!!!!!!!! clean / tidy FRIDAY !!!!!!!!

Nina, good luck with the job hunt. Did you say you had an interview the other day? How did it go?

Kate, the pottery place sounds fun. What color is J's plate?

Patti, no worries, enjoy your visit!

Steph, shut the front door! Does your mom still work or is she retired? What kind of library does/did she work in?

Klaudia, have a great trip! Relax and take it easy, okay? I hope you all enjoy yourselves and have good weather.

Hi to everybody else! Just winding down here, I'm going to go get a movie in a little bit. Jim has to work this weekend, then he's off on Monday. Tuesday he's going to stay with his mom for a week to give his brother a break. I might start packing then, we'll see. See you all tomorrow!

Ahhhh, let the weekend begin!

Nina, I read your post!! Collin starts swim class next month - so excited. Like Anne said, didn't you have an interview? How was it?

Clean eats allllll day, yesterday too. I'm feeling leaner. Now if I could just shake this blasted fatigue!
yes, i had an "nterview". turns out he had already filled the position but was looking for help when he expands another practice in a few months:( it was positive, but nothing immediate. so, pavement pounding for me on monday.

katie, what do you attribute the fatigue too? did you talk to your doc about it?

anne, what movie are you seeing? that sounds fun!
Klaudia too funny we should have a back to school party right here C &T.

Anne no rest for me until Monday.

Kate glad about your boob feeling better. You are having a good day.

Steph your legs got a good w/o today.

Nina good long w/o today. Boo to cravings and hormones. Sending you some job getting vibes and prayers ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Katie good eats...do we have a challenge for the weekend?

Confession time:
I only tried to talk about 50 % of the customers into the store rewards programs....how would the supr know. Most of the supr had the day off :rolleyes:. I was mostly talking to parents about school cloths. I think this program is a waste of time and why should they pay someone to do this all day???? It would be better to staple the pamphlet to the receipt.
I think if I could work the register I would bring in more money for the store. I better be careful what I ask for.:rolleyes:
Nina, to be honest, it's due to extreme stress and depression. I've suffered from MDD and GAD for as long as I can remember, and I am on meds that help, I'm just going thru a little "rough patch" right now. It's awful - all I want to do is sleep:( And not being able to run (my main stress reliever) is pretty afwul too....
Nina, Sorry the job hunt isn't very fruitful rightnow! Hopefully soemthing turns up for you!
Good luck w/ the night weaning. So sad to havethem growing up!

Katie, So sorry about the pain and :( issues right now. It's hard to get out of a "funk". Been there for sure! Make sure you're taking time for you that's not just exerciise.. Need another visit to your tea room????

Anne, I hope you have a good weekend!
I'd bemore than happy to help w/ some packing if you need it. I've got 2 little girls taht would be good at stuffing boxes!:)

Robin, I'd be TERRIBLE at talking people into those things! I am definitely NOT a saleswoman!

We had a fun swim at the pool....Laura met us there and even Mike joined in at the end. :)
Came home to leftover smorgasbord for dinner
Need to head down for cardio but not feeling very motivated. What's my problem!?!? If I can do Leaner Legs at 9:30 at ngiht why am I having trouble tongiht???? Cause it's FRIDAY!! Maybe I'll pull out StepJam or soemthing like it.....
Motivation found again!!! WAHOO!!!!
I did CTX All Step. I've never done that one and boy, was it fun! Will def do that one again!
I am nice & SWEATY!!!

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