--------> clean & tidy FINALLY FRIDAY <--------

Robin, I hope everything's ok.

Anne, Darrin said he doesn't know that professor. He was a Landscape Design/Build major-kind of a hybrid of LA and Horticulture. I'm jealous of your pedicure! My feet are fugly!!

Patti, I say if you survive the cupcakes, you deserve new workout stuff:) I have the same problem with "the girls". Half filled water balloons need extra support! Oh, the joys-along with elephant knees, gray hair, wrinkles...
Anne, No worries on lunch! We plan on having lots of Girls Lunches out this summer!:D In fact, any time you'd like, give us a shout! ANd if your run gets rained out and you feel so inclines, call my cell to meet up.
Good luck w/ Jim this weekend. (((hugs)))

Morris, Good plan on Dads Day. I need to get my act otgehter and get a game plan.
Sorry about the rain - yuck. That pie sounds incredible, btw! Mike wants lemon meringue for Dads Day. I want chocolate!:p

Patti, ROFLMBO on the boobs! I was laying on my back in bed, braless, and noticed that my boob was quite literally in my ARMPIT! Thank you, prgnancy!:p
and LOL abt the willpower too! Use it for what is important!

Get well soon, Robin!!!
Thanks, Kate, I knew you'd be understanding. Good luck on your run tomorrow! I hope you have fun.

Klaudia, I can't believe that about your feet, but okay. I'll take your jealousy...

Robin, I hope you feel better. Can you lie low and let your kiddos take care of you today?

Patti, good advice. A long time ago, before I met Jim, I found a house I wanted to buy and I was dithering about it because taking care of a house by myself scared me. Somebody I worked with at the time told me, "Oh, don't worry about it. If you don't like it, sell it. The only decision in life that's irreversible is having children." That's always stuck with me.

I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast, is that bad? It was all natural peanut butter. I was going to make a peanut butter/banana smoothie, but the banana was weird. It had overripened, so I put it in the freezer. I stuck in the fridge overnight and it liquified. Would it have been all right to use?

pbj is yummy!!! great break anne. how is the weather>?

klaud, lol at the knees, and hair and feet, etc... i feel the same way. wish i had 1/2 a deflated water baloon. mine are more like just the abloon, nothing inside.

patti, how is the will power:eek:?

robin, what is wrong?

well, i had a fantastic run, despite the treadmill. baking cookies now, and not even 1 bite of batter! yea me! now i just need to improve the attitude for dh....
Morris, is the weather forecast good for an outdoor run this weekend? If so, then get online and read some soft porn, throw it to the man, then watch as he indulges your ever want and need this weekend!:D

They sent my germy butt home from work... Getting ready to snuggle my baby in bed for awhile (Collin stayed home with my mom today).

My throat doesn't hurt anymore, but my head is fulllllll of crud.... :confused:
Morris: WTG on not sampling the cookie dough! When I do that it is usually all downhill from there.

Robin: I hope your day has improved and you're feeling a bit better. Hopefully the kids will be angels today. :)

Anne: I'm not sure about the banana, but I think PB&J is a great breakfast. It makes me want one right now.

Kate: LOL at boobs in the armpit- I feel your pain!!!

Will power wasn't even tested! I didn't see anything I wanted, which is great. We did buy a tall skinny fan for the wo room and some Transformers sheets for Max's big boy bed. :D

I'm hungry today and trying to stay busy and focused. It's hard. I hate it when it's hard. I think I'll make the kids those neat pizza pocket bite things Kate posted a few days ago. Dinner for us is a ???? I may just make eggs and J can have that or come up with his own dinner. I'm tired.
Well, our fun girls day went KAPUT! Gina's got a wicked sore throat so we came home. Phooey
Thanks for understanding Anne!!

Anne, I've used freezer bananas for bread but I'm not so sure about the smoothie....:confused:
Still diggin' those new twinkle toes?!:D

Morris, Great run & no cookies.... swoon....my hero! :p

Enjoy your sunggle with Collin!:D

Patti, WTG on Target!!! You da woman!:eek:
ooooh, those pizza things sound so good!
My lunch was a ???? so I made eggs too.:p With red pepper slices and triscuits and grapes. So good!
Bummer about your girls' day out Kate:( Weather's getting bad anyway.

Morris, nice on resisting the batter!

Katie, glad you're feeling better:)

Patti, you made it out of Target without spending $100+?! Way to go!

I'm listening to my favorite book on cd-Outlander. It's the unabridged version and I'm on disc one of 28! Going down in a few minutes to get my workout in. Nevena left and the other two are all packed up and waiting for their aunt:) The older boy is at his friend's house so it'll be me and whiny boy this afternoon. Hope he takes a nap!
No worries, Kate, I'm sorry Gina's not feeling well. If she's better will they go with you to the run tomorrow?

Klaudia, what's on tap for today?

Patti, good job at Target!

Katie, I hope you're feeling better after snuggling.

Morris, what kind of cookies did you make?

Well, I didn't eat enough breakfast, so I was too hungry to go for a run. I ran an errand and picked up a chicken salad sandwich instead. I may still go around 5, but we'll see. But guess what? One of my work buddies scored two tickets to this:


and she asked me to go with her. I wanted to get tix when I got them for the tap dancer, but I didn't want to spend the money then. Woohoo! It looks like a fun show.

anne, thast looks like such fun! go for a walk tonight. always helps me destress.

katie, thanks for making my day:D:D i am still laughing. have a good snuggle.

patti, good shopping! i love my fan by my treadmill. i still leave puddles on the floor though:(

kate, poor gina. feel better there.

kluad, happy wos.

i went with aidan to vict secre, and not for dh katie:D finally got some nice bras. first time bra shopping in 4 yrs! huge sale there to anyone else in need. off to do some abs. no cookies for me:cool:
New iPhones are here - I was only 10 minutes off as to when the FedEx guy would arrive. Chris was amazed. I haven't seen him since he opened the box and dropped it. After my stressful morning it was good to laugh at him.
Interview was okay. It is a job I am interested in but the salary is a little low. I like to go an interview for something that is not my dream job so I can practice my interview skills.

Kate, hope Gina feels better.
Anne, the festival looks like fun. I am so happy you can go.
Morris, yeah sales! I got some good deals there 2 weeks ago on bras but I might go back and see what else is on sale.
Klaudia, I hope the whiny boy naps.
Katie, I am so jealous of you snuggling with collin.
Patti, I need to plug my fan in and start using it. I almost slipped off the step this morning. Thanks for the reminder.
Robin, hope you feel better.

Off to finish training, then w/o.
Go Morris on no cookies and new bras! Ha, that's a funny sentence. :p

Katie: LOL! Hope you feel better.

I am contemplating a 30 minute quick cardio this afternoon to perk me up. I think I will have my usual evening snack of greek yogurt and frozen strawberries after my quickie wo and then make homemade kettle corn (with splenda) for my evening snack sorta cheat. That way I can make it this afternoon without any unplanned indulgences. It doesn't fit in with my less artificial sweeteners plan as of late BUT I figure as a treat, it's OK.

STILL no soda this week either, btw! Woo hoo!
Klaudia, ROFL at Whiny Boy!! You are amazing babysitting like that all summer!:eek::eek:

Anne, I think DDs are staying home w/ Mike. 9AM is Julia's 1st nap. I'll leave around 8 to run and I'll be back before she even wakes up. I HATE to mess with a baby's nap schedule!
SCORE on the tickets! Good for you!

Morris, I wanna know what kind of cookies too!:p
Oh, do I need a VS trip! I don't ever take the girls in there tho... they're old enough that there are things in there I don't want them to see. The joys of getting-older girls!:confused:

Colleen, LOL at Chris dropping his phone!:p
Do you think thye would negotiate for a higher salary? Prob not!:mad:

Patti, um...Kettle corn.....I forgot what else you said!:p Dh doesn't like it! Wierdo!:p:p:p
just wanted to say...

I'm so glad we all stay out of the mud-slinging political garbage on OD!

I think some ladies really enjoy the drama. Personally, I can't imagine getting all worked up like that all the time! It would put me in a really rotten mood!
Workout done! MM upper and 22 minutes of incline intervals on the treadmill:) And I'm very proud to say I went heavier than Cathe on EVERY exercise-even biceps!! I'm pumped! Still waiting on SIL-she told the girls between 3:30-4, but called at 3:50 and she was just leaving her side of town in traffic:( I want them to beat the bad weather rolling in.

Morris, I've had stuff in my VS online cart every day of the sale-maybe I'll go tomorrow to our outside mall and get some stuff-that's one place that Darrin doesn't mind getting a bill from;)

Patti, I love Greek yogurt-and kettlecorn!! Darrin doesn't care for either. He's a movie theater popcorn fan-blech!

Kate, it's only the first week! Just wait-I have a feeling I'll be dropping some F-bombs around here come July! Has it gotten worse in the OD? I started a thread on obesity not being a disability-saw a newspaper article on it-it got kinda heated too:eek:

Anne, going to my cousin's friend's house for her b-day. Already getting clothing anxiety. Going to be around young, hip advertising types-maybe this wasn't such a good idea? I think a Xanax-or 4 will be in order;)

Off to shower...
way to rock the wo, klaudia!
no clothing anxiety! you hot stuff, babe!!!:D
theres drama abt some senator....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Klaudia, stop that! No clothing anxiety! You are smoking in anything you wear.

Kate, that chubba-wubba is too precious!

Patti, yuuuummmmmm....I *love* Greek yogurt. Kettle corn not so much, so I guess I'm a weirdo too.

Colleen, I love going on interviews. I got this attitude from an old boyfriend, "I get to be the center of attention and give my opinion on everything."

Morris, I think I will get that run in after all. The local running shoe store just called and my special order shoes are in. So, I'll go pick them up and then do my 4 miles like a good little girl.

Hey to everybody else. My friend from the west coast called, he doesn't want to get together today after all. Maybe tomorrow. He's in town because his father is dying of cancer and they set up the hospice this morning. He's not up to hanging out with me, which I totally understand. I told him we'll try to see each other, but he's here to spend time with his dad and his family, so no worries. He told me it's been a tough day, which I'm sure it has!

Okay, I'm sure I'll be back later, but I might leave work a smidge early to go get my shoes.


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