||||| *** clean & tidy WEEKEND *** |||||

Good morning Shirl, Kate, and all to follow!

Today is Round 2 of laminate flooring class, but I wanna go shopping!!! Waaahhhhhh!! Think Chris would let me leave and go shop while he watches Collin and lays the floor??:D
Good Morning Everyone!

I can't wait until this weekend is over!!!! I am stuck on a conference call again. I have so many things to do today including get my Mom a Mother's Day gift and grocery shopping. I really hope we finish soon.

Steph, more {{{{HUGS}}}}.
Katie, thanks for offering to drive to the RT. I will bring my EZ-Pass so we can breeze through all the tolls :)
Robin, how was the date?

Good morning Kate, Shirl & Jenn

no workout since it is a rest. I would like to try to stretch but it depends on how long this call goes.

b: kashi w/ banana

rest of menu is dependent on me going to the grocery store :)

YAY for the EZ Pass -- that had not even occurred to me. I am ALWAYS unprepared for tolls (never carry cash). I am getting excited!
Morning peeps,

Kate, Katie, Jenn, Colleen, Robin and Shirl,
I cant tell you how you have all made me feel when i logged on today. Your kindness literally has tears in my eyes. I truely care for all of you so much, thank you.

Christian has gone for the day. Our counsellor, Alan is amazing. He pointed out quite a few things to him yesterday, including the easiest thing to do is leave. It just all came as shock. We have been in counselling for over a year, we go every other Saturday, except the last couple of months. I actually instigated it because i was going to leave!!! and he wanted to save the relationship, so you can see my shock. As things are getting better, he wants to bail.
He was supposed to go to his folks' place last night, but he cancelled to spend time with me...he's been walking around crying....i think he's re thinking everything. Alan feels maybe he's having a bit of a 'quarter life crisis'. It was just a scene i dont want anything to do with.
Thanks for listening, i'm so sorry for being such a Debbie Downer! I hate being that person! But if i dont mention it to you all, i feel like i'm lying almost!

Looks like everyone is having a busy weekend!
I'll be back in a bit, going to take a bath.
Love you all very much
Steph you are in my prayers (((huggs)))

The movie yesterday with whats-his-name was GREAT!! I love Jet Li and the movie was funny also. Dinner was ok too.

My w/o this morning was pushpull and Tracey's core blast section2

b-egg whites and spicy turkey

Enjoy your Sunday
Stephanie, you are so strong to be holding it together so well thru all of this. You have been together this long for a reason. I pray that everything will turn out well for the two of you. You can talk to us here any time.
Steph, We appreciate the update. You have ME just about in tears. Mike and I have had some doozy fights on occasion (nothing lately thank goodness) and there is nothing remotely fun about it. Sounds like he is rethinking. I'm glad he wanted to be with you. (((hugs))) Do NOT feel like a downer - we're here for you...clean or unclean, good times and bad!

Colleen, It cracks me up that you type to us while on conference calls. And why on earth do they scehdule that stuff on WEEKENDS!? Did you get to go shopping?

Robin, Glad you enjoyed the movie but what about HIM?! Will there be another date? Good WO - elaborate on spicy turkey please! Lunchmeat from the deli?

Katie, How's the flooring coming?


Pretty uneventful here today. Eating had been super clean but I'm *starving* right now and too tired to make anything. Maybe Mike can get some soup on for the girls. I just want to go to bed (an its only 5!). I am skipping my WO - I'm exhausted. Have I mentioned how tired I am? I went shopping for maternity clothes and got NOTHING! couldn't find anything - I'm in that showing but looks chubby if you're not wearing maternity. Mike says I'm definetly showing and everyone can tell, that its just my poor self-image making me think I'm chubby. Good news is I weigh the same as my very slender 16-yo. sis. Bad news is she's 2" taller than me!

Have a good evening and
Steph, take care of yourself. And your hubby. (((more hugs)))
Kate, You're supposed to gain weight when your pregnant! I have no idea what's normal and what is not but make sure you are eating enough for the baby :)
they schedule the stuff on the weekends so they can shutdown everything down. For some reason people get upset if you shutdown stuff during the week. We had a lot of lulls during our calls - waiting for people to get on the call so it was easy to type.
Robin, so will there be a second date?
Steph, thanks for the update. I hope you are talking through things. More {{{{HUGS}}}}}
Katie, did you finish the flooring?

I got out to the grocery store today which was good. The bad news is that DH and I decided we're so exhausted that we are going to order dinner. I will try to keep it clean :)

Colleen, I know, I know.... I'm supposed to gain weight. It can be hard to see the scale rise and your waist widen. I do *love* showing and being pregnant but sometimes you get discouraged. Normal weight gain for right now is a total of 5-10 pounds. I've gained 6, so not bad. I was 16 weeks yesterday. Time is flying!

I had homemade tortilla soup for dinner - super clean and super spicy. I also had 2 baked mozzarella sticks, not clean but hey, they added some needed fat to my dinner, right?! Can't get too low-fat now!!:+
YAY, the flooring is done!! Well, mostly done. We still need to put the quarter round trim around the edge, AND the kitchen table is still in the living room floor. Chris has been given strict instructions to get that s*** moved before my 530 am workout!!

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