Morning peeps!
I'm up, it was a struggle, but i'm up! Guess who stayed at the house last night? I have no idea what my life is going to bring me, that i can tell you for sure. It was nice seeing him though.
Katie, nice menu. and good workout, i did PUB last night, love it!
Robin, i'm glad you like CS. I've been addicted for a couple of years now, and i try to get in 2 sessions a week. i'm thinking i need strikezone!
Hi to Kate, Colleen, Shirl, Jenn and Shelley.
Workout, my trainer! He's moving back to Germany July 1st
Have to figure out what to do after that.
B: egg whites/oats
s: cc concoction (Shelley, dont laugh)
l: veg soup, celery, hummus, apple
s: cc thing (shut it)
d: egg white om, spinach, tomatoes, berries, yogurt