^^^^clean&tidy monday^^^^

anne, whine away, whine away! actually, you NEVER sound like you are whining. you are just dealing with a lot. good plan with the wo. take the rest of the week as it comes, you know? and yes, i did swim. i am on the couch now. no cookies though:p

kate, yummy dinner plan. sweet julia! i am stickler for kids in bed to sleep, but i lvoe the cuddles, endless cuddles.....

off to walk dog soon. i think we have a break in the weather....
enjoy your walk morris! I'm a bed stickler too....they sleep better and I get a whole lot more done!..... but the house is empty & quiet and this feels so good! :D
WTG w/ no cookies!!!
Snuck in a 30 minute hiit session! Got the girls ready for dance and sent them off with a neighbor whose girls dance with us-I'll meet up with them in a bit and bring the girls dinner which means McD's. That's how this week always goes. Eats are clean so far.

Anne, so glad you had a good time last night! You deserve it! Poopyhead is right! I hope you can resolve things. Ugh. The girls would've loved you to come, but I know how crazy busy you are-maybe you can come for the Nutcracker in Novemeber:) You are not whining! Any workout is better than none-a 2 mile interval run is great! Let us know how the visit goes.

Colleen, all of BM2 in the early morning?! Nice! Have your arms realized what you put them through?;)

Patti, I hope you got your cardio in! I never really sat down with the girls-we just always made things a game. Well, except for Milla-she has apraxia and needed extra speech help at home. She'll get it, don't worry:) I once entertained the idea of homeschooling, but there is no way!

Robin, you had a busy weekend! Thanks for the support-I hope it's only water weight! I can't wait to hear your reviews of Chalene Extreme!

Kate, I think I'm going to switch my rotation to something similar next week when things are more normal. I need to prep my body for a bathing suit-yikes! Workouts always trump work!! Yum to Outback!

Morris, yay on the date night!! You need a grown up night out! Good job on the workout! Count me as another who's big on the kids in their own beds thing, but love Sunday morning cuddles in bed:) Have a good walk!
hey I just finished applying online for a job...pray for me. It's a medical sales job...I think.:confused: It's suck b/c either I'm over qualified or not qualified at all. So what in this recession people are putting in resumes everywhere.

Kate one body part perr day that's a great idea:D

morris once I get a job I may join YMCA just for the pool

Anne I'm having fun shopping for fam reunion;)...it's on the 4th of July
The block association sale is this Sat starting at 7:00 am:eek:

Kate I love Outback but it's none around here.
Quick drive by. Meeting the friend for dinner at 7, the friend I saw on Saturday is coming too. The two of them went to high school together. Should be fun.

Now I don't want to do my run, though. I am such a slug. I'll see if I get motivated between work and home.

See you in the AM!

Afternoon! Eats have been too much today but I did manage to get in Tracey's Step Sweatfest. I love that workout- such fun choreography. I love the whirlybird, when I get it right. :)

Kate: I also like your one body part + cardio idea. I may do that at some point. Jeff also is not a munchy person, although he does snack at night a bit. But he is one of those people that can leave alone candy and cookies for a loooooong time. I can't stand to have it around b/c it is GONE then! :eek:

Klaudia: Woo hoo on fitting in some HIIT! I miss our treadmill- it died and we never replaced it. Our elliptical is unplugged downstairs too. We have a nice workout room that Jeff finished in the basement but it isn't big enough for all of our stuff. :( Our weights tend to take priority, which is fine with me. I love lifting more anyway. I'm hoping he can finish the other part someday. In the meantime, I'll make do with step, KB and hi/lo.

Robin: Good luck on the job! I know I am blessed to be able to work from home. But I know it won't last forever, either.

Morris: WTG on the swim and no cookies! You're my hero on that the past few days. I will channel your energy and will power! Did you ask me about AB weight workouts? Yes, I'm a fan and super bummed about no drop set workout this year. Oh well, babies must take priority. I did preorder the new KCM ones, though. I like the idea of using all bodyweight at times.

Anne: Any run is better than no run at all and I agree, you're not whining. It sounds like Jim is confused- hope therapy sheds some more light on where he's coming from. :confused:

Colleen: Fitting in a 90 minute b/f work? You go! Mine is scheduled for tomorrow and not that early! ;)

My mom made dinner for us- isn't that nice? So chicken is in the oven, I just have to make a salad. Boy is asleep upstairs in his big boy bed- someone asked and he is doing fine! Yay! I also am big on kids in their own beds and have good sleepers. My BF co sleeps and man, no one in that house gets any sleep! Mags is at my parents for the evening and it's nice and quiet around here. NO MORE FOOD PATTI.

Oh and I must preview my latest purchase- Tracey Long Training- her 4 set Fitness Collection. It includes Strength in movement, Endurance for movement, Better Burn, Better Buns and Finding your core. I will keep you guys apprised....:cool:

Oh and thanks for making me feel better about not sitting down with Mags enough. It's nice to know that I'm not damaging her for life and she will indeed go to college knowing how to read. Sometimes I need someone to pull my head out of my you know what about this kind of mania. :rolleyes:
dinner was so nice! j charmed the socks off anyone who walked by!:D
pumped for a long run w/ laura


kl, ^5 on hiit! no fries @ mcds!!:p order a salad for yourself!:)

robin, good luck w/ the job! mike is very down abt how little work is out there.:(

anne, hope you got your run! whres dinner?

patti, nice mom!!!
def let me know abt tlt! i loved her in firm!
thanks ladies

Patti tell us all about Tracey Long Training but be easy on me...I so love new DVDs.:D

Kate J is so cute!
Robin, ROFL!!! "be easy on me" LOL!!!!!

It is TOO HOT to run outside! So we did an hour powerwalk instead! We are definitely fair-weather runners!:p

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