I'm up!!! and at work already, and yes, it feels like it should be Friday for sure.
Katie, most importantly, what's the dessert???? Mom's are the best bakers. I love my mom's pies and coffee cakes. I cant believe one week from today we'll be giggling in a hotel room! I mentioned my flight gets in around 7:20pm into philly, so i should be at the hotel by 9 i'm hoping...
Robin, did you get your stepbox?? Did you preview yet? I quite like them, i hope you do as well. Very nice menu. i'm glad the meeting went well.
HI To Colleen, Shirl, Jenn, Angie, and Kate in vacation land.
Today, i think MIS, no lower body and core, i fried my legs last night spinning, then did standing B&G and CS legs!
B: egg whites/oats
s: cc/pp/almonds
l: tofu noodle soup, celery stix, hummus, apple
s: cc/flax/almond butter
d: have to eat up my veggies, so stir fry it is!