a new Dunkin Donuts around the block from where I live :-( I'm not too happy about that, but they do have lite ice coffees. They also have this grill chicken sandwich on pita (chicken bruschetta sandwich) but I found out that this has 580 calories!!!!! I guess I'll stick to lite garden veggie cream cheese and lite bagel.

Angie that how I got started with Cathe too. But one by one I replace each taped workout with the real thing. Take you time buying new Cathe workouts.
Good Morning Robin and all who follow,

Today will be LIC and then I have a grad party. BBQ. Highly doubt it will be clean. From what I have heard from the host it will be ribs, fried chicken, bbq chicken, etc. I will try to keep in my portions in check.

Angie I don't think STS will be boring, it is a Cathe production and Cathe is never boring.:7


Robin, I wish I could join you on the challenge! My belly gets in the way too much for the pushups and midwife said no crunches!x( Great idea though! I haven't been to a Dunkin Donuts in 20 years! I bet it's still delicious! Great job last night! Have a great WO today!

Jenn, great WO for you too! Have fun at the party and good luck! BBQ chicken wouldn't be that bad of a choice - just make sure the BBQ sauce isn't on there too much.

No idea yet on meals. Breakfast was (drumroll please!)......kashi and apple slices!!!

I really want to do some lifting today. It would be nice to do it in the daytime. In a little bit I'm going to take the girls with me on some errnads to give Mike some time alone. Maybe that can be my bargaining chip for a WO later!!!
Oh I forgot that you can't do the challenge Kate. The fact that you are exercising is a great thing. The birth will be easy.

Jenn have fun at the BBQ.

I changed my w/o to Amy Hi-lo KO and core then 25 pushups and 25 situps. The full situps (when you touch you toes) is harder than I remember.:+ I'm lite headed now so I need to eat.
Morning again Robin & jenn!

I'm jealous you guys are working out already this AM!
I'm off for grocerymax - alone!!!!!
Good Morning Everyone!

This has been a lazy Saturday morning. I guess I was tired because I slept late. I guess HISM 2 was tougher than I thought. Not sure what I am going to do today. I need to start studying for another certification. Maybe I will finally start doing that.

Robin, good job at the picnic last night. I haven't been to DD in ages.
Jenn, I usually take the skin off of fried chicken when I eat it. I don't usually like the breading. Hope you can keep it clean today
Kate, glad you are going to the grocery alone!!!!
Angie, there is a post I think on STS Forum from someone who started a rotation using 1HRM and she said the results were amazing. You might want to check it out.
Hi Steph, Shelley & Shirl!

w/o will be DM if I can peel myself off the couch
b: kashi w/ banana
rest is tbd
Good morning everyone,

I'm ready to admit I had a disastrous holiday but I think in the back of my mind, I was considering it my last hurrah! DH wanted to have a classic "American" meal for lunch and it consisted of chili cheeseburgers and milkshakes. Honestly, it made me feel absolutely disgusting. I made a clean meal of cajun chops (from a Jillian Michaels recipe) and scarboro potatoes (from clean eating mag). Only problem was I probalby overate - I really need to work on my portions! Then a friend invited me over to watch a movie. She made cookies (I only had 2) and then a little while later she brough out pretzels and cheese dip (salty things/dip is a total weakness for me - I craved nachos the whole time I was pregnant!) and then she proceeded to bring out junior mints. I wish I could say that I said, "NO thank you!" but I never did. UGH. And of course this girl is a whopping 105 lbs and she eats like this and doesn't work out. Not to say I would want her body but still. It's frustrating.

Anyway, today is the first day of the rest of my life, right? I did my "grocery-max" yesterday. Spent 3 hours between Trader Joes and Whole Foods. I have clean dinners planned for the week and my fridge is stocked with lots of fruit and veggies.

I would really like to get STS and do it with everyone when it comes out. Does anyone know when that is supposed to be? My only fear is that I'll be moving in the process and will probably be without my workout equipment for 4-6 weeks during the whole thing which will be super frustrating so I'm considering not starting until after we move so I can do all 37 DVDs in the sequence they are supposed to happen.

That Amy Bento w/o you all mention looks really good. I've never done anything by her. I'm trying to figure out if I get STS what I'll use as my cardio (I can't run - injured my knee in college overtraining) but I love Turbo Jam and could combine the 4DS workouts in their cardio combo options but I could use some new ones.

