***// Clean & Tidy Monday//***


Have a great Monday everyone.

What are you eating today?

What w/o did you do?

What have you done for yourselve lately?
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I hope everyone is doing fine this Monday morning.

Jenn Amy's Stretchie band w/o is called 10 Minute Solution Tone Trouble Zones. It has 5 different sections which last 10 min but you can do all the sections together. I think it pretty good but it's not advance. It's great to have when you are traveling or have most of your weight packed up.:)
I brought it in circuit city and they did not have her bootcamp yet.

No work for me. My kids have a doctor's appointment and I have to book the moving truck.
Yesterday's w/o Amy 10 mins solution made me a little sore but no real DOMS like Cathe. I'm surprised. My back is sore from lifting boxes.

My w/o today will be to power walk for 1/2 hour and work on STS.

b-Donkin Donuts...egg white sandwich
s-none or fruit

Almost forgot to answer my own question. I have not done anything for me in the past three weeks (except my nails) b/c I've been so busy. I guess that is the way it is when your a woman. But I promise to do something special once I'm moved in and unpack..and the kids are back in school...and the dog is ok...and do grocery shopping...and :rolleyes:
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Good morning ladies. I got in a quick workout -- only about 25 minutes on the elliptical -- before one of my coworkers showed up at the fitness center with Collin. He woke up, left the hotel room, locking himself out, and was wandering around the floor crying, looking for me. Thankfully my coworker is on the same floor and heard him, came and got him and brought him to me (she had enough sense to know I was at the fitness center). He is always doing stuff like this -- he is too brave. Not sure how to handle it so he doesn't hurt himself, or get stolen.

I hope to get more of a workout in later, but we'll see.

Have a good day everyone!
Robin, Busy day for you! Enjoy your day off.
For myself, I am going to schedule a prenatal massage today. THey have a table that your belly can go thru a hole so you can still get your back rubbed! Not sure when it will be but blast it, I'm gonna schedule me one!

This morning we'll do a few errands. Home for lunch and nap. Childbirth class tonight so Mike and I will go out to dinner.
I've slept better the last couple nights so YAY to THAT!:D

Not too sure on eats yet
b - smart start, grapes
l - ???
d - prob. a gr. chicken salad

WO - oh, I don't know! I didn't have a formal WO all weekend.:( Feeling very soft. And I don't think it's gonna get any better in the next 2 months! there's always STS, right?
Katie, Oh my goodness! What a little stinker! That would've freaked me out! Maybe Chris can give you some time this evening. Enjoy your day and good luck with the eats!
Hi Everyone,

Sorry i have been MIA for a week or so, its been very tough, but i pulled it together, and i'm back at work today, have school this morning though :(

Thank you all for your ongoing support, it really means a lot to me. I dont know how many of you heard about the big propane explosion in Toronto this weekend, but i thought my house was caving in! Not fun.

Robin, I love dunkin donuts!! Thanks Katie :) We had coffee and donuts though, not egg whites :)

Katie, How scary, that little bugger! He was probably looking for mommy to get in a workout and a few pushups.

Kate, prenatal massage sounds just lovely. I havent had a workout in well, today will be one week, i'm hoping i can start again by Saturday.

Hi to Colleen, Shirl, Emily, Angie, Jenn...i even think we have a new clean eater!!! Welcome.

My eats have been the craps this weekend, Saturday right off, yesterday, not well, last week, not much i had 2 surgeries and couldnt eat for a couple of days, i'm so hoping next week is a bit normal.
I have had real estate agents come by, but i think i'm going to try to buy the house from Christian..
B: egg whites
s: cc/pp/almonds
l: corn chowder, celery, hummus, apple
s: cc/flax, pb
d: i'm thinking big salad, egg whites, ezekial, and some fresh fruit

I missed you :)
Steph, We've missed you too!:) Glad to be getting back to a regular schedule? Helps with my sanity! Maybe you'll get a few laughs at class today? :eek: Hope you have a good day!

