Morning clean peeps!
Sorry for the late check in, i had the chiro this morning early and was rushing around.
I have calmed right down, Christian wants to work on things, so i will keep trying. You know, fundamentally we love each other deeply, its getting through these things that's hard. I'm glad i have all of you! and strangers for that matter!
Katie, great workout, i love HIS! Going to have to pull that one out on the weekend. The wedding is so close now! I'm excited, so i can just imagine how excited you are.
Kate, you have a supersweet hubby,and its small things like that, that matter. Enjoy your restday, that webinar sounds brutally boring!
Robin, i'm glad you're feeling good, that's the best way to open a post! Because of you, i'm all Amy, all the time! Sweaty is good!
Hi to Jenn, Shirl and Colleen
I too am feeling better, but i have to say, this whole Christian thing has me doing pretty kick arse workouts, and not eating! Need to get back to normal...eating more that is
I'm going to try the new Amy Bento tonight, CIA one, and core, Shirl, i think you love this one right?
B: egg whites
s: cc/pp/almonds
l: veg soup, carrots, hummus, apple
s: ryveta and nat pb
d: probably egg white omelette, spinach, ezekial, lots of strawberries!