Anyway, this is getting long. For breakfast DH made eggs (prob mostly egg whites), homemade hash browns (he's so sweet - he said, "This is clean, right?") and cut up a bunch of berries. I had small portions of everything. For dinner I'm going to make steaks, grilled veggies, and probably some risotto (all natural of course!)

Hopefully for lunch, we'll figure out something good. Weekends are hard. DH also said I could go to the gym or he'd take the girls somewhere so I could w/o at home. If I w/o at home, it will be 4DS kickbox/legs/core. If I go to the gym, I'll do the elliptical and stair climber probably. I'll also do my sit-ups and push-ups. Are they for the weekend or for each day?

Okay, sorry for the novel. Real quick:

Robin - dunkin donuts sounds scary... not my temptation... if we had a chipotle down the street, that would be a problem!

Jenn - I agree, Cathe is never boring, I just know this is a new arena for her. I hope the music is still good.

Kate - I have to do the same kind of switch/bait with my DH to get some workout time in. Weekdays my workouts are at 5 am but on the weekends I like to sleep in.

Colleen - I'll check out that STS thread. Thanks!

Okay, have a great day everyone! I'm so pumped to be a part of this group!

Colleen, what kind of cert. are you going for? DH got a new license a while ago for when we work in Wyoming. On the paper is says he is "Wyoming Master Plumber with Gas"!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? It means he is certified to run gas piping but oh my word! I think they could've come up with a better name than that! DM sounds great - haven't done that one in a while.

Angie, We're pumped to have you too! Shake off that lasr hurrah - there are better days ahead! And not every one will be perfect but it will get better and better. I'd think STS won't come out til after August RT. If it's any consolation I prob. won't be able to start it til November or so. Do you like your gym? What is taking you guys to France?

Gotta go make dinner - bbl!
Kate, I am going for my program management certification. It will cost $1500 to take the exam which I think is just outrageous. Luckily my company is going to reimburse me if I can get my butt in gear and fill out the application. Congratulations to your DH. The certificate is so funny!
Angie, I think we can all admit that we had really bad eating days. Just refocus as soon as possible and those bad days won't even matter.

Hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend!
I'm home, and my trip was a disaster! Details tomorrow (and my welcome to Angie, glad to have you!). I am too tired and stressed now!

Robin, yes I will take you up on the challenge!
Colleen, That cert cost is CRAZY!! Glad you can get reimbursed though! For one of Mike's certifications the books were around $800. The actual exam was something like $75 - not bad I guess!

Katie, Sorry for the bad weekend. Sending a (((((((hug)))))))) your way!

My eats have been pretty swell today. I also got in 4DS KB cardio. I wanted to do weights but alas - life. Glad I got something in though!
Morning everyone.

Sorry about your weekend Katie.

My girlfriend's Pastors Timothy and Betty Wright were in a really bad car accident on Friday. She was killed and he is still in bad condition at the hospital. Please pray from them and their family.

I didn't really sleep that well but I'm still up early.

I have a new workout ladies it's Patrick Goudeau Set Up. I know that he is a little sweet and wears more lip gloss than I do ;-) but I needed a new challenging step workout.

b-oatmeal with almonds
l-salad and turkey
d-pork tenderloin and veggies

Last night cheat meal was Shrimp with lobster sauce and rice. that not cheating right?
Good morning ladies!! Okay, here's the 411 on my crappy weekend...

I arrived at my mom's Thursday evening, ate dinner, visited, etc., then went to bed. Woke up Friday and realized the pool did not open until 12 noon, so I decided to go work out. Went to get dressed and I have brought NO SPORTS BRA! I am large busted so there is noooooo way I can workout without one. So instead we hang around the house til 12, went to the pool, Collin wanted to play in the kiddie pool, so no laps for me. Later Friday night, as we were getting ready to go to dinner and fireworks, there was a bad storm and lightening hit VERY VERY close to the house, and it sounded like an explosion. I think it might have hit a transformer or something. So there was no power at my mom's house from about 6 pm on Friday til about 6 pm on Saturday.

No workouts, very little time at the pool, and NO AIR CONDITIONING or tv -- it was not what I have expected for my weekend away.

Oh well, time to move on.

I just got KPC / Legs & Glutes in the mail, so I am going to do KPC this morning, and not sure what else, I will post later.
Robin, I am so sorry about that couple. That is awful news. I've never done PatrickG but have been curious. WHich one do you have? Let us know how you like it. No sweat on the shrimp - you've got a good day planned today!