ETA: I did NOT hear about the propane thnig. Details please!!
Hi Steph I missed you. If you can buy the house from him, do so. Just think of all the fun you will have painting it your fav colors and making everything yours.

Katie your little man is something else. If he knew where the gym was he would have went straight there. Let him w/o with you, give him a 3 DB.

Kate that message sounds good I wish that I can join you.
Hi Everyone!

Great news - weight is down 1/2 lb. I think bringing my lunch really helped. I need to figure out some summer lunches I can bring to work.

I had to do legs this morning and I had to fast forward through some of the floor work GSL. My legs were shaking and my form was terrible. I figured it was better to skip than risk injury. Tomorrow is supposed to be brisk walk and interval run. We'll see if my legs are up to that.

Robin, my friend is getting married and her bachelorette party is a spa day. So I decided to get a package that includes a refresher facial, neck, shoulders and back massage and a manicure.
Katie, wow that's scary that Collin wandered off like that. Maybe this morning scared him enough that he will stop.
Kate, sorry your not getting your workouts in. You shouldn't worry about it. You have been doing great all through your pregnancy.
Steph, welcome back! I did not hear about the propane explosion this weekend. I will have to check the news. I am glad you are recovering from your surgeries.
Hi Emily, Angie, Shirl & Jenn!

w/o GSL
b: kashi w/ banana
s: 1/2 larabar
l: probably turkey sandwich on ww, grapes
s: watermelon, edamame
d: grilled tilapia, broccoli & rice
Happy Monday everyone! (Wait, I think it's illegal to use the word "happy" and "Monday" in the same sentence!) :p

Did y'all have a good weekend? Ours was busy, busy, busy! We spent most of it cleaning out our garage. We have a bit of a mouse problem in there, and it was just overly cluttered and disorganized. So we spent hours and hours throwing stuff out, organizing stuff, and catching mice. We caught 7 mice (and released them in a corn field far away), and I think we still have 2 or 3 more to catch. DH sealed up all the places where they've been able to get in, so hopefully once we get rid of them, they won't come back. It's one of the "perks" of living in a heavily agricultural area - tons of field mice. Ugh. At least they haven't gotten into the house.

I'm already bored with 4DS - I like to do longer cardio, so the 30 minute cardio just ain't working for me. So I'm going to turn it into a 2DS. I did Bis, Tris, Shoulders, Calves and Core this morning. Tomorrow, cardio. Wednesday, Chest, Back, Legs and Core. Thursday, Cardio. Friday, some kind of full body or circuit. Saturday, cardio. I'm going to do that for a while and see how it goes.

Robin, it really can be hard to do something nice for yourself - especially when you have so many other commitments. You must promise us that as soon as you move and get unpacked, you'll take the time to do something for YOU. :)

Katie, oh wow, how scary that Collin got locked out of the hotel room! What a little stinker! ;) Good thing your coworker found him.

Kate, enjoy your prenatal massage!!! I hear they are fabulous! My massage therapist does them and hopefully it won't be too much longer before I'm in need of one. ;)

Steph, it's so good to see you back here!!! I've been thinking about you and hoping everything is okay. ((((HUGS)))) I didn't hear about the explosion in Toronto - what happened?

Colleen, way to go on the 1/2 lb loss! :D GSL is such a killer - it makes me cry every time. ;)

Hi to everyone else! Hope it's a good start to the week for y'all.

Food for today... hmmmm....
B - protein shake, banana and pb
S - plain yogurt and granola
L - tbd
S - baby carrots and Power bar
D - tbd
Ummmm, yeah, so there's a bit up in the air with my eating today. I think for dinner I may make tomato soup (from scratch - we have lots of ripe tomatoes from our garden). Lunch, I dunno yet- we'll see what they have in the cafeteria today. Maybe a veggie burger. Or a salad.
Hey Robin! How’s the day off?

Colleen, ooh, I love/hate floor work for legs! Good job on dropping the ½ pound! I am way too scared to weigh myself after our carb-weekend combined with no workouts.

HOWEVER….I did just do a Leslie Sansone 4-miler. I boosted the intensity with lateral skates and more jogging than they did. I felt like a big loser buying theses but overall I’m glad I have them.

Emily, Hope the caf has some decent food for you today. Garagemax sounds like fun. I love getting that kind of stuff done. Good for you guys! We have tons of corn fields around us too, but thankfully I never see any mice. How IS the baby-makin’ coming? We’re waitin’ for ya on the Preggos check-in! There are a couple girls TTC (trying to concieve) - I know they’d be thrilled if you joined em. Both have lost babies and are trying again. Thankfully I’ve never had a miscarriage.
Eats are not stellar, not awful. Steak and veggies for dinner tonight. Looking forward to out date night….better go get cleaned up!
Hey Kate! Good job on the 4-miler! :) I ended up going to Schlotzsky's for lunch - it was quite tasty. And it was a nice day to sit out in my car and people-watch while I ate.

Thanks for the invite to the Preggos forum... I feel kind of out of place there, seeing as how we're not trying that hard yet. And it's kind of a weird thing for me to share with other people. :eek: And since I don't expect to get pregnant easily or quickly, I'm not sure what I could bring to the the Preggos forum. "Having lots of sex, but still not pregnant!" *snort* ;) Nobody wants to hear that! :rolleyes:
Evening peeps!

I missed you all so much, had to check back :)

Kate, eats sound good to me! As always. I managed to stretch a bit and do abs, but now i'm a bit sore...i need to heed my own advice that i give you all of the time :)

Robin, i missed you too my friend. Sounds like a ton is going on in your life. Exciting stuff, and i'm thinking about you!

Colleen, very nice eats, and thank you for the PM by the way, i hope you got my response.

Emily, i hear ya on the mouse problem...there was a big propane explosion about 10 minutes from my house at 4am Sunday morning..i wasnt evacuated thankfully, but it was the most serious thing Toronto had ever seen!

Well, i did Jennifer Kries PM rejuvination, very gentle stretching, and tried Powerhour abs, but now i'm wicked sore in my insicion sites, who's stupid...yeah, that would be me!!
Hi Everyone,

Well I started off with a good plan today and then everything changed. Lunch was vegetarian chili and spinach salad. It was such a nice night that we went out for dinner because DH was celebrating that he has finally resolved a client problem that has been going on for at least 6 weeks. We ended up getting the dinner for free because DH complained that the food was not great. He told them that he would still pay for it, but he wanted to let them know. The only thing we paid for was the wine.

I forgot to tell everyone I ordered a Classical Stretch DVD!!!! I got the intense stretch for athletes. I really hope I like it.

Steph, got your PM - sorry I haven't responded but it's been crazy. Didn't the doctor tell you NO WORKOUTS!!!! I can't say much because I had a procedure and the doctor told me no cardio so I did light weights!
Emily, people watching is always fun.
Kate, good job on the workout. It doesn't matter what the workout is, as long as it is something.

Have a good night everyone!
Emily, I looooove people watching. Drives Mike crazy! :DAnd re the Preggos forum: NONSENSE!! All we talk about is sex! Seriously - one mom is really TTC and we are constantly making references about her having sex!:eek:

Stephanie!!!! :mad:(and I’m using my don’t-mess-with-mama voice) Take it easy woman! You just had SURGERY!! You are not going to get a pb from taking a few weeks off of workouts!

Speaking of pbs - on our date tonight we were out to eat (grilled chicken salad btw!) a man came in that had an enormous gunt. He also had a CHUNT! (a chin gunt!) I started laughing so hard and Mike joined in too!:p

Colleen, So there is such a thing as a free meal! Hope you had a nice time despite the rotten food! Thanks for the WO encouragement. I feel like a total lame-o calling a walking WO a WO but I do jazz it up a little. It just feels pretty wussy to me since this NEVER would’ve counted as a WO before. And I can’t WAIT to hear what you think of CS! You ordered my favorite!

Date night was nice. Looking forward to next week’s. I might try to keep it up til Baby comes. who knows when we’ll get another one after that! :rolleyes:

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