Morning peeps,
Kate, Katie, Jenn, Colleen, Robin and Shirl,
I cant tell you how you have all made me feel when i logged on today. Your kindness literally has tears in my eyes. I truely care for all of you so much, thank you.
Christian has gone for the day. Our counsellor, Alan is amazing. He pointed out quite a few things to him yesterday, including the easiest thing to do is leave. It just all came as shock. We have been in counselling for over a year, we go every other Saturday, except the last couple of months. I actually instigated it because i was going to leave!!! and he wanted to save the relationship, so you can see my shock. As things are getting better, he wants to bail.
He was supposed to go to his folks' place last night, but he cancelled to spend time with me...he's been walking around crying....i think he's re thinking everything. Alan feels maybe he's having a bit of a 'quarter life crisis'. It was just a scene i dont want anything to do with.
Thanks for listening, i'm so sorry for being such a Debbie Downer! I hate being that person! But if i dont mention it to you all, i feel like i'm lying almost!
Looks like everyone is having a busy weekend!
I'll be back in a bit, going to take a bath.
Love you all very much