Hey girlies,
It's 9 pm and I'm just sitting down at my computer for an extended time (other than to check email) all day. Crazy one!
So, I think for the next 3 weeks at least, I'm going to do 4 days straight cardio (might do a HIIT in there... not sure) and two circuits. And then see where I've gotten. So, Monday was SJP (step) and C&W (step) and then yesterday another round of Amy Bento hi/lo ko. I totally HEART that wo. I love the energy, the music, and the sweat! It's just hard on my joints because it's serious constant jumping. Just finished circuit blast. I think I've only done that one one other time so it was good. Short and sweet for tonight because I don't think I could handle 60 min after today. One downside of working out at night.
Becky, ugh on the mugginess but the wo sounds fun.
Kate, lol on Mike last night. Glad he got the point. We got a similar style of pool and the girls love it. What are you doing to keep it clean? I bought some chlorine tablets but have no idea how many I need to use.
Nina, that wo sounds so fun. My friend does stroller strides and loves it.
Julie, good luck having your kids home from school. I signed mine up for 3 weeks of summer "school" so I could finish up my summer coursework and just so they'd have something to do!
Klaudia, congrats on the aunt status! I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my nephew. He's due on July 5th. Sorry about the family fb drama! Geesh.
Colleen, great workout. Sorry about the chips. They are always my downfall!
Clintonya, sorry about the computer crash. Great job with the weight loss and keeping up with the workouts.
Wendy, have a great time at the gym!
Hi to Katie if you're checking in on your iphone. Sorry about the computer!!
OK, time to clean up dinner and shower and rest!
Oh, and I'm sooooo about to cave on tf. Just looks so fun and the music sounds awesome. That and a kindle. Someone needs to hide my credit card (who am I kidding??? i've had the # memorized for years...)