Katie, Sorry for the lousy weekend! Scary on the lightning! I love L&G but rarely do KPC unless it's on a rotation. I love 4DS KB too much to stray from that one!

Busy day today. Church, compnay for lunch til late afternoon church again. Eats will be clean other than the white chocolate Oreo cheesecake I made for company dessert today! Whoops! It'll be a very small slice tho because I'm discovering sugar sends me and baby over the edge.

b - kashi, banana
l - taco salad, fruit, Oreo thing(but again, very small!)
d - ???

Not sure on a WO - I never took one last week (^5 to the preggo!) so I'm def. due for one.
Good morning ladies,

Robin, I'm very sorry to hear about your friends. I will keep them in my prayers.

Good luck with your new workout, I did his one step on FitTV he is very bubbly.

Katie that is great dvd you got. There are a lot of awesome premixes on there. Sorry you had a crappy weekend.

Kate Oreo cheesecake sounds delish. Hope you can workout in. Enjoy your busy day.

Colleen wow that is a lot of money for a certification. I'm glad your job will reimburse you. Drill Max is fun but I don't care for the upper body work. I like the lower body premix.

Angie great workout planned for today. Have fun.

Yesterday the bbq was fun, but there was so much fun. She could of fed a small army. I ate more than I should have and had cereal for dinner.

Today will be Tracey's cardiosweatfest kickbox. And grocerymax.

B- oatmeal
rest of the tbd.


Good morning ladies,

Well, yesterday was much better than the day before. I got in 4DS KB and Legs and Core and added on my 25 push ups and 25 sit ups. I'm so weak I had to do 5 push ups at a time (on my knees!).

The only bad eating yesterday was a slight run in with a bag of pita chips and some organic hummus. That was really the worst of it. My dh was gone last night and I was bored so out came the chips. That's really the biggest thing I need to work on - I'm a bored/emotional eater!

Robin, that's so sad about the Wrights. I will keep them in my prayers! We have a family in our church who have an 18 month old who is very sick. She was born with a lot of complications and has never grown - she is only 8 pounds. Anyway, she's been in the hospital recently and is just not getting better and is fully ventilated.

Katie, sorry about your rough weekend. It's always a bummer when things don't go the way you planned!

Kate - our gym is not really a gym. It's a few treadmills/ellipticals/etc and weight equipment in a clubhouse in our community. It's better than nothing but I would LOVE to have Lifetime fitness. :) My husband's job (he works for Caterpillar) is what is taking us to France. Pretty exciting.

So, here's my plan for today:

B: (we might eat out and then I'll do fruit/yogurt/granola) or I'll pretty much do the same here - kashi/yogurt/banana

L: probably some veggie soup, string cheese, fruit

D: Pork chops/veggies/leftover potatoes

WO: most likely will do 4DS Boot camp/bi/tri

Have a great day all. Soon my emails will be more condensed. :)

Katie let us know if you like KPC/LG. There are so many premixes on that one DVD. I think it is worth the money.

:9 Oreo Cheesecake. Kate how do you make this without eating any of it?

Good plans to burn off those extra BBQ calories Jenn

Bored emotional eating is a problem that I deal with too & it hits me after 6pm.

Patrick workout(Step Up) was fun but a little difficult. I had to do the 2nd and 3rd combos without a step. I think that it will be fun as soon as I learn all the moves.

I did my 25 pushups and 25 situps YAY but now I want some cheesecake.
Hi Everyone!

This morning DH and I went out for a bagel breakfast. It was good but now I am so full. I will probably have a Kashi meal for lunch.

Robin, Sorry to hear about the Wrights. I don't remember how many pushups are in DM but I did them all yesterday. I am taking today off because my body is really tired. Glad you liked Patrick's w/o.
Kate, you are very brave to make Oreo cheesecake and keep it in the house. Yum! Enjoy the afternoon with your company. After the baby is born you should try one of the KPC/L&G circuits. They are really fun!
Angie, I am an emotional eater too. My tough time is late afternoon.
Katie, sorry your weekend was so awful. When I belonged to a gym there were a couple of times I forgot my sports bra and I was really pissed. I finally bought an extra one just to keep in my bag. How did you like KPC?

w/o will be either StretchMax or Yoga

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