so crazy busy!!! woke early to dog pee in the house

i then did disc 7 and really enjoyed it! dropped off boys and did my cardio - katie, do not read the following - 5miler and 40/20 and some of 30/30. it felt great! grocery max, picked up boys and made choc chip cookies

why oh why did i do that? to be fair, they have oats, ww flour and even zucinni in them, and the boys love them, but i like them too much. my friend gets in tonight, and i am excited.
katie, sorry for the negative, but it is early yet. not that that makes anything better.
kate, yeah for sleep. it feels so good!!!
clintonya, i hope the yuckiness leaves very very soon.
wendy, great job with the driving. glad the cake turned out well.
klaudia, love love love the pics on face book. glad you had fun yday. i love alone time with the girls.
anne, so exciting about tcb!! details, details!
becky, i hope the migraine leaves you soon. your hair is just lovely.
colleen, great wo!
lisa, sorry about the choc. have you seen cathes march rotation? it looks fun with the variety i think.
robin, where are you?
okay, has anyone done chalean extreme?just curious. bbiab