clean & tidy & sweaty on a terrific tuesday

What a day yday! Never seems to go as I plan it! We ended up swimming at my grandma's pool with my mom at her condo community pool. Lots of fun & the big girls spent the night w. my mom & stepdad. I got a wicked headache & neck ache that made me want to cry. It was awful. Still tight so will chiro this morning before I pick up the girls. Hoping for a good clean-eating super sweaty WO day today.
Good Morning Girls !

Kate- the day sounds fun, MINUS the awful headache !! I hope the chiro helps!!

I finally slept last night. Eyes shut and I didn't wake up until 3 minutes before DH's alarm went off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic and much needed !!!!

Leaving to walk ..........MM for me today !!!
b, yay for sleep! we went to bed early & ju slept thru the night so i had a good night too!:D have a great walk & mm'ing!
good morning! i think my funk is lifting, which is great. oddly enough i slept poorly, but probably just b/c of so much sleep the last few days. i even got up early and banged out 10 miles on my tm! it is a great start to my day for sure.

kate, where you at a loss without your biggirls? what fun for them!

becky i am so glad you got some rest.

we visited our old neighbors yday afternoon and swam there. not sure what todays plan is - i really need to clean and do erands, but my friend wanted to do a play date too. i just cannot have cleaning hanging over my head another day. hmmmm - what to do? eats were erfect yday - need another good day. bbiab
nina, glad you had a good start to your day! & wtg on clean eats!
imo, cleaning can always wait!;):p:D go have fun!:D:D
the girls were sooooo excited to go away overnight! isabel had verbal diarrhea that wouldn't quit!:p:p:p:p it will be nice when we can ship ju out too!:cool:
Morning girls,

It's so strange to log in first thing in the morning and see a thread already started and it's only 6 a.m! I miss living in the same time zone as y'all! :)

I've had a great visit with my family and head back this afternoon to my "little" family. I miss them tons and can't wait to see them. So weird to be here without them... such a void.

I have done 2 tf workouts and I totally love them. Kate, you have to get them. They're super fun! I also got clx but haven't really looked at that yet.

Eats have been blah, but they always are when I'm here. SO much good food to take in and not living in a normal routine!

So, I am in love with my sweet little nephew... he's so adorable and I just want to stare at him all day. I forgot how ridiculously cute newborns are. And they just smell so darn good. Ugh, I'm so jealous when I watch my sister nurse. Such an amazing bond. It's going to be hard to leave knowing I won't see him again until he's 5 months. :( I'm so glad we're almost done with our time living in France!


Kate, your girls stayed the night away? How fun! LOL on diarrhea of the mouth. :) I'm sure they had a great time!

Becky, so glad you got some sleep! I hate it when i hear that you're not sleeping. I can't even imagine how miserable that must be.

Nina, glad you're de-funked! And I totally agree with Kate, go play! Great job on your 10 miles this morning... although, I never would expect less! :)

Well, I think I'm off to see the in-laws this morning, then one more lunch with my sis and fam and then to the airport. So, I must pack all the crap I bought while here!

I'll check in with you gals tomorrow!


Everyone is still sleeping:) I had a blip in my clean eating last night-woke up off the couch with a growling tummy and had a bowl of Lucky Charms-the girls' weekend cereal:eek: Not enough calories yesterday? Today is back, abs, and a 35 minute incline walk. Danica is going to my sil's til Saturday! The girls and I will probabaly go bowling this afternoon and I'm in desperate need of a trip to Target.

Kate, those are the best kind of days! I'm jealous of your almost kid free night! We haven't had any time to ourselves since May! And that's when I was alone and D almost cut off his hand-not really a fun night!

Becky, glad you got soem good sleep! MM is one of my faves!

Nina, so happy to hear you're mood is improving:) Do some cleaning then go have fun!

Angie, glad your trip was fun! I can't believe your stint in France is coming to an end! Where did the time go?!
Good morning!

It is foggy here this morning after t-storms yday. My mid ds started summer school yday and we are back in the grind, but it's a good thing as he was needing a routine, and I think I was too.:):p My day was crazy but I ended up accomplishing tons of cleaning and laundry w/the storms. Only bad thing was eats were off, but I feel like a garbage can when TTOM is approaching.:(

Today will be better as I have mores structure w/DS working from home.:D

Angie, I'm sure it's a bittersweet feeling leaving your fam- glad you had a nice visit and saw your sweet nephew. Have a safe trip back! Your LO's will be sooo happy to see you.:D

Kate, can't even imagine having TWO kids gone overnight! It must be sooo nice having your mom close by. Hope the headache goes away soon.

Nina, great job on eats and run- glad your funk is lifting.

Becky, have a good walk and MM is awesome. Glad for your restful night of sleep.

According to the rotation today is TB for me, but I am craving a circuit WO to get in some cardio. Is that bad?:confused:

bbl- gotta get movin' before DH has a call.
Hi Klaudia! - That happens to me too if I don't eat enough. You prob needed more to sleep. Enjoy your quiet morning/WO and have fun bowling.:)
Morning, everyone! It's cloudy here and may rain, but that's okay. We need it, even though it will mean no rowing tonight. If that's the case, maybe I'll finally do some weight lifting. It's been ages. Cathe's going to kill me on the RT.

Julie, it sounds like things are calming down a little, that's good.

Angie, have you heard of this book:

I read a travel article about the footpaths in France last night and now I want to go! Klaudia, are you familiar with them? They sound fantastic.

Kate, I hope you're feeling better today. Glad you got some rest!

Nina, you're sounding better and, yes, the countdown to see TCB is on! Two weeks from tomorrow and I can't wait. I have a complicated trip planned, but that's okay.

Becky, I'm so glad you got some rest. I woke up way too early (for me) today, but hopefully I'll sleep more tonight.

Hi to everyone else! I really will bbl.

Hey Ladies. It's cloudy here too.

Kate I hope he or she helps you with your headache. At West Corp they have a ciro RN would gives messages 2 times per week.

Becky good for you I know that you feel like a new woman.

Nina I glad you was able to do your long run and that you are feeling better.

Angie I heard of a rotation that you can do with TF and CLX but i need to email a couch first to get it.

Klaudia :)lucky charms is ok, at least it wasn't cake. What are you getting from Targets.

Julia I say do the workout that you want to do and just pick up where you left off.

Anne oh I'm telling Cathe that you are not in tip top shape;) but you will be after the RT.
My first day at work and already I feel overwhelmed. I think it's because he gave us an overview of everything that we will be doing and it seems like another language to me :confused:. I hope they give out manuals so that I can study. My training is for 3 weeks and my first paycheck is on my b-day :D. Remember what I wrote that I was an alternate well 4 people did not show up.:rolleyes: but that's ok. So I really have to work the evening shift for the first 6 months before I can transfer to days.

Last night, this morning I go home at 12:10a.m. but I still woke up around 6. :rolleyes: Napmax later on. The good news is that I can dress casual but not bummy. I can wear sneakers:) and drink water at my desk.

I think I may do a oxygen mag workout today, I don't feel like the gym today.Or I may do a cathe circuit.
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angie,ooooooh! dont talk abt babies like that! youre gonna make me want one!!:p
you will be so happy to see your fam again! glad youve had fun!
stocking up/packing american food?!:D

kl, have fun w/ your girls today!
sorry abt the lcharms...but prob only 200 cals & low coulda been much worse! i avoided ms popcorn last night, thank goodness!

julie, itis nice to have my mom close but she has ms and usually isnt up for things like this. she went on sterroids so shes feeling good right now
good job on the productive day. i need one of those! sorry for the eats...make today better! im trying too....:confused: why cant we just learn?:rolleyes:

anne, blah day today, huh? makes me want to bake but i will resist!
how are your parents? do you talk to them daily?

clean bfast...2 more meals to go! i can do it!:p:D
MM and walk were GREAT !!!! :)

I didn't write about it yet, but my very happiest news came yesterday when the RV place called and they FOUND MY PHONE!!!!!!
My purple BB is BACK !!!!!! :) :) :)
Boy, do I feel better. I hated that it was gone and I have tons of pictures of my little guys on there that I WANTED BACK !!!! :)

bb but GOTTA get a smoothie !
Good morning everyone!

My Monday energy is gone. It must be the weather. We had nasty storms yesterday afternoon and last night so it is really humid and dreary out. I did B&G legs this morning, ran out of time so I need to do abs tonight.

Becky, woohoo!!! I am glad you found your bb. You should start backing it up to your computer.
Kate, sorry about the headache - I hate when that happens. Glad you had a night of peace without the big girls.
Robin, first days are always overwhelming. You should catch on in the next 3 weeks.
Angie, I am so glad you could see your nephew. You are really making me want TF. I need to decide if I am going to focus on running (join a group to train for a 10K) or do TF after the RT.
Clintonya, sorry you are not feeling well. I have been dealing with congestion for about a week but I am pretending it is not there.
Julie, do the circuit workout if that is what you want to do.
Anne, don't worry about keeping up for the RT. Cathe generally uses lighter weights and higher reps for weight workouts because she doesn't have a lot of heavy weights at her gym.
Nina, glad to hear you are feeling better. Could you do some cleaning and then go to the playdate?
Klaudia, sorry about the lucky charms. I miss eating cereal but I eat it so infrequently that I don't keep any at home. Good plan to post your menu.
Hi everyone~

Klaudia, glad the storms don’t bother your girls. Both of mine wake up, they don’t come bother us, but it does affect their sleep. Enjoy your new books. I started the 3rd Criminal Minds book last night.

Robin, I like the 1st paycheck on your b-day :) You will be fine, it’s always overwhelming at first, but I can tell you are smart :D

Becky, I am so glad they found your bb!! And glad you were able to sleep :)

Nina, glad you are starting to feel better :) Hope you found a way to get the cleaning in and have a play date.

Julie, thanks, I did try to take it easy and modify some of the jumping. I kwym about a routine. I still feel off from the summer routine changing. I don't think it's bad, sometimes you have to just do what makes you feel good :)

Kate, hope your head/neck are still feeling better. I’m glad your mom is feeling better. How’s your grandma?

Colleen, we had the same weather here. I can even feel the humidity in my office. We are in one of those old buildings on Monument Ave. that have been around forever. Which 10K would you be looking at?

Angie, hope you are having a wonderful time on your last day :D

Anne, you had started rowing while I was on vacation and it took me the longest time to realize you meant actual rowing and not a rowing machine :eek::) Hope it clears up so that you can get it in :)

Hi Wendy & Katie!

Lisa, if you are reading, hope everything is going ok :)

I was so tired this morning, I wore the wrong shoes to work! I have on my weekend flip-flops, luckily they are black and I have on a long skirt so it isn’t too noticeable :eek: I am feeling a little better than yesterday, but must be a flu or something because it has me exhausted. I am going to do the timesaver premix of muscle max this evening. Hope everyone has a good day!

well, i cleaned most of the house, then we went to the splash park, which was closed, and ended up at a playground then the pool. kids had fun, and i am glad we got together.

becky, what fantastic luck/karma that your bb was found!!

julie, glad your day is improving. do a circuit and enjoy it.

anne, i hope you get the rain. i love pyramids when i am getting back into weights.

robin, training is so overwhelming. you will do just great, though. in 3 months, you will wonder why you were overwhelmed.

colleen, running a 10k sounds like a great goal. how will you fit in a group or do they go early in the am like you?

angie, when do you guys move stateside again? will you rent or buy a home? your nephew sounds so sweet. ahhh, baby lust.

klaudia, sounds like too few cals during the day, but lc is minimal damage probably.

kate, hope the chiro helps. glad your girls had fun. can you imagine all 3 gone???

well, must do some weights and yoga at naptime. i have had a clean morning, and like kate said, just a few more meals/snacks left. wonderfully, no cravings today!
clintonya, we posted at the same time. too funny about the shoes - take it easy on yourself! feel better
Back from Target! I got 2# thumb wrist weights and 3 tees:) And a bunch of misc. stuff too. Now I need food!

Anne, I've never heard of them but the book looks so cool! Oh, to have a disposable income! There's something I saw here like that too-you hike from inn to inn in the Great Smokey Mountains. So my kind of vacation.

Robin, don't worry it'll get easier! Hope you get that nap!

Colleen, I really need to cut down on the cereal consumption but it's hard when it's a staple in the girls' breakfast diet. I need to get B&G back from my friend!

Clintonya, sorry you feel yucky. Maybe take a rest day?

Nina, you've already done so much and it's not even 2 pm! The cravings are holding off here too-probably cause I started my cycle!